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A Kiss From Bailey is a The Odd Life of Shining Time Station (Pokemon Puzzle League version) episode.


  • Ash gets kissed by Bailey too many times. Danny, Marina, Dorian, Krystal, Alex Davis, Chigusa, Kiyo, Rebecca, Scott, Mitchie, Zack, Ivy, Richie, Clover, Tails, Kimiko, Virgil, Sam and The Conductors try to figure out about Ash being kissed by Bailey. Note: Kimiko is wearing her The Apprentice outfit.


  • Mr. Conductor 1
  • Mr. Conductor 2
  • Mr. Conductor 3
  • Ash Ketchum
  • Bailey
  • Danny
  • Marina
  • Dorian
  • Krystal
  • Alex Davis
  • Chigusa
  • Kiyo
  • Rebecca
  • Scott Jones
  • Mitchie Ohara
  • Zack
  • Ivy
  • Richie Foley
  • Clover
  • Tails
  • Kimiko Tohomiko
  • Virgil Hawkins
  • Sam Simpson

Thomas Stories[]

  • James In A Mess
  • The Trouble With Mud


Part 1[]

  • (We see Ash and the others at the station)
  • Ash: It's easy to get kissed from you.
  • Bailey: I love to kiss you on your adorable cheek, Ash.
  • Scott: Why does Bailey had to deal with Ash?
  • Mitchie: I'm in my Asuka Langley outfit and my opaque nude tights.
  • Ash: You always kiss me.
  • Bailey: (kissing Ash's cheek) I'm loving you so much!
  • Richie: Sounds like a lot of trouble.
  • Clover: Who needs it.
  • Ash: I know you like kissing me.
  • Bailey: (kissing Ash's cheek again) So cutie!
  • Zack: Oh sympathy!
  • Ivy: Great.
  • Ash: Stop kissing me.
  • (The Conductors appear)
  • Mr. Conductor 3: Ash has gone on many kisses.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: From Bailey.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Reminds me of James' dirty experience.
  • Virgil: James got dirty?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: I can tell.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and James In A Mess starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Toby and Henrietta are enjoying their new job on the Island of Sodor, but they do look old fashioned and need new paint. James was very rude whenever he saw them.
  • James: Ugh! What dirty objects!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He would say. At last, Toby lost patience.
  • Toby: James?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He asked.
  • Toby: Why are you red?
  • James: I am a splendid engine.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Answered James.
  • James: Ready for anything. You never see my paint dirty.
  • Toby: Oh.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Toby earnestly.
  • Toby: That's why you once needed bootlaces to be ready I suppose.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: James went redder than ever and snorted off. It was such an insult to be remind how the time the bootlace have been use to mend a hole in his coaches. At the end of the line, James left his coaches and got out to his next train. It was a slow freight, stopping at every station to pick up and set down cars. James hated slow freight trains.
  • James: Dirty cars from dirty sidings! Blech!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Starting an only a few, he picked up more and more cars at each station till he had a long train. At first, the freight cars behaved well, but James bumped them so crossly that they were determined to get back at him. Presently, they approached the top of Gordon's Hill. Heavy freight trains halt here to set the brakes. James had had an accident with cars before and should have remembered this.
  • Driver: Wait, James, wait!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said the driver, but James wouldn't wait. He was too busy thinking what he would say to Toby when they next met. The freight cars' chance had come.
  • Cars: Hurrah! Hurrah!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They laughed, and banging their buffers they pushed him down the hill.
  • Cars: On, on, on!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Yelled the cars.
  • James: I've got to stop, I've got to stop!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Groaned James. Through the station they thundered, disaster lay ahead. (Crash!) Something sticky splashed all over James. He had run into two tar wagons, and was black from smokebox to cab. He was more dirty than hurt, but the tar wagons and some cars were all to pieces. Toby and Percy were sent to help and came as quickly as they could.
  • Toby: Look here, Percy!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Explained Toby.
  • Toby: Whatever is that dirty object?
  • Percy: That's James, didn't you know?
  • Toby: It's James' shape.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Toby.
  • Toby: But James is a splendid red engine and you'll never see his paint dirty.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: James pretended he hadn't heard. Toby and Percy cleared away the unhurt cars and help James home. Sir Topham Hatt met them.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well done, Percy and Toby.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He turned to James.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Fancy letting your cars run away. I am surprised. You're not fit to be seen. You must be cleaned at once. Toby shall have a new coat of paint.
  • Toby: Please sir, can Henrietta have one too?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Toby.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Certainly, Toby.
  • Toby: Oh thank you, sir. She will be pleased.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: All James could do as watch Toby as he ran off happily with the news.
  • (James In A Mess ends)
  • Virgil: James got in a dirty situation.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: That's why he's a red engine.
  • (The Conductors disappear)
  • Ash: Stop it, Bailey.
  • Bailey: (kissing Ash's cheek) I love you.
  • Scott: Don't kiss me, Mitch.
  • Mitchie (kissing Scott's cheek) Oh cutie!
  • (End of Part 1)

Part 2[]

  • (We see Danny and the others having a plan)
  • Danny: What we need is to stop Bailey from kissing Ash.
  • Marina: But what?
  • Tails: We can't let Ash get kissed.
  • Kimiko: We got to do something.
  • Dorian: Well, Ash got to be liking Bailey.
  • Krystal: But she likes him.
  • Richie: One way we can do something.
  • Clover: That's what Kimiko had said.
  • Ash: Please stop kissing me.
  • Bailey: (kissing Ash's cheek) So adorable!
  • Scott: I guess it could.
  • Mitchie: (sighs)
  • Ash: Stop it.
  • (The Conductors reappear)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Poor Ash got kissed many times.
  • Mr. Conductor 3: By that girl in green stockings.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Reminds me of Gordon's muddy experience.
  • Mitchie: Gordon got a muddy experience?
  • Mr. Conductor 2: I can tell.
  • (Mr. Conductor 2 blows his whistle and The Trouble With Mud starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 2: One morning, Thomas was being cleaned when Gordon arrived. Mud had blown all over his smart blue paint.
  • Thomas: Hello, Gordon.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Called Thomas.
  • Thomas: You look as you had a mud bath. Be a sensible engine and have a shower instead.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Gordon snorted.
  • Gordon: I haven't time to dawdle over my appearance like fussy tank engines do.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: The wind blew stronger.
  • Driver: Gordon, slow down!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Called his driver. This made Gordon crosser still.
  • Gordon: Now I'll be dirty and late, dirty and late!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: He hissed. At the next station was a sign: All Trains Must Wash Down Daily. James had just finished being cleaned.
  • Driver: Come on, Gordon.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Said his driver.
  • Driver: You feel better too after a good hosedown.
  • Gordon: Bah!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Said Gordon and angrily let off steam.
  • Driver: You're a very naughty engine!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Said Gordon's driver.
  • Driver: Now James will need another shower. You'll have to wait your turn till later.
  • Gordon: Good riddance.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Huffed Gordon.
  • Gordon: I'm far too busy to waste time with water.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: He finished his journey safely and steamed into the big station. Sir Topham Hatt was waiting. So are Gordon's coaches and the passengers.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Goodness gracious!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You can't pull the train, Henry will have to do it. Gordon you better get cleaned straight away.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Gordon was soon being washed.
  • Gordon: Mind my eyes!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: He grumbled. Then he pulled cars for the rest of the day.
  • Gordon: Freight trains, freight trains!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: He spluttered. He felt his position deeply.
  • Gordon: That's for you, and you, and you!
  • James: Cars will be cars.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Laughed James.
  • Gordon: They won't with me.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Snorted Gordon.
  • Gordon: I'll teach them.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: James got ready to take the express when Gordon returned.
  • Gordon: Be careful.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Warned Gordon.
  • Gordon: The hills are slippery. You may need help.
  • James: I don't need help on hills.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Replied James huffily.
  • James: Gordon thinks he knows everything.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Earlier the storm had slipped Gordon's Hill blowing leaves on the tracks which made them slippery. Even know the storm had passed, the hill was still difficult to climb. James knew this. The signal shown cleared, and James began to go faster.
  • James: I'll do it, I'll do it.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: He puffed. Halfway up, he was not so sure.
  • James: I must do it, I must do it.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: But his wheels slipped on the leaves. He couldn't pull the train at all.
  • James: Help, help!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Whistled James. His wheels were turning forward, but the heavy coaches pulled him backwards. The haul train started slipping down the hill. His driver shut off steam and put on the brakes, then carefully he stopped the train. Gordon saw everything.
  • Gordon: Ah well, we live and learn. Never mind, little James. I'm going to push behind.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Clouds of smoke and steam billowed from the snorting engines as they struggled up the hill.
  • James: We can do it!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Puffed James.
  • Gordon: We will do it!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Puffed Gordon. At last they reached the top.
  • James: Peep peep! Thank you, goodbye!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Whistled James.
  • Gordon: Poop poop!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Answered Gordon.
  • Gordon: Goodbye!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: That night, Sir Topham Hatt came to see the engines. Gordon was miserable.
  • Thomas: Please, sir?
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: Can Gordon pull coaches again now?
  • Sir Topham Hatt: If you understand that having a washdown as a sensle to every engine, then yes, Gordon, you may.
  • Gordon: Thank you.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Grunted Gordon.
  • Gordon: Dirty or clean, I'm a famous machine!
  • Mr. Conductor 2: But no one heard but him.
  • (The Trouble With Mud ends)
  • Mitchie: Gordon did get muddy after all.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: That's why he's a big engine.
  • (The Conductors disappear)
  • Ash: Good kissing, Bailey.
  • Bailey: (kisses Ash's cheek) I know, Ash.
  • Ash: (blushing) We'll be couples again.
  • Bailey: (also blushing) Of course.
  • (End of Part 2)

Part 3[]

  • (We see Ash and Bailey in his room)
  • Ash: I really like your kissing Bailey.
  • Bailey: Oh, Ash.
  • Ash: Nice that we removed our shoes.
  • Bailey: It's good to have a kiss.
  • Ash: Friends.
  • Bailey: Friends.
  • (The Conductors reappear)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: It's good to be great.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Yeah.
  • Mr. Conductor 3: You said it.
  • (The Conductors high 5 each other as the episode ends)
  • (End of Part 3)