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Jake and Riley's Perfect Date is a The Further Adventures of Shining Time Station (Pokemon Puzzle League version) episode.


  • There's a Haruhi Suzumiya party and Jake and Riley are in love with each other. So Ash, Bailey, Danny, Marina, Dorian, Krystal, Alex Davis, Chigusa, Kiyo, Rebecca, Tai, Serena, Joe, Mina, Matt, Raye, Davis, Lita, Izzy, Amy, Westwood, Assunta and The Conductors set up a date for them. Note: Bailey, Marina, Krystal, Chigusa, Rebecca, Serena, Mina, Raye, Lita, Amy, Assunta and Riley are in Mikuru Asahina outfits and nude tights also the music that Jake and Riley are dancing to is There's No One Quite Like Emily from Thomas and Friends.


  • Mr. Conductor 1
  • Mr. Conductor 2
  • Mr. Conductor 3
  • Ash Ketchum
  • Bailey
  • Danny
  • Marina
  • Dorian
  • Krystal
  • Alex Davis
  • Chigusa
  • Kiyo
  • Rebecca
  • Tai Kamiya
  • Serena Tsukino
  • Joe Kido
  • Mina Aino
  • Matt Ishida
  • Raye Hino
  • Davis Motomiya
  • Lita Kino
  • Izzy Izumi
  • Amy Mizuno
  • Prof. Westwood
  • Assunta
  • Jake Long
  • Riley Daring


Part 1[]

  • (We see Ash and the others in Haruhi Suzumiya outfits)
  • Ash: This Koizumi outfit rocks.
  • Bailey: An Asahina for me.
  • Tai: Girls are battle waitresses.
  • Serena: Why of course.
  • Dorian: Your nude tights sparkle.
  • Krystal: Used for my Alice outfit.
  • Matt: Your new outfit is perfect.
  • Raye: Better than a Narusegawa.
  • Alex Davis: You know how pink it is.
  • Chigusa: That's right.
  • Davis: Scouts have to wear redhead outfits.
  • Lita: And opaque nude tights.
  • Ash: We're at the gym.
  • (The Conductors appear, wearing Itsuki Koizumi outfits)
  • Mr. Conductor 3: You lucky Koizumi.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Good going.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Edward saved Trevor in the scrapyards.
  • Mina: Edward saved what?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: I can tell.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Saved From Scrap starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sir Topham Hatt works his engines hard, but they are very proud when he calls them really useful.
  • Edward: I'm going to the scrapyard today.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Edward called to Thomas.
  • Thomas: What? Already? You're not that old.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied Thomas cheekily. Thomas was only teased him. The scrapyard was full of rusty old cars and machinery. They are broken into pieces, loaded into cars and Edward pulls them to the steelworks where they are melted down and used again. Today, there was a surprise waiting for Edward in the yard. It was a traction engine.
  • Edward: Hello.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Edward.
  • Edward: You're not broken and rusty. What are you doing here?
  • Trevor: I'm Trevor. They're going to break me up next week.
  • Edward: What a shame.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Edward.
  • Trevor: My driver says I only need some paint, polish and oil to be as good as new, but my owner says I'm old fashioned.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Edward snorted.
  • Edward: People say I'm old fashioned, but I don't care. Sir Topham Hatt says I'm a useful engine. What work did you do?
  • Trevor: My owner will send us from farm to farm. We threshed corn, hauled logs and did lots of other work. The children loved to see us.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Trevor shut his eyes, remembering.
  • Trevor: Oh, yes. I like children.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Edward set off for the station.
  • Edward: Broken up, what a shame. Broken up, what a shame. I must help Trevor, i must.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He thought of all his friends who liked engines. But strangely none of them would have room for a traction engine at home.
  • Edward: It's a shame, it's a shame.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He hissed. Then...
  • Edward: Peep! Peep! Why didn't i think of him before.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: There on the platform was the very person.
  • Vicar: Hello, Edward. You look upset. What's the matter, Charlie?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He asked the driver.
  • Driver: There's a traction engine in the scrapyard, Vicar. He'll be broken up next week. Jem Cole says he never drove a better engine.
  • Edward: Do save him, sir. He saws wood and gives children rides.
  • Vicar: We'll see.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied the Vicar. Jem Cole came on saturday.
  • Jem Cole: The reverend's comin to see you, Trevor. Maybe he'll buy you.
  • Trevor: Do you think he will?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Asked Trevor?
  • Jem Cole: He will when i lit your fire and clean you up.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The Vicar and his two boys arrived that evening. Trevor hadn't felt so happy for months. He chuffered about the yard.
  • Vicar: Show your paces, Trevor.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied the Vicar. Later he came out of the office, smiling.
  • Vicar: I've got him cheap, Jem, cheap.
  • Jem Cole: Did ye hear that Trevor?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Cried Jem.
  • Jem Cole: The reverend's saved you and you'll live at the vicarage now.
  • Trevor: Peep! Peep!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Whistled Trevor. Now Trevor's home was in the Vicarage Orchard, and he sees Edward every day. His paint is spotless and his brass shines like gold. Trevor likes his work but his happiest day is the church fair. With a wooden seat bolted to his bunker, he chuffers round the orchard giving rides to children. Long afterwards, you will see him shut his eyes, remembering.
  • Trevor: I like children.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He whispers happily.
  • (Saved From Scrap ends)
  • Mina: Trever is repainted.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And living at the orchard.
  • (The Conductors disappear)
  • Jake: I'll dance with you.
  • Riley: Why of course.
  • Ash: Jake is astounding.
  • Bailey: So is Riley.
  • (End of Part 1)

Part 2[]

  • (We see Ash and the others watch Jake asking Riley to dance)
  • Jake: (kissing Riley's hand) Your cute outfit. Shall we dance?
  • Riley: Certainly.
  • (Jake and Riley start dancing)
  • Ash: Dance with me, Bailey.
  • Bailey: Certainly, Ash.
  • (Ash and Bailey do the same)
  • Marina: I love my opaque nude tights.
  • Krystal: I use them for my Alice outfit.
  • Chigusa: Mine for my Cammy White outfit.
  • Rebecca: We're always battle waitresses.
  • Serena: We use nude tights for Sailor outfits as well.
  • Mina: Asahina sisters.
  • Raye: My cute outfit.
  • (The Conductors reappear)
  • Mr. Conductor 3: You do talk about nude tights.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: And so are our Koizumi outfits.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas befriended Trevor.
  • Amy: Thomas befriended what?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: I can tell.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and A New Friend For Thomas starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Trevor the Traction Engine enjoys living in the Vicarage Orchard. Edward came to see him every day, but sometimes Trevor didn't have enough work to do.
  • Trevor: I do like to keep busy all the time.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He sighed one day.
  • Trevor: And i do like company. Especially, children's company.
  • Edward: Cheer up.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Smiled Edward.
  • Edward: Sir Topham Hatt has worked for you at his new harbor. I'm to take you to meet Thomas today.
  • Trevor: Oh.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Exclaimed Trevor happily.
  • Trevor: The harbor, the seaside, children. That would be lovely.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas was on his way to the harbour with a trainload of metal pilings. They were needed to make the harbour wharf firm and safe.
  • Edward: Hello, Thomas.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Said Edward.
  • Edward: This is Trevor a friend of mine. He's a traction engine.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas eyed the newcomer doubtfully.
  • Thomas: A what engine?
  • Trevor: A traction engine.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Explained Trevor.
  • Trevor: I run on roads instead of rails. Can you take me to the harbour, please? Sir Topham Hatt has a job for me.
  • Thomas: Yes, of course.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied Thomas. But he was still puzzled. Workmen coupled Trevor's car to Thomas' train and soon they were ready to start their journey.
  • Trevor: I'm glad Sir Topham Hatt needs me.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Called Trevor.
  • Trevor: I don't have enough to do sometime you know. Although i can work anywhere. In orchards, on farms, in scrapyards even at harbours.
  • Thomas: But you don't run on rails.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Puffed Thomas.
  • Trevor: I'm a traction engine. I don't need rails to be useful.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied Trevor.
  • Trevor: You wait and see.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: When they reached the harbour, they found everything in confusion. Cars had been derailed, blocking the line and stone slabs lay everywhere.
  • Driver: We must get this pilings past.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Thomas' Driver.
  • Driver: They are escential. Trevor, we need you to drag them round this mess.
  • Trevor: Just the sort of job i like.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied Trevor.
  • Trevor: Now you'll see, Thomas. I'll soon show you what traction engines can do.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Trevor was as good as his work. He dragged the pilings clear with chains and towed them into position.
  • Trevor: Who needs rails?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He muttered cheerfully to himself. Later, Thomas brought Annie and Clarabel to visit him. Thomas was most impressed.
  • Thomas: Now i understand how useful a traction engine can be.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The coaches were full of children. Trevor gave them rides to all the harbour. He liked this best of all.
  • Annie: He's very kind.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Annie.
  • Clarabel: He reminds me of Thomas.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Added Clarabel. Everyone was sorry when it was time for Trevor to go. Thomas pulled him to the junction. A small tear came into Trevor's eye. Thomas pretended not to see. He whistled gaily to make Trevor happy.
  • Thomas: I'll come and see you if I can.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He promised.
  • Thomas: The Vicar will look after you and there's plenty of work for you now at the orchard. But we may meet you again at the harbour someday.
  • Trevor: That would be wonderful.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Trevor. That evening, Trevor stood remembering his new friend Thomas, the harbour, and most of all, the children. Then he went happily to sleep in the shed at the bottom of the orchard.
  • (A New Friend For Thomas ends)
  • Amy: Thomas did befriend Trevor.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: You got it.
  • (The Conductors disappear)
  • Ash: Susan will be proud of you.
  • Jake: Why thanks.
  • Bailey: Why don't all four of us remove our high heeled pumps?
  • Marina, Serena and Mina: Good idea.
  • (End of Part 2)

Part 3[]

  • (We see the four girls with their high heeled pumps off)
  • Bailey: We're battle waitresses.
  • Marina: Such sweet nude tights.
  • Serena: It's fun to wear them.
  • Mina: Nyloned sisters.
  • Bailey: We adore them so much.
  • Marina, Serena and Mina: You got it.
  • (The Conductors reappear)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Good old sisters.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Longstocking ones.
  • Mr. Conductor 3: Blonde ones.
  • (The Conductors high 5 each other as the episode ends)
  • (End of Part 3)