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These Are The Opening Commercial Breaks from The Muppets Wizard Of Oz (The May 20, 2005 ABC Broadcast) (Fox Television Studios & Paramount Television Version)

  1. Crestor Commercial
    Woz cast-c1280x1024 01
  2. Auto Trader.Com Promo
  3. Eyewittness News Promo
  4. The Muppets Wizard Of Oz Promo
  5. Fox Television Studios Logo
  6. Paramount Television Logo
  7. The Wonderful World Of Paramount & Disney Intro
    Eisner and Kermit in Oz

    This was taken from The Opening Commercial Breaks from The Muppets Wizard Of Oz. (The May 20, 2005 ABC Broadcast.) (Fox Television Studios & Paramount Television Version.)

  8. Introduction by Michael Eisner & The Muppets
  9. Start of Movie