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Gordon And The Gremlin Transcript is Pikachufreak's idea.

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  • Here's the full transcript to Gordon And The Gremlin.


  • Thomas
  • Gordon
  • James
  • Percy
  • The Fat Controller
  • Dowager Hatt
  • Oliver (cameo)
  • Toad (cameo)


Narrator (Michael Angelis): Early one morning, Gordon's fire would not light.
Firelighter: I don't know what's wrong. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Sighed the firelighter.) There must be gremlins about.
Percy: What are gremlins? (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Asked Percy.)
Thomas: I've heard that they're little green men who play tricks. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Replied Thomas.)
Percy: Can we find one? (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Asked Percy.)
James: Pah! (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Said James.) Gremlins don't exist. They're just an excuse when things go wrong.
Thomas: If firelighter says there are gremlins, there are. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Insisted Thomas.)
James: Huh! (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Snorted James.)
Narrator (Michael Angelis): The Fat Controller had heard everything.
The Fat Controller: Silence! (Narrator (Michael Angelis): He said.) I am expecting a VIP, a very important person today. She is heard that all my engines are really useful. Please prove it.
Engines: Yes sir. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): They all said.)
Percy: As long as the gremlins let us. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Added Percy.)
The Fat Controller: What gremlins?
Percy: The ones in Gordon's fire, sir, that's why he's not ready yet.
The Fat Controller: I'll see about that. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Thundered The Fat Controller.)
Narrator (Michael Angelis): And he did.
The Fat Controller: Gordon, I expect you'd be on your best behavior today. You are to pull the special coach for my special visitor. But no high speeds, please, she won't like that.
Narrator (Michael Angelis): Gordon was proud and pleased. He was waiting for his special coach when Percy puffed in with some trucks.
Percy: What's the matter, Gordon, you're late.
Gordon: Driver says there's gremlins in the turntable. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Replied Gordon.)
Percy: They must be everywhere! (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Squeaked Percy.)
Narrator (Michael Angelis): At last, the turntable was mended and Gordon puffed away with the special coach. He was soon working hard to make up for lost time. After he arrived at the station, The Fat Controller became concerned.
The Fat Controller: Where's Thomas? (Narrator (Michael Angelis): He wondered.) He's supposed to be bringing my visitor from the docks.
Gordon: Hah! (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Huffed Gordon.) Thomas isn't really useful is he's late.
Narrator (Michael Angelis): But it wasn't long before Thomas arrived.
Thomas: (pants) I'm sorry. (pants) A cow strayed on the line and we had to wait for the farmer to take her away. But driver says your visitor is here safe and sound.
The Fat Controller: Indeed she is. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Smiled The Fat Controller.) How nice to see you.
Percy: Who is it? (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Whispered Percy.)
Thomas: I don't know. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Replied Thomas.) But The Fat Controller is certainly keen to please her. He's a arranged a special party for her.
Percy: She's got a dog as well. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Said Percy.)
Dog: (barks)
Thomas' Driver: Come on, Thomas. (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Said driver.) You need a drink.
Gordon: Pah! (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Puffed Gordon.) Thomas is just a lazy little engine. The Fat Controller is expecting me to arrive on time. We're late because of Thomas.
Narrator (Michael Angelis): Gordon's driver decided to make up for lost time. Then, there was trouble.
Gordon's Driver: I think we better slow down. This is an old line it could make things uncomfortable for the VIP.
Narrator (Michael Angelis): And it did. She was taking a bath and the water was slopping all over the place.
Dowager Hatt: *groans* (Narrator (Michael Angelis): She cried.)
Narrator (Michael Angelis): Gordon was very relieved to reach his final destination where Thomas was waiting to collect The Fat Controller and his special visitor. He blew an extra long whistle. (Gordon's whistle tooting) This frightened the visitor's dog so much that he fled from the station and ran into a field where a bull was grazing.
Bull: (roaring)
Narrator (Michael Angelis): The bull frightened the little dog even more. He ran back again onto the platform and over the bridge.
Dog: (barking)
Narrator (Michael Angelis): He didn't stop until he jumped straight into Thomas' cab.
Dog: (barks)
Narrator (Michael Angelis): But he had a wonderful ride all the way to the docks.
Thomas' Fireman: What's the dog's name? (Narrator (Michael Angelis): Asked the fireman.)
Dowager Hatt: Well, after today's events, I think I'll rename him Gremlin.
Narrator (Michael Angelis): The Fat Controller chuckled.
The Fat Controller: In that case, I've met one at last. Ha ha.
Thomas: Excuse me, sir, but who is your very important visitor?
The Fat Controller: Why didn't I tell you? This lady is my mother and she agrees with me. You are indeed really useful engines and my mother of course is always right.