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The puppy orphans arrive at a theater for a free show entitled "Earthworm Jim's Big Show: Orphan's Benefit." As they file into the building they are given free lollipops, ice cream, and balloons.

Bendy begins the show by reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb", dancing "Sailor's Hornpipe", and reciting "Little Boy Blue." But when he says "come blow your horn," an orphan loudly blows his nose and Bendy gets frustrated. He recites it a second time, but this time all of the orphans blow their noses. Bendy's temper flares and he challenges them to fight, but is forcibly removed from stage.

The next performance is Spot, Blake, and Peter Puppy performing an acrobatic dance.

After this, Bendy returns to have his revenge by reciting "Little Boy Blue" and blowing his own horn before the orphans can respond. An orphan responds by blowing ice cream at him, provoking him further. As Bendy challenges them to fight again the orphans punch him with boxing gloves almost knocking him out. Bendy is again removed from stage.

Jim then introduces the "Barnyard Nightingale", Clara Cluck, who sings a clucking aria from the second act of Lucia di Lammermoor ("Chi mi frena in tal momento") accompanied by Jim on piano.

Finally Bendy returns to the stage one last time and quickly recites one line – "Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn" – and waits for the orphans to interrupt him. Yet as they seem well-behaved this time, Bendy continues the recitation. But when he says "Where is that boy who looks after the sheep?" the orphans answer in unison "Under the haystack fast asleep, you dope." This angers Bendy all the more, yet while he challenges the orphans to fight again, they tie bricks and other heavy objects onto their balloons, float them over his head, and pop the balloons with their slingshots unleashing a barrage on him, culminating in a box of raw eggs. When it's all over Bendy finally accepts defeat and exclaims "Aw nuts!"

