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Ash Ketchum and Friends: Leo Learns A Lesson & Other Stories (1990) is Pikachufreak's spoof to James Learns A Lesson & Other Stories, each containing the next seven Season 1 episodes told by Ringo Starr for the US.


  • Ash Ketchum (from Pokemon) as Thomas
  • Peter Venkman (from Ghostbusters) as Edward
  • Shaggy Rogers (from Scooby-Doo) as Henry
  • Jason Lee Scott (from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) as Gordon
  • Leonardo "Leo" San Juan (from Legend Quest) as James
  • Fauna and Lana Harrison (from Twinkle Star Sprites) as Annie and Clarabel
  • Earthworm Jim (from Earthworm Jim) as Terence
  • Sonic The Hedgehog (from Sonic X) as Bertie
  • Bugs Bunny (from Looney Tunes) as Sir Topham Hatt


  1. Leo Learns A Lesson
  2. Foolish Beedrill
  3. A Proud Day For Leo
  4. Ash and The Conductor
  5. Ash Goes Fishing
  6. Earthworm Jim
  7. Ash and Sonic's Great Race


Leo Learns A Lesson[]

  • Ringo Starr: Leo was enjoying his life on the land of Cartoons, but he still had a lot to learn.
  • Bugs: You're a special mixed traffic character.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Bugs Bunny.
  • Bugs: You can pull Arcanine or Beedrill quite easily, but you must learn by your mistakes.
  • Ringo Starr: Leo knew what Bugs Bunny meant. He could well remember that dreadful accident on his first day.
  • Peter: Be careful with the coaches, Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: Said kind little Peter.
  • Peter: They don't like being bumped.
  • Ringo Starr: Everyone came to admire Leo.
  • Leo: I'm a really splendid character.
  • Ringo Starr: He thought and suddenly let off steam. A shower of water fell on Bugs' nice new top hat. Just then, the conductor blew his whistle and Al thought they had better go.
  • Leo: Go on, go on!
  • Ringo Starr: He puffed to Peter.
  • Peter: Don't push, don't push!
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Peter. The Arcanine were grumbling too.
  • Arcanine: Don't go so fast, don't go so fast!
  • Ringo Starr: But Leo wouldn't listen. When at last they stopped at the next station two Arcanine were beyond the platform. They have to go back to let the passengers out. But no one seems to know about Bugs' new hat so Leo felt happier. Presently they came to the station where Ash was waiting with his two coaches.
  • Ash: Hello, Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: Feeling better? That's right. Oh, that's my conductor's whistle. I must go. I don't know what Bugs Bunny to do without me to run this branch line.
  • Ringo Starr: And he puffed off importantly. Leo and Peter passed the field where Al had had his accident. The fences were mended and the cows were back again. They ended their journey and rested before setting off for home. Leo was still wondering what Bugs would have to say about his new hat. Next morning, he spoke severely to Leo.
  • Bugs: If you can't behave, I shall take away your red coat and have you painted blue.
  • Ringo Starr: Leo didn't like that at all. He was very rough with the grumbling Arcanine as he brought them to the platform.
  • Leo: Don't talk, come on!
  • Ringo Starr: He called to them.
  • Leo: Jason never fetches his own Arcanine.
  • Ringo Starr: He thought to himself.
  • Leo: And he's only painted blue.
  • Ringo Starr: To make Leo even more cross, this time no one came near him.
  • Leo: I'll show them.
  • Ringo Starr: He thought.
  • Leo: They think Jason is the only character who can pull Arcanine. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Leo.
  • Arcanine: You're going too fast, you're going to fast!
  • Ringo Starr: Replied the Arcanine. Leo laughed and tried to go faster, but the Arcanine wouldn't let him.
  • Arcanine: We're going to stop!
  • Ringo Starr: They said.
  • Arcanine: We're going to stop!
  • Leo: What's the matter?
  • Ringo Starr: Leo asked his driver.
  • Driver: The brakes were on, leak in the pipe most likey. You banged the Arcanine enough to make a leak in anything.
  • Conductor: How should we mend it?
  • Ringo Starr: Asked the conductor.
  • Driver: We'll do it with newspaper and a leather bootlace.
  • Ringo Starr: Replied the driver.
  • Conductor: Well, where's the bootlace coming from?
  • Ringo Starr: Asked the conductor.
  • Driver: Ask the passengers.
  • Ringo Starr: Said the driver.
  • Conductor: You have a leather bootlace there I see, sir.
  • Ringo Starr: Said the Conductor to a smartly dressed man.
  • Conductor: Please give it to me.
  • Man: I won't.
  • Ringo Starr: Said the man.
  • Conductor: Then....
  • Ringo Starr: Said the conductor.
  • Conductor: I'm afraid the train will just stop where it is.
  • Ringo Starr: The passengers all said what a bad railway it was. Then they told the man how bad he was instead. Everyone was very cross. At last, he handed his laces over. The driver tied a pad of newspapers tightly round the hole in the brake pipe, and Leo was able to pull the train. But he was a sadder and wiser Leo, and took care never to bump Arcanine again.

Foolish Beedrill[]

  • Ringo Starr: Leo had not been out to arrange Arcanine or Beedrill in the yard for several days. He was feeling miserable.
  • Leo: Oh dear.
  • Ringo Starr: He thought.
  • Leo: I wonder how long I shall have to stay in the shed would anyone else see my coat again? Why did I go so fast that I made a hole in one of my coaches that had to be mended with of all things a passenger's bootlace.
  • Ringo Starr: At last Bugs Bunny arrived.
  • Bugs: I know you are sorry, Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: He said.
  • Bugs: And I know too that you want to be a useful character. People are laughing at my railway and I do not like that at all.
  • Leo: I will try hard to do my best.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Leo.
  • Bugs: That's a good boy. There's nothing like determination. I want you to pull some Beedrill for me.
  • Ringo Starr: Leo was delighted and puffed away.
  • Ash: Here's your freight train, Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: Have you got some bootlaces ready?
  • Ringo Starr: And he ran off laughing.
  • Beedrill: Oh, oh!
  • Ringo Starr: Said the Beedrill.
  • Beedrill: We want a proper character, not a red monster.
  • Ringo Starr: Leo took no notice and started as soon as the conductor was ready.
  • Leo: Come along, come along.
  • Ringo Starr: He puffed.
  • Beedrill: We won't, we won't.
  • Ringo Starr: Screamed the Beedrill. But Leo didn't care and he pulled the screeching Beedrill sternly out of the station. The Beedrill tried hard to make him give up but he still kept on. Sometimes their brakes will slip on and sometimes their axles will run hot and each time the trouble had to be put right and each time Leo will start again, determined not to let them beat him.
  • Beedrill: Give up, give up! You can't pull us! You can't, you can't!
  • Ringo Starr: Called the Beedrill.
  • Leo: I can and I will! I can and I will!
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Leo and slowly but surely, he pulled them along the line. At last they saw Scott's Hill.
  • Driver: Look out for trouble, Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: Warned his driver.
  • Driver: We'll go fast and get them up before they know it. Don't let them stop you.
  • Ringo Starr: So Leo went faster and soon they were halfway up.
  • Leo: I'm doing it, I'm doing it.
  • Ringo Starr: He panted.
  • Leo: Will the top never come?
  • Ringo Starr: Then with a sudden jerk, it all came easier.
  • Leo: I've done it, I've done it.
  • Ringo Starr: He puffed.
  • Leo: Hooray! It's easy now.
  • Ringo Starr: But his driver shut off steam.
  • Driver: They've done it again. We've left our tail behind. Look.
  • Ringo Starr: The last Beedrill were running backwards down the hill. A coupling had snapped. But the conductor stopped the Beedrill and got out to warn approaching characters.
  • Leo: That's why it was easy.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Leo as he backed the other Beedrill carefully down.
  • Leo: What silly things Beedrill are. They're might have been an accident.
  • Peter: Shall I help you, Leo?
  • Ringo Starr: Called Peter.
  • Leo: Uh, no thank you.
  • Ringo Starr: Answered Leo.
  • Leo: I'll pull them myself.
  • Peter: Good, don't let them beat you. You're doing well!
  • Ringo Starr: Whistled Peter as Leo slowly struggled up the hill.
  • Leo: I can do it, I can do it.
  • Ringo Starr: He puffed. He pulled and puffed as hard as he could.
  • Leo: I've done it, I've done it!
  • Ringo Starr: He panted. They reached their station safely and Leo was resting in the yard when Peter pulled up.
  • Peter: Peep peep!
  • Ringo Starr: He whistled. Then, Leo saw Bugs Bunny.
  • Leo: Oh dear, what will he say?
  • Ringo Starr: He asked himself. But Bugs Bunny was smiling.
  • Bugs: I was in Peter's train and I saw everything.
  • Ringo Starr: He said.
  • Bugs: You made the most troublesome train on the line behaved. After that, you deserved to keep your red coat.

A Proud Day For Leo[]

  • Ringo Starr: One night, Shaggy and Jason were alone with Leo. Although Bugs Bunny was beginning to think well of them. Whenever a chance came the other characters will talk of nothing but bootlace.
  • Shaggy: Remember when they had to use a bootlace to get you out of trouble Leo?
  • Ringo Starr: They would tease. Leo tried to get back by talking about Shaggy who got shut up in a tunnel and Jason who got stuck on a hill. But they wouldn't listen.
  • Jason: You talk too much little Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Jason.
  • Jason: A fine strong character like me has something to talk about. I'm the only character who can pull the express. When I'm not there, they need two characters. Think of that. I've pulled expresses for years, and have never once lost my way. I seem to know the right line by instinct.
  • Ringo Starr: Every wise character knows of course that the signalman sets the switches to make the characters run on the right track. But Jason was so proud he had forgotten.
  • Jason: Wake up, Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Jason next morning.
  • Jason: It's nearly time for the express. What are you doing? Odd Jobs? Ah well. We all have to begin somewhere, don't we? Run along and get my coaches. Don't be late.
  • Ringo Starr: Leo went to get Jason's coaches. They were all shining with new paint. He was careful not to bump them and they followed him smoothly into the station, singing happily...
  • Coaches: We're going away, we're going away.
  • Leo: I wish I was going with you.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Leo.
  • Leo: I should love to pull the express and go flying above the line!
  • Ringo Starr: Jason with much noise and blowing off steam, got ready to back on to the train. Bugs Bunny was on the train with other important people and as soon as they heard the conductor's whistle, Scott started.
  • Jason: Look at me now! Look at me now!
  • Ringo Starr: He puffed and the coaches glided after him.
  • Jason: Boop boop boop boop boop! Goodbye, little Leo, see you tomorrow!
  • Ringo Starr: Leo watched the train disappeared and then went back to work. He pushed some Beedrill into their proper sidings and went to fetch the coaches for another train. Leo had just brought the coaches into the platform when he heard a mournful noise. There was Jason trying to sneak into the station without being noticed.
  • Leo: Hello, Jason. Is it tomorrow?
  • Ringo Starr: Asked Leo. Jason didn't answer. He just let off steam feebly.
  • Leo: Did you lose your weight, Jason?
  • Ringo Starr: Said Leo.
  • Jason: No, it was lost for me. I was switched off the main line onto the loop. I have to go all around and back again.
  • Leo: Perhaps it was instinct.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Leo. Meanwhile, all the passengers hurried to the ticket window.
  • Passengers: We want our money back!
  • Ringo Starr: They shouted. But Bugs Bunny climbed onto a cart and blew the conductor's whistle so loudly that they all stopped to look at him. Then he promised a new train at once.
  • Bugs: Jason can't do it.
  • Ringo Starr: He said.
  • Bugs: Will you pull it for us, Leo?
  • Leo: Yes sir, I'll try.
  • Ringo Starr: So Leo was coupled on, and everyone got in.
  • Bugs: Do your best, Leo.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Bugs Bunny.
  • Leo: Come along, come along!
  • Ringo Starr: Said Leo.
  • Coaches: You're pulling us well, you're pulling us well!
  • Ringo Starr: Sang the coaches. Bridges and stations flashed by the passengers cheered and they soon reached the station. Everyone said thank you to Leo and Bugs Bunny was very impressed.
  • Bugs: Well done.
  • Ringo Starr: He said.
  • Bugs: Would you like to pull the express sometimes?
  • Leo: Yes, please.
  • Ringo Starr: Answered Leo. Next day when Leo came by, Jason was pushing Beedrill.
  • Jason: I like some quiet work for a change.
  • Ringo Starr: He said.
  • Jason: I'm teaching these Beedrill manners. You did well with those coaches I hear. Good, we'll show them.
  • Ringo Starr: And he gave his Beedrill a bump. Leo and Jason are now good friends. Leo sometimes takes the express to give Jason a rest. Jason never talks about bootlaces, and they are both quite agreed on a subject of Beedrill.

Ash and The Conductor[]

  • Ringo Starr: Ash Ketchum is very proud of his route. He thinks it's the most important part of the whole town. His two ladies, Fauna and Lana, agree with him. Fauna could only take passengers, but Lana can take passengers, luggage and the conductor. They were both old and need new paint but Ash loves them very much. As they run backwards and forwards along the line, they sing songs to each other. When Ash starts from the station he sings...
  • Ash: Oh, come along, we're rather late. Oh, come along, we're rather late.
  • Ringo Starr: And the ladies sang...
  • Fauna and Lana: We're coming along. We're coming along.
  • Ringo Starr: They don't mind that Ash says to them because he know he was trying to please Bugs Bunny, and to know to that if Ash is cross, he's not cross with them. One day, they have to wait for Shaggy's train which made Ash very cross.
  • Ash: How could I run my line properly if Shaggy is always late? He doesn't realize that Bugs Bunny depends on me.
  • Ringo Starr: Ash whistled impatiently. He wanted to leave, but he have to wait for Shaggy's passengers. At last Shaggy came.
  • Ash: Where have you been, lazybones?
  • Ringo Starr: Asked Ash.
  • Shaggy: Oh dear, my system is out of order. No one understands my case. You don't know what I suffer.
  • Ringo Starr: Moaned Shaggy.
  • Ash: Rubbish!
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: You're too slow. You need exercise.
  • Ringo Starr: The conductor blew his whistle and Ash started so quickly that he left him behind. The conductor waved his red flag to stop Ash, but he was on his way steaming out of the station.
  • Ash: Come along, come along.
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Ash, but Lana didn't want to come.
  • Lana: I've lost my nice conductor, I've lost my nice conductor!
  • Ringo Starr: She sobbed. Fauna tried to tell Ash what had happened.
  • Fauna: We haven't a conductor, we haven't a conductor!
  • Ringo Starr: But he was hurrying and wouldn't listen. Fauna and Lana tried to put on their brakes, but they couldn't without their conductor.
  • Fauna and Lana: Where is our conductor? Where is our conductor?
  • Ringo Starr: They cried, but Ash didn't stop till they came to a signal.
  • Ash: Bother that signal.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: What's the matter?
  • Driver: I don't know.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Driver: The conductor will tell us in a minute.
  • Ringo Starr: They waited and waited but the conductor didn't come.
  • Ash: Peep peep peep, where is the conductor?
  • Ringo Starr: Whistled Ash.
  • Fauna and Lana: We've left him behind!
  • Ringo Starr: Sobbed Fauna and Lana together. Everyone looked, and there he was running as fast as he could along the line, with his flag on one hand and his whistle in the other. He was very hot, so he had a drink, and told them all about it.
  • Ash: I'm very sorry..
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Conductor: We all make mistakes.
  • Ringo Starr: Replied the conductor.
  • Conductor: Look, the signal's down. We can go. Let's make up for lost time.
  • Ringo Starr: Fauna and Lana were so pleased to have their conductor again, but they sang...
  • Fauna and Lana: As fast as you like, as fast as you like!
  • Ringo Starr: Ash all the way. They reached the end of the line quicker than ever before.
  • (Ash arrives at the last station)

Ash Goes Fishing[]

  • Ringo Starr: When Ash walked along his route, he always looked forward to something special: the sight of the river. As they rumble over the bridge, he would see people fishing. Ash often wanted to stay and watch, but his driver said...
  • Driver: No! What would Bugs Bunny say if we were late?
  • Ringo Starr: Every time he met another character he say...
  • Ash: I want to fish.
  • Ringo Starr: But they all had the same answer.
  • Leo: Characters don't go fishing.
  • Ash: Silly stick in the muds.
  • Ringo Starr: Thought Ash. One day, he stopped as usual to take him water at the station by the river. Out of order.
  • Ash: Bother!
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: I'm thirsty.
  • Driver: Never mind.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Driver: We'll get some water from the river.
  • Ringo Starr: They found a bucket and some rope and went to the bridge. Then the driver left the bucket down to the water. The bucket was old and have five holes, so they had to fill it, pull it up, and empty it into Ash's tank as quickly as they could several times over. They finished at last.
  • Ash: That's good, that's good.
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Ash and Fauna and Lana ran happily behind. Suddenly, Ash began to feel a pain in his boiler. Steam began to hiss with his safety valve in an alarming way.
  • Driver: There's too much steam!
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Thomas: Oh dear!
  • Ringo Starr: Groaned Ash.
  • Ash: I'm going to burst! I'm going to burst!
  • Ringo Starr: They damped down his fire and struggled on.
  • Ash: I've got such a pain, I've got such a pain!
  • Ringo Starr: Ash hissed. They stopped just outside the last station, uncoupled Fauna and Lana and ran Ash, who was still hissing fit to burst, on a siding right out of the way. Then, while the conductor telephoned for an engine inspector, the driver found notice in large letters, which he hung on Ash in front and behind. Danger: Keep Away. Soon, the inspector and Bugs Bunny arrived.
  • Inspector: Cheer up, Ash.
  • Ringo Starr: They said.
  • Inspector: We'll soon put you right.
  • Ringo Starr: The driver told them what had happened.
  • Inspector: So the feed pipe is blocked.
  • Ringo Starr: Said the inspector.
  • Inspector: I'll just look in the tanks.
  • Ringo Starr: He climbed up and peered in, then he came down.
  • Inspector: Excuse me, sir, please look in the tank and tell me what you see.
  • Bugs: Certainly, inspector.
  • Ringo Starr: Replied Bugs Bunny. He clambered up, looked in and nearly fell off in surprise.
  • Bugs: Inspector.
  • Ringo Starr: He whispered.
  • Bugs: Can you see fish?
  • (Ash is horrified upon hearing this)
  • Bugs: Gracious goodness me! How did the fish get there, driver?
  • Driver: We must have fished them from the river with our bucket.
  • Ringo Starr: Replied Ash's driver.
  • Bugs: Well, Ash, so you and your driver had been fishing. But fish don't suit you. We must get them out.
  • Ringo Starr: They all took turns and fishing into Ash's tank while Bugs Bunny looked down and told them how to do it. When they had caught all the fish, they had a lovely picnic supper of fish and chips.
  • Bugs: Mmm. That was good.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Bugs Bunny.
  • Bugs: But fish don't suit you, Ash, so you mustn't do it again.
  • Ash: No, sir, I won't.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash sadly.
  • Ash: Characters don't go fishing. It's too uncomfortable.

Earthworm Jim[]

  • Ringo Starr: Autumn had come to the land of Cartoons. The fields were changing from yellow stubble to brown earth and an astronaut was hard at work as Ash walked along. Later, Ash saw the ??? close by.
  • Jim: Hello.
  • Ringo Starr: Said the astronaut.
  • Jim: I'm Earthworm Jim, I'm plowing.
  • Ash: I'm Ash, I'm pulling a train. What ugly wheels you got.
  • Jim: They're not ugly, they're caterpillars.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Earthworm Jim.
  • Jim: I can go anywhere. I don't need rails.
  • Ash: I don't want to go anywhere.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: I like my rails, thank you.
  • Ringo Starr: Winter came with dark clouds full of snow.
  • Driver: I don't like it.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash's driver.
  • Driver: A heavy fall is coming. I hope it doesn't stop us.
  • Ash: Huh!
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Ash.
  • Ash: Soft stuff, nothing to it.
  • Ringo Starr: And he puffed on feeling cold but confident. They finished their journey safely but by now the country was covered.
  • Driver: You need your snowplough for the next journey, Ash.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Ash: Huh! Snow is silly soft stuff it won't stop me.
  • Ringo Starr: The snowplough was heavy and uncomfortable and made Ash cross. He shook it and he banged it and when they got back it was so damaged that the driver had to take it off.
  • Driver: You're a very naughty boy.
  • Ringo Starr: He said to Ash. Next morning, Ash's driver and fireman came early and worked hard to mend the snowplough, but they couldn't make it fit. Ash was pleased.
  • Ash: I shan't have to wear it, I shan't have to wear it.
  • Ringo Starr: He puffed to Megan and Mimi. But they were rather worried.
  • Megan and Mimi: I hope it's all right, I hope it's all right.
  • Ringo Starr: They whispered to each other. The driver was worried too.
  • Driver: It's not bad here.
  • Ringo Starr: He said to the fireman.
  • Driver: But it's sure to be deep in the valley.
  • Ash: Silly soft stuff.
  • Ringo Starr: Huffed Ash.
  • Ash: I didn't need that stupid old thing yesterday and I shan't today. Snow can't stop me.
  • Ringo Starr: He rushed into a tunnel thinking how clever he was. But there was trouble ahead.
  • (Crash)
  • Ash: Cinders and ashes!.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: I'm stuck.
  • Ringo Starr: And he was.
  • Driver: Back, Ash, back.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver. Ash tried but his feet run and he couldn't move. The conductor went back for help while everyone else tried to dig the snow away. But as fast as they dug, more snow slipped down until Ash was nearly buried.
  • Ash: Oh, my feet and coupling rods. I shall have to stop here till I'm frozen. What a silly trainer I am.
  • Ringo Starr: And Ash began to cry. At last the bus came to rescue the passengers. And then who should come to Ash's rescue but Earthworm Jim. Snow never worries him. He pulled the beautiful ladies away, then came back for Ash. Ash's feet were clear but still spun when he tried to move. Earthworm Jim tugged and slipped and slipped and tugged and at last dragged Ash clear of the snow ready for the journey home.
  • (Earthworm Jim goes away into the tunnel with Ash following him)
  • Ash: Thank you, Jim. Your caterpillars are splendid.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Driver: I hope you'll be sensible now, Ash.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Ash: I'll try.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash and he puffed slowly away.

Ash and Sonic's Great Race[]

  • Ringo Starr: Ash was waiting at a junction when a Hedgehog arrived.
  • Ash: Hello.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: Who are you?
  • Sonic: I'm Sonic. Who are you?
  • Ash: I'm Ash. I run this branch line.
  • Sonic: So you're Ash, eh? I remembered now. You got stuck in the snow. I took your passengers and Earthworm Jim pulled you out. I've come to help you with your passengers today.
  • Ash: Help me?
  • Ringo Starr: Said Ash.
  • Ash: I can go faster than you.
  • Sonic: You can't.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Sonic.
  • Ash: I can.
  • Ringo Starr: Huffed Ash.
  • Sonic: I'll race you!
  • Ringo Starr: Said Sonic. Their drivers agreed for the race going ahead. The stationmaster said...
  • Stationmaster: Are you ready? Go!
  • Ringo Starr: Ash never could go fast at first and Sonic drew in front.
  • Fauna and Lana: Why don't you go fast, why don't you go fast?
  • Ringo Starr: Called Fauna and Lana.
  • Ash: Wait and see, wait and see.
  • Ringo Starr: Hissed Ash.
  • Fauna and Lana: He's a long way ahead.
  • Ringo Starr: They wailed. But Ash didn't mind. He remembered the level crossing. There was Sonic fuming at the gates while they sail gaily through.
  • Ash: Goodbye, Sonic!
  • Ringo Starr: Called Ash. After that the road left the railway so that they couldn't see Sonic. Then, they had to stop at the station to let off passengers.
  • Ash: Peep peep peep! Quicky please!
  • Ringo Starr: Called Ash and off they went again.
  • Ash: Come along, come along.
  • Ringo Starr: Sang Ash.
  • Fauna and Lana: We're coming along, we're coming along.
  • Ringo Starr: Sang Fauna and Lana.
  • Ash: Hurry, hurry, hurry!
  • Ringo Starr: Panted Ash, then he looked ahead. There was Sonic tooting triumphly on his horn.
  • Ash: Oh deary me, oh deary me!
  • Ringo Starr: Groaned Ash.
  • Driver: Steady, Ash.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Driver: We'll beat Sonic yet.
  • Fauna and Lana: We'll be Sonic yet, we'll beat Sonic yet.
  • Ringo Starr: Echoed Fauna and Lana.
  • Ash: We'll do it, we'll do it.
  • Ringo Starr: Panted Ash.
  • Ash: Oh bother! There's the station.
  • Ringo Starr: Then he heard Sonic.
  • Sonic: Goodbye, Ash. You must be tired. Sorry I can't stop. We hedgehogs have to work here you know. Goodbye.
  • Ash: Oh dear.
  • Ringo Starr: Thought Ash.
  • Ash: We've lost.
  • Ringo Starr: But he felt better after a drink. The signal dropped.
  • Ash: Hurrah, we're off! Hurrah, we're off!
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Ash. As they crossed the bridge, they heard an impatient...
  • Sonic: Honk honk!
  • Ringo Starr: There was Sonic waiting at the traffic lights. he started with a roar and chased on after Ash once again. Now Ash reached his full speed. Sonic tried hard but Ash was too fast. Whistling triumphantly he plunged into the tunnel leaving Sonic toiling far behind.
  • Ash: We've done it, we've done it!
  • Ringo Starr: Panted Ash.
  • Fauna and Lana: We've done it, hooray! We've done it, hooray!
  • Ringo Starr: Chanted Fauna and Lana as they whooshed into the last station. Everyone was there to celebrate Ash's victory. But they gave Sonic a big welcome too.
  • Sonic: Well done, Ash.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Sonic.
  • Sonic: That was fun. But to beat you over that hill, I should have to grow wings and be an airplane.
  • Ringo Starr: They now kept each others very busy. They often talked about their race, but Sonic's passengers don't like being bounced like peas in the frying pan, and Bugs Bunny has warned Ash not to race at dangerous speeds. So although, between you and me, they would like to have another race. I don't think they ever will, do you?