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Gordon and The Famous Visitor and Other Thomas Stories (February 27) - Full is Pikachufreak's fan-fiction thing to make.


  • Here's the full version of Gordon and The Famous Visitor and Other Thomas Stories, a video released on February 27, 1992. Stories narrated by George Carlin included: Gordon and The Famous Visitor, Donald and Douglas, The Deputation, Trust Thomas, Whistles and Sneezes, James In A Mess and The Trouble With Mud.

Opening Previews[]

  1. Strand VCI FBI Warning
  2. Strand VCI Entertainment logo (1988-1992)
  3. Britt Allcroft Presents logo
  4. Thomas and Friends Season 3 intro
  5. First few seconds of Gordon and The Famous Visitor

Opening Credits[]

  • Based on The Railway Series by The REV.W.AWDRY
  • Directed by DAVID MITTON


  • (We open this video with the Strand VCI FBI Warning)
  • (We then see the 1988-1992 Strand VCI Entertainment logo)
  • (The Britt Allcroft Presents logo is then followed)
  • (We then see the Thomas Season 3 intro and we begin Gordon and The Famous Visitor)
  • George Carlin: It was an important day in the yard. Everyone was excited, making notes and taking photographs. A special visitor had arrived, and was now the center of attention.
  • Thomas: Who's that?
  • George Carlin: Whispered Thomas to Duck.
  • Duck: That...
  • George Carlin: Said Duck proudly.
  • Duck: a celebrity.
  • Percy: A what?
  • George Carlin: Asked Percy.
  • Duck: A celebrity is a very famous engine.
  • George Carlin: Replied Duck.
  • Duck: Driver says we can talk to him soon.
  • Thomas: Oh.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: He's probably too famous to even notice us.
  • George Carlin: Just then, Gordon arrived.
  • Gordon: Pah!
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon.
  • Gordon: Who cares? A lot of fuss about nothing, if you ask me.
  • George Carlin: And he steamed away. Later that night, the engines found that the visitor wasn't concieted at all. He enjoyed talking the engines, till' long after the stars came out. He left early next morning. Gordon was still complaining.
  • Gordon: Good riddance.
  • George Carlin: He grumbled.
  • Gordon: Chattering all night. Who is he, anyway?
  • Thomas: Duck told you.
  • George Carlin: Replied Thomas.
  • Thomas: He's famous.
  • Gordon: As famous as me? Nonsense.
  • Thomas: He's famouser than you. He went 100 miles an hour before you were thought of.
  • Gordon: Huh. So he says.
  • George Carlin: Huffed Gordon.
  • Gordon: But I didn't like his looks. He's got no armor. Never trust domeless engines. They're not respectable. I never boast, but I'd say that 100 miles an hour would be easy for me. Goodbye.
  • George Carlin: Duck took some freight cars to Edward's station.
  • Edward: Hello.
  • George Carlin: Called Edward.
  • Edward: That famous engine came through this morning. He whistled to me. Wasn't he kind?
  • Duck: He's the finest engine in the world.
  • George Carlin: Replied Duck, then he told Edward what Gordon had said.
  • Edward: Take no notice.
  • George Carlin: Soothed Edward.
  • Edward: He's just jealous. He thinks no engine should be famous but him. Look, he's coming now.
  • George Carlin: Gordon was running very fast. His wheels pounded the rails.
  • Gordon: He did it, I'll do it. He did it, I'll do it!
  • George Carlin: Gordon's train rocketed past, and was gone.
  • Duck: He'll knock himself to bits!
  • George Carlin: Chuckled Duck. Gordon's driver eased him off.
  • Gordon's Driver: Steady, Gordon. We aren't running a race.
  • Gordon: We are, then.
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon, but he said it to himself. Suddenly, Gordon began to feel a little strange.
  • Gordon: The top of my boiler seems funny.
  • George Carlin: He thought.
  • Gordon: It feels as if something is loose! I'd better go slower.
  • George Carlin: But it was too late. On the viaduct, they met the wind. It was a teasing wind that blew suddenly at hard puffs. Gordon thought it wanted to push him off the bridge.
  • Gordon: No, you don't!
  • George Carlin: He said firmly. But the wind had other ideas. It curled round his boiler, crept under his loose dome, and lifted off and away into the valley below.
  • (The dome falls into the water)
  • George Carlin: Gordon was most uncomfortable. The cold wind was whistling through his hole where his dome should be and he felt silly without it. At the big station, the Freight Cars laughed at him.
  • (Freight Cars laugh)
  • George Carlin: Gordon tried to wheesh them away.
  • (Freight Cars continue laughing)
  • George Carlin: But they crowded round', no matter what he did. On the way back home, he wanted his driver to stop and fetch his dome.
  • Gordon's Driver: We'll never find it now.
  • George Carlin: Said his driver.
  • Gordon's Driver: You'll have to go to the works for a new one.
  • George Carlin: Gordon was very cross.
  • Gordon: I hope the shed is empty tonight.
  • George Carlin: He huffed to himself. But all the engines were there waiting.
  • A Voice: Never trust domeless engines.
  • George Carlin: Said a voice from somewhere behind him.
  • A Voice: They aren't respectable.
  • (A nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Donald and Douglas)
  • George Carlin: Donald and Douglas are twins and had arrived from Scotland to help Sir Topham Hatt, but only one engine had been expected. The twins meant well, but did cause confusion. Sir Topham Hatt had given them numbers, Donald 9 and Douglas 10, but he was still planning to send one engine home. There was a break van in the yard that had taken a dislike to Douglas. Things always went wrong when he had to take it out. His trains were late and he was blamed. Douglas began to worry. Donald, his twin, was angry.
  • Donald: You're a muckle nuisance!
  • George Carlin: Said Donald.
  • Donald: It's to leave you behind I'd be wanting.
  • Break Van: You can't!
  • George Carlin: Said the break van.
  • Break Van: I'm essential!
  • Donald: Och are you?
  • George Carlin: Donald burst out.
  • Donald: You're nothing but a screeching and a noise when all set is done. Spite Douggie, would ya? Take that!
  • Break Van: Ow! Ooh!
  • George Carlin: Cried the van.
  • Donald: There's more coming should you misbehave.
  • George Carlin: The van behave better after that. Until one day, Donald had an accident. The rails were slippery. He couldn't stop in time.
  • (Donald crashes into the signal box)
  • George Carlin: Donald wasn't hurt, but Sir Topham Hatt was most annyoed.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I am disappointed, Donald. I didn't expect such, er, clumsiness from you. I had decided to send Douglas back and keep you.
  • Donald: I'm sorry, sir.
  • George Carlin: Said Donald.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I should think so, too. You have upset my arrangements. Now James will have to help you with the goods work, while you have your tender mended. James won't like that.
  • George Carlin: Sir Topham Hatt was right. James grumbled dreadfully about extra work.
  • Douglas: Anyone would think.
  • George Carlin: Said Douglas.
  • Douglas: That Donald had had his accident on purpose. I heard tell about an engine and some tar wagons.
  • James: Shut up!
  • George Carlin: Said James.
  • James: It's not funny.
  • George Carlin: He didn't like to be remind about his own accident.
  • Donald: Well, well, well! Surely, James, it wasn't you. You didn't say.
  • George Carlin: James didn't say. He slouched sulkily away.
  • Break Van: James is cross!
  • George Carlin: Sniggered the spiteful break van.
  • Break Van: We'll try to make him crosser still!
  • Cars: Hold back!
  • George Carlin: Giggled the freight cars to each other. James did his best, but he was exhausted when they reached Edward's station. Luckily, Douglas was there.
  • James: Help me up the hill, please!
  • George Carlin: Panted James.
  • James: These freight cars are playing tricks.
  • Douglas: We'll show them.
  • George Carlin: Said Douglas. Slowly but surely, the snorting engines forced the freight cars up the hill. But James was losing steam.
  • James: I can't do it, I can't do it!
  • Douglas: Leave it to me!
  • George Carlin: Shouted Douglas. The conductor was anxious.
  • Conductor: Go steady! The van's breaking!
  • (Douglas smashes the break van to bits)
  • George Carlin: The van was in pieces. No one had been hurt, and soon Edward came to clear the mess. Sir Topham Hatt was board.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I might have known it would be Douglas.
  • George Carlin: He said.
  • Edward: Douglas was grand, sir.
  • George Carlin: Said Edward.
  • Edward: James had no steam left, but Douglas worked hard enough for three. I heard him from my yard.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Two would have been enough.
  • George Carlin: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I want to be fair, Douglas, but I don't know. I really don't know.
  • George Carlin: Sir Topham Hatt was making up his mind about which engine to send away, but that's another story.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin The Deputation)
  • George Carlin: Snow came early to the Island of Sodor. It was heavier than usual. Most engines hate snow. Donald and Douglas were used to it. Couple back to back with the van between their tenders and the snowplough in their fronts, they set to work. They puffed backwards and forward patrolling the line. Generally, the snow slipped away fiercely, but sometimes they found deeper drifts. Presently, they came to a drift which was larger than most. They charged it, and were just backing for another try when...
  • Henry: Help, help!
  • Douglas: Losh shakes, Donald! It's Henry!
  • Donald: Don't worry yourself, Henry! Wait a while! We'll help you out!
  • George Carlin: Henry was very grateful. He saw all was not well. The twins were looking glum. They told him Sir Topham Hatt was making a decision.
  • Donald: He'll send us away for sure.
  • Percy: It's a shame.
  • George Carlin: Said Percy.
  • Gordon: A lot of nonsense about a broken signalbox.
  • George Carlin: Grumbled Gordon.
  • James: That spiteful break van too.
  • George Carlin: Put in James.
  • James: Good riddance. That's what I say.
  • Henry: The twins were splendid in the snow.
  • George Carlin: Added Henry.
  • Henry: It isn't fair.
  • George Carlin: They all agreed that something must be done, but none knew what. Percy decided to talk to Edward about it.
  • Edward: What you need...
  • George Carlin: Said Edward.
  • Edward: a deputation.
  • George Carlin: He explained what that was. Percy ran back quickly.
  • Percy: Edward says we need a depostation.
  • Gordon: Of course.
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon.
  • Gordon: The question is...
  • Henry: What is a desperation?
  • George Carlin: Asked Henry.
  • Percy: It's when engines tell Sir Topham Hatt something's wrong.
  • George Carlin: Said Percy.
  • Duck: Did you say tell Sir Topham Hatt?
  • George Carlin: Asked Duck thoughtfully. There was a long silence.
  • Gordon: I purpose.
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon.
  • Gordon: That Percy be
  • Percy: Me?!
  • George Carlin: Squeaked Percy.
  • Percy: I can't!
  • Henry: Rubbish, Percy.
  • George Carlin: Said Henry.
  • Henry: It's easy.
  • Gordon: That's settled then.
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon. Poor Percy wished it wasn't.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Hello, Percy. It's nice to be back.
  • George Carlin: Percy jumped.
  • Percy: Uh, yes sir, please sir.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You look nervous, Percy. What's the matter?
  • Percy: Please, sir, they made me a desperation, sir, to speak to you sir. I don't like it, sir.
  • George Carlin: Sir Topham Hatt pondered.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Do you mean a deputation, Percy?
  • Percy: Yes sir, please sir. It's Donald and Douglas. They say, sir, that if you send them away, sir, well, they'll be turned to scrap, sir. That would be dreadful, sir. Please, sir, don't send them away.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Thank you, Percy. That will do.
  • George Carlin: Later, Sir Topham Hatt spoke to the engines.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I had a deputation. I understand your feelings and I give a lot of thought to the matter.
  • George Carlin: He paused impressively.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Donald and Douglas, I hear that your work in the snow was good. You shall have a new coat of paint.
  • George Carlin: The twins were surprised.
  • Donald: Thank you, sir.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: But your names will be painted on you. We'll have no more mistakes.
  • Douglas: Thank you, sir. Uh, does this mean that the both of us?
  • George Carlin: Sir Topham Hatt smiled.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: It means...
  • George Carlin: But the rest of his speech was drowned in a delighted chorus of cheers and whistles. The twins were here to stay.
  • (Engines whistling)
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Trust Thomas)
  • George Carlin: Thomas the Tank Engine was feeling bright and cheerful. It was a splendid day.
  • Thomas: Good morning.
  • George Carlin: He whistled to some cows, but the cows didn't reply.
  • Thomas: Never mind.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: They're busy with their breakfast.
  • George Carlin: Next he saw Bertie.
  • Thomas: Hello, Bertie. Care for a race today?
  • George Carlin: But all Bertie could say was...
  • Bertie: Ouch! That's another hole in the road!
  • Thomas: I'm sorry, Bertie.
  • George Carlin: Smiled Thomas. Thomas was still in good spirits when Bertie arrived at the next station.
  • Thomas: Bad luck, Bertie. Now if you're a steam engine, you would run a repair on reliable rails.
  • Bertie: Huh!
  • George Carlin: Replied Bertie.
  • Bertie: The railway was suppose to deliver the tar to mend the road two weeks ago. You can't trust a thing that runs on rails.
  • Thomas: I run on rails. You can trust me, Bertie. I'll see if I can find out what's happened.
  • George Carlin: And Thomas puffed away towards the big station. James was snorting about in the yard.
  • James: It's too bad!
  • George Carlin: He grumbled.
  • James: Percy goes to work at the harbour and I do his job, here, there and everywhere! Take that!
  • Freight Cars: Ooh!
  • George Carlin: Groaned the freight cars.
  • Freight Cars: Just you wait, we'll show you!
  • George Carlin: Gordon laughed.
  • Gordon: I'll tell you what, James. If you pretended to be ill everywhere, you couldn't freight cars here, or go to the quarry there, could you?
  • James: What a good idea.
  • George Carlin: Agreed James.
  • James: Look, here comes Thomas. I'll start pretending now
  • George Carlin: Thomas was sorry to see the engines looking miserable
  • Thomas: Cheer up.
  • George Carlin: He puffed.
  • Thomas: It's a beautiful day.
  • Gordon: Yes.
  • George Carlin: Grumbled Gordon
  • Gordon: But not for James.
  • Thomas: What's the matter?
  • George Carlin: Asked Thomas.
  • Gordon: He's sick.
  • George Carlin: Replied Gordon.
  • James: Yes he is. I mean I am.
  • George Carlin: Stuttered James.
  • James: I don't feel well at all.
  • Thomas: Don't worry.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas kindly.
  • Thomas: I'll help out if you're ill.
  • George Carlin: Gordon and James sniggered quietly to each other. Some of James' cars were coupled behind Thomas and he steamed away to the quarry. The cars were still cross.
  • Freight Cars: We couldn't pay James back for bumping us, so we'll play tricks on Thomas instead. One engine is as good as another.
  • George Carlin: But Thomas didn't hear them. He collected all the stone from the quarry and set off back to the junction. Danger lay ahead.
  • Freight Cars: Now for our plan!
  • George Carlin: Giggled the cars.
  • Freight Cars: Go faster, go faster!
  • George Carlin: They pushed Thomas over the switches.
  • Thomas' Driver: Slow down!
  • George Carlin: Called Thomas' driver and applied the brakes.
  • (Thomas hits the buffers, and a log snaps apart, sending him floating into another set of buffers)
  • George Carlin: Poor Thomas stood dazed and surprised in the muddy pool, as a toad eyed in suspiciously.
  • Thomas: Bust my buffers.
  • George Carlin: Muttered Thomas.
  • Thomas: The day started so well too.
  • George Carlin: Duck pulled away the cars, and Edward helped Thomas back to the junction. Suddenly, Thomas remembered the missing tar. He told Edward all about him.
  • Edward: That's strange.
  • George Carlin: Said Edward.
  • Edward: A car full of tar been left in my station. That must be it. Driver will make sure it gets to Bertie now.
  • George Carlin: Later, James spoke to Thomas.
  • James: I'm sorry about your accident.
  • George Carlin: He muttered.
  • James: And so is Gordon. We didn't mean to get you into trouble.
  • Gordon: No indeed.
  • George Carlin: Spluttered Gordon.
  • Gordon: A near misunderstanding, Thomas, all's well that ends well.
  • George Carlin: Just then Bertie arrived. He looked much more cheerful.
  • Bertie: My road's being mended now.
  • Thomas: Oh, I am glad.
  • George Carlin: Replied Thomas.
  • Bertie: Thanks for all you did.
  • George Carlin: Added Bertie.
  • Bertie: Now I know I can trust an engine especially his name was Thomas.
  • George Carlin: Gordon and James puffed silently away to the shed, but Thomas still had company.
  • Thomas: Well, well.
  • George Carlin: He sighed.
  • Thomas: What a day for surprises.
  • George Carlin: The toad who was looking forward to arrive home noisly agreed.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Whistles and Sneezes)
  • George Carlin: Gordon was cross.
  • Gordon: Why should Henry have a new shape?
  • George Carlin: He grumbled.
  • Gordon: A shape good enough for me is good enough for him. He goes gallivanting off, leaving us to do his work, and comes back saying how happy he feels. It's disgraceful. And there's another thing: Henry whistles too much. No respectable engine ever whistles loudly at stations. It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it.
  • George Carlin: Poor Henry didn't feel happy anymore.
  • Percy: Never mind.
  • George Carlin: Whispered Percy.
  • Percy: I'm glad you're home again. I like your whistling.
  • Gordon: Goodbye, Henry.
  • George Carlin: Called Gordon.
  • Gordon: We're glad to have you with us again. But remember what I said.
  • George Carlin: Later, Henry stopped at Edward's station.
  • Edward: Hello, Henry.
  • George Carlin: Said Edward.
  • Edward: You look splendid. I was pleased to hear your happy whistle yesterday.
  • Henry: Thank you, Edward.
  • George Carlin: Smiled Henry.
  • Henry: Shh, shh. Can you hear something?
  • Edward: It sounds like Gordon.
  • George Carlin: Said Edward.
  • Edward: And it ought to be Gordon. But Gordon never whistles like that.
  • George Carlin: It was Gordon. He came rushing down the hill of a tremendous rate. He didn't look at Henry and he didn't look at Edward. He screamed straight through the station and disappeared.
  • Edward: Well.
  • George Carlin: Said Edward.
  • Henry: It isn't wrong.
  • George Carlin: Chuckled Henry.
  • Henry: But we just don't do it.
  • George Carlin: And he told Edward what Gordon had said. Meanwhile, Gordon screeched along the line. The noise was awful. At the station, everyone covered their ears. Sir Topham Hatt covered his ears too.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Take him away!
  • George Carlin: He bellowed.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: And stop that noise!
  • George Carlin: Gordon puffed sadly away. But he wouldn't stop whistling until two fitters climbed up and knocked his whistle valve in place. That night, Gordon slunked into the shed. He was glad it was empty.
  • Henry: It isn't wrong.
  • George Carlin: Murmured Henry to no one in particular.
  • Henry: But we just don't do it.
  • George Carlin: No one mentioned whistles. Next morning, Henry was enjoying himself enormously.
  • Henry: I feel so well, I feel so well.
  • George Carlin: He sang.
  • Coaches: Trickety-trock, trickety-trock.
  • George Carlin: Hummed his coaches. Then he saw some boys on a bridge.
  • Henry: Peep-peep. Hello.
  • George Carlin: He whistled.
  • Henry: Ohh.
  • George Carlin: He called. The boys didn't wave and take his number. They thought it fun to drop stones on him instead.
  • Coaches: They've broken our glass, they've broken our glass.
  • George Carlin: Cried the coaches. The passengers weren't hurt, but they were cross.
  • Passengers: Call the police!
  • Henry's Driver: No.
  • George Carlin: Said the driver.
  • Henry's Driver: Leave it to Henry and me.
  • Passengers: What will you do?
  • George Carlin: They asked.
  • Passengers: Can you keep a secret?
  • Henry: Yes, yes.
  • Henry's Driver: Well then.
  • George Carlin: Said the driver.
  • Henry's Driver: Henry is going to sneeze at those boys.
  • George Carlin: Lots of people were at the station just before the bridge. They wanted to see what would happen.
  • Henry's Driver: Henry has plenty of ashes.
  • George Carlin: Said the driver.
  • Henry's Driver: Please keep all windows shut until we haved passed the bridge. Henry's is excited as we are. Aren't you, old fellow?
  • George Carlin: Henry felt more stuffed up. Soon, they could see the boys. And they all had stones.
  • Henry's Driver: Are you ready, Henry?
  • George Carlin: Said his driver.
  • Henry's Driver: Sneeze hard when I tell you. Now.
  • George Carlin: He said.
  • Henry: Ah-choo!
  • (Henry sneezes at the boys and they were covered in ashes)
  • Henry's Driver: Well done, Henry.
  • George Carlin: Laughed his driver. Henry went home, hoping that next time he saw Gordon and the boys, they would have learned not to be so mean.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin James In A Mess)
  • George Carlin: Toby and Henrietta were enjoying their new job on the Island of Sodor, but they do look old fashioned and did need new paint. James was very rude whenever he saw them.
  • James: Yech! What dirty objects!
  • George Carlin: He would say. At last, Toby lost patience.
  • Toby: James?
  • George Carlin: He asked.
  • Toby: Why are you red?
  • James: I am a splendid engine.
  • George Carlin: Answered James.
  • James: Ready for anything. You never see my paint dirty.
  • Toby: Oh.
  • George Carlin: Said Toby earnestly.
  • Toby: That's why you once needed bootlaces to be ready I suppose.
  • George Carlin: James went redder than ever and snorted off. It was such an insult to be remind how the time the bootlace have been use to mend a hole in his coaches. At the end of the line, James left his coaches and got out to his next train. It was a slow freight, stopping at every station to pick up and set down cars. James hated slow freight trains.
  • James: Dirty cars from dirty sidings! Yech!
  • George Carlin: Starting an only a few, he picked up more and more cars at each station till he had a long train. At first, the freight cars behaved well, but James bumped them so crossly that they were determined to get back at him. Presently, they approached the top of Gordon's Hill. Heavy freight trains halt here to set the brakes. James had had an accident with cars before and should have remembered this.
  • Driver: Wait, James, wait!
  • George Carlin: Said the driver, but James wouldn't wait. He was too busy thinking what he would say to Toby when they next met. The freight cars' chance had come.
  • Cars: Hurrah! Hurrah!
  • George Carlin: They laughed, and banging their buffers they pushed him down the hill.
  • Cars: On, on!
  • George Carlin: Yelled the cars.
  • James: I've got to stop, I've got to stop!
  • George Carlin: Groaned James. Disaster lay ahead.
  • (James crashes into the tar wagons)
  • George Carlin: Something sticky splashed all over James. He had run into two tar wagons, and was black from smokebox to cab. He was more dirty than hurt, but the tar wagons and some cars were all to pieces. Toby and Percy were sent to help and came as quickly as they could.
  • Toby: Look here, Percy!
  • George Carlin: Explained Toby.
  • Toby: Whatever is that dirty object?
  • Percy: That's James, didn't you know?
  • Toby: It's James' shape.
  • George Carlin: Said Toby.
  • Toby: But James is a splendid red engine and you'll never see his paint dirty.
  • George Carlin: James pretended he hadn't heard. Toby and Percy cleared away the unhurt cars and help James home. Sir Topham Hatt met them.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well done, Percy and Toby.
  • George Carlin: He turned to James.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Fancy letting your cars run away. I am surprised. You're not fit to be seen. You must be cleaned at once. Toby shall have a new coat of paint.
  • Toby: Please sir, can Henrietta have one too?
  • George Carlin: Said Toby.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Certainly, Toby.
  • Toby: Oh thank you, sir. She will pleased.
  • George Carlin: All James could do as watch Toby as he ran off happily with the news.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin The Trouble With Mud)
  • George Carlin: One morning, Thomas was being cleaned when Gordon arrived. Mud had blown all over his smart blue paint.
  • Thomas: Hello, Gordon.
  • George Carlin: Called Thomas.
  • Thomas: You look as you had a mud bath. Be a sensible engine and have a shower instead.
  • George Carlin: Gordon snorted.
  • Gordon: I haven't time to dawdle over my appearance like fussy tank engines do.
  • George Carlin: The wind blew stronger.
  • Driver: Gordon, slow down!
  • George Carlin: Called his driver. This made Gordon crosser still.
  • Gordon: Now I'll be dirty and late, dirty and late!
  • George Carlin: He hissed. At the next station was a sign: All Trains Must Wash Down Daily. James had just finished being cleaned.
  • Driver: Come on, Gordon.
  • George Carlin: Said his driver.
  • Driver: You feel better too after a good hosedown.
  • Gordon: Bah!
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon and angrily let off steam.
  • Driver: You're a very naughty engine!
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon's driver.
  • Driver: Now James will need another shower. You'll have to wait your turn till later.
  • Gordon: Good riddance.
  • George Carlin: Huffed Gordon.
  • Gordon: I'm far too busy to waste time with water.
  • George Carlin: He finished his journey safely and steamed into the big station. Sir Topham Hatt was waiting. So are Gordon's coaches and the passengers.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Goodness gracious!
  • George Carlin: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You can't pull the train, Henry will have to do it. Gordon you better get cleaned straight away.
  • George Carlin: Gordon was soon being washed.
  • Gordon: Mind my eyes!
  • George Carlin: He grumbled. Then he pulled cars for the rest of the day.
  • Gordon: Freight trains, freight trains!
  • George Carlin: He spluttered. He felt his position deeply.
  • Gordon: That's for you, and you, and you!
  • James: Cars will be cars.
  • George Carlin: Laughed James.
  • Gordon: They won't with me.
  • George Carlin: Snorted Gordon.
  • Gordon: I'll teach them.
  • George Carlin: James got ready to take the express when Gordon returned.
  • Gordon: Be careful.
  • George Carlin: Warned Gordon.
  • Gordon: The hills are slippery. You may need help.
  • James: I don't need help on hills.
  • George Carlin: Replied James huffily.
  • James: Gordon thinks he knows everything.
  • George Carlin: Earlier the storm had slipped Gordon's Hill blowing leaves on the tracks which made them slippery. Even know the storm had passed, the hill was still difficult to climb. James knew this. The signal shown cleared, and James began to go faster.
  • James: I'll do it, I'll do it.
  • George Carlin: He puffed. Halfway up, he was not so sure.
  • James: I must do it, I must do it.
  • George Carlin: But his wheels slipped on the leaves. He couldn't pull the train at all.
  • James: Help, help!
  • George Carlin: Whistled James. His wheels were turning forward, but the heavy coaches pulled him backwards. The haul train started slipping down the hill. His driver shut off steam and put on the brakes, then carefully he stopped the train. Gordon saw everything.
  • Gordon: Ah well, we live and learn. Never mind, little James. I'm going to push behind.
  • George Carlin: Clouds of smoke and steam billowed from the snorting engines as they struggled up the hill.
  • James: We can do it!
  • George Carlin: Puffed James.
  • Gordon: We will do it!
  • George Carlin: Puffed Gordon. At last they reached the top.
  • James: Peep peep! Thank you, goodbye!
  • George Carlin: Whistled James.
  • Gordon: Poop poop!
  • George Carlin: Answered Gordon.
  • Gordon: Goodbye!
  • George Carlin: That night, Sir Topham Hatt came to see the engines. Gordon was miserable.
  • Thomas: Please, sir?
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: Can Gordon pull coaches again now?
  • Sir Topham Hatt: If you understand that having a washdown as a sensle to every engine, then yes, Gordon, you may.
  • Gordon: Thank you.
  • George Carlin: Grunted Gordon.
  • Gordon: Dirty or clean, I'm a famous machine!
  • George Carlin: But no one heard but him.