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On Track For Railway Adventures - Full Transcript is Pikachufreak's idea.


  • As request from Thomas Home Video, here is the full transcript to the June 2005 video, On Track For Railway Adventures. Stories in order: Thomas and The Conductor, Percy Takes The Plunge, Middle Engine, Twin Trouble, A Better View For Gordon, Better Late Than Never, Fish, Baa!, James and The Red Balloon and Dunkin' Duncan.


  • Thomas
  • Henry
  • Gordon
  • James
  • Percy
  • Toby
  • Duck
  • Donald and Douglas
  • Bill and Ben
  • 'Arry and Bert
  • Skarloey
  • Rheneas
  • Rusty
  • Duncan
  • Bertie
  • Trevor
  • Annie and Clarabel
  • Sir Topham Hatt
  • Edward (does not speak)
  • Stepney (does not speak)
  • Harold (does not speak)
  • Diesel (cameo)
  • George (cameo)


  • (We open this video with the Anchor Bay FBI Warning)
  • (We then see the 2004-2007 Anchor Bay Entertainment logo)
  • (The 2001 HiT Entertainment logo appears)
  • (The Britt Allcroft Presents logo is soon followed)
  • (The Thomas Season 5 intro is shown and we begin Thomas and The Conductor)
  • George Carlin: Thomas the Tank Engine is very proud of his branch line. He thinks it's the most important part of the whole railway. His two coaches Annie and Clarabel agree with him. Annie could only take passengers but Clarabel can take passengers, luggage and the conductor. They were both old and need new paint but Thomas loves them very much. As they run backwards and forwards along the line, they sing songs to each other. When Thomas starts from the station he sings...
  • Thomas: Oh, come along, we're rather late. Oh, come along, we're rather late.
  • George Carlin: And the coaches sang...
  • Annie and Clarabel: We're coming along. We're coming along.
  • George Carlin: They don't mind that Thomas says to them because he know he was trying to please Sir Topham Hatt, and to know to that if Thomas is cross, he's not cross with them. One day, they have to wait for Henry's train which made Thomas very cross.
  • Thomas: How could I run my line properly if Henry is always late? He doesn't realize that Sir Topham Hatt depends on me.
  • George Carlin: Thomas whistled impatiently. He wanted to leave, but he have to wait for Henry's passengers. At last Henry came.
  • Thomas: Where have you been, lazybones?
  • Henry: Oh dear, my system is out of order. No one understands my case. You don't know what I suffer.
  • Thomas: Rubbish!
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: You're too slow. You need exercise.
  • George Carlin: The conductor blew his whistle and Thomas started so quickly that he left him behind. The conductor waved his red flag to stop Thomas, but Thomas was on his way steaming out of the station.
  • Thomas: Come along, come along.
  • George Carlin: Puffed Thomas, but Clarabel didn't want to come.
  • Clarabel: I've lost my nice conductor, I've lose my nice conductor.
  • George Carlin: She sobbed. Annie tried to tell Thomas what had happened.
  • Annie: We haven't a conductor, we haven't a conductor!
  • George Carlin: But he was hurrying and wouldn't listen. Annie and Clarabel tried to put on their brakes, but they couldn't without their conductor.
  • Annie and Clarabel: Where's our conductor? Where's our conductor?
  • George Carlin: They cried, but Thomas didn't stop till they came to a signal.
  • Thomas: Bother that signal.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: What's the matter?
  • Driver: I don't know.
  • George Carlin: Said his driver.
  • Driver: The conductor will tell us in a minute.
  • George Carlin: They waited and waited but the conductor didn't come.
  • Thomas: Peep peep peep, where's the conductor?
  • George Carlin: Whistled Thomas.
  • Annie and Clarabel: We've left him behind!
  • George Carlin: Sobbed Annie and Clarabel together. Everyone looked, and there he was running as fast as he could along the line, with his flag on one hand and his whistle in the other. He was very hot, so he had a drink, and told them that Thomas had left him behind.
  • Thomas: I'm very sorry.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Conductor: We all made mistakes.
  • George Carlin: Replied the conductor.
  • Conductor: Look, the signal's down. We can go. Let's make up for lost time.
  • George Carlin: Annie and Clarabel were so pleased to have their conductor again, but they sang...
  • Annie and Clarabel: As fast as you like, as fast as you like!
  • George Carlin: Thomas all the way. They reached the end of the line quicker than ever before.
  • (Thomas arrives at the last station)
  • (A nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Percy Takes The Plunge)
  • George Carlin: One day, Henry wanted a rest, but Percy was talking to some engines. He was telling them about the time he had brave bad weather to help Thomas.
  • Percy: It was raining hard. Water swirled under my boiler. I couldn't see where I was going, but I struggled on.
  • Bill: Oh, Percy, you are brave.
  • Percy: Well, it wasn't anything really. Water's nothing to an engine with determination.
  • Ben: Tell us more, Percy.
  • Henry: What are you engines doing here?
  • George Carlin: Hissed Henry.
  • Henry: This shed is for Sir Topham Hatt's engines. Go away. Silly things.
  • George Carlin: Henry snorted.
  • Percy: They're not silly.
  • George Carlin: Percy had been enjoying himself.
  • Henry: They are silly and so are you. Water's nothing to an engine with determination. Huh.
  • Percy: Anyway.
  • George Carlin: Said cheeky Percy.
  • Percy: I'm not afraid of water, I like it.
  • George Carlin: He ran off to the harbour singing.
  • Percy: Once an engine attached to a train, was afraid of a few drops of rain.
  • Henry: No one ever lets me forget the time I wouldn't come out of the tunnel in case the rain spoiled my paint.
  • George Carlin: Huffed Henry. Thomas was looking at the board on the key.
  • Thomas: Danger. We mustn't go passed it.
  • George Carlin: He said.
  • Thomas: That's orders.
  • Percy: Why?
  • Thomas: Danger means falling down something.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: I went pass danger once, and fell down a mine.
  • Percy: I can't see a mine.
  • George Carlin: Said Percy. He didn't know that the foundations of the key had sunk. The rails now sloped down into the sea.
  • Percy: Stupid board.
  • George Carlin: Said Percy. He made a plan. One day, he whispered to the cars.
  • Percy: Will you give me a bump when we get to the key?
  • George Carlin: The cars had never asked to bump an engine before. They giggled and chattered about it.
  • Percy: Driver doesn't know my plan.
  • George Carlin: Chuckled Percy.
  • Cars: On, on, on!
  • George Carlin: Laughed the cars. Percy thought they were helping.
  • Percy: I'll pretend to stop at the station, but the cars will push me pass the board. Then I'll make them stop. I can do that wherever I like.
  • George Carlin: Every wise engine knows that you cannot trust freight cars.
  • Cars: Go on, go on!
  • George Carlin: They yelled, and bumped Percy's driver and fireman off the footplate.
  • Percy: Ow!
  • George Carlin: Said Percy, sliding pass the board. Percy was frantic.
  • Percy: That's enough!
  • (Percy falls into the water)
  • George Carlin: Percy was sunked.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You are a very disobedient engine.
  • George Carlin: Percy knew that voice.
  • Percy: Please, sir, get me out, sir, I'm truly sorry, sir.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: No, Percy, we cannot do that till high tide. I hope it will teach you to take care of yourself.
  • Percy: Yes, sir.
  • George Carlin: It was dark when they brought floating cranes to rescue Percy. He was too cold and stiff to move by himself.
  • (Percy is lifted onto a flatbed)
  • George Carlin: Next day, he was sent to the works on Henry's freight train.
  • Henry: Well, well, well!
  • George Carlin: Chuckled Henry.
  • Henry: Did you like the water?
  • Percy: No.
  • Henry: I am surprised. You need more determination, Percy. Water's nothing to an engine with determination you know. Perhaps you will like it better next time.
  • George Carlin: Percy is quite determined that they'll won't be a next time.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Middle Engine)
  • Alec Baldwin: Sir Topham Hatt's engines love their work. Gordon likes pulling the express, Thomas likes his branch line and Percy likes taking the mail. But none of them likes being a middle engine. It's no fun being stuck in a middle. One morning, Percy was cheerfully collecting coal cars in the smelter's yards, where 'Arry and Bert worked. They like to play tricks on steam engines. Percy didn't want to fall for their tricks again. But before he knew it, he was stuck in the middle.
  • Percy: Oh, Bother!
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed Percy crossly.
  • 'Arry: Little green piggy in the middle!
  • Alec Baldwin: 'Arry teased. Percy's driver was cross. With coal cars in front and coal cars behind, Percy had to go slower. James was in the yards when Percy was steamed slowly by.
  • James: Ha, ha! It's Pokey Percy!
  • Alec Baldwin: James laughed.
  • Percy: You wouldn't be laughing if you were stuck in the middle.
  • Alec Baldwin: Percy fumed. And he fumed all the way to the coaling plant. One by one, he shunted the coal cars onto the tipper's loading ramp and the coal was unloaded. Percy was not allowed to cross the loading ramp until the tipper had been turned off. It was against the rules. But as soon as his driver and fireman left, there was trouble. Henry arrived to pick up coal. He bumped into the coal cars and the coal cars bumped into Percy. Percy was pushed onto the loading ramp.
  • Percy: Help!
  • Alec Baldwin: Cried Percy. Percy was hoist it up, tipped over and brought back down again. After Percy was load back down to the ground, the manager was very cross.
  • Manager: You have caused confusion and delay!
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Manager: I'll have to report this to Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Alec Baldwin: That night, Sir Topham Hatt spoke severely to Percy.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I'm very disappointed you, Percy.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You know it's against the rules to go on to the tipper's loading ramp.
  • Percy: Sorry, sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: Percy said sadly.
  • Percy: But it wasn't my fault. It's because those diesels made me a middle engine.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Never the less, you will shunt freight cars in the yard until I can get to the bottom of this.
  • James: Pah!
  • Alec Baldwin: Said James, thinking that he can hear.
  • James: I can handle those diesels with bent buffers and a busted boiler!
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Then you will do Percy's run in the smelter.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • James: Yes sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said James. The next day, James arrived at the smelter. He was determined to be tricked by 'Arry and Bert.
  • 'Arry: Hello, James.
  • Alec Baldwin: Oosed 'Arry.
  • 'Arry: Come to learn a thing or two from those who know?
  • James: Just get my freight cars ready and stay out of my way.
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed James importantly.
  • Bert: Yes, sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: Bert chimed gricely. James cheerfully backed up to his freight cars. He was certain he had fooled 'Arry and Bert but he was wrong.
  • 'Arry: Little red piggy in the middle!
  • Alec Baldwin: Chortled 'Arry
  • Bert: Just like Percy!
  • Alec Baldwin: Jeered Bert.
  • James: I am not like Percy.
  • Alec Baldwin: Puffed James.
  • James: I am not a middle engine and I am not moving.
  • Alec Baldwin: And he didn't. When Sir Topham Hatt heard the news he sent Percy to fetch James. This made Percy happy. He buffered up to James and took him along with all the freight cars to the docks.
  • Manager: Right on time.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said the manager.
  • Manager: But what does that big red engine doing in the middle?
  • Percy: Learning.
  • Alec Baldwin: Percy replied.
  • Manager: Learning what?
  • Percy: Learning to be a middle engine.
  • Alec Baldwin: Percy laughed. James covered himself in steam hoping no one would recognize him, but it was good. It was only big red engine on the island and everyone knows his name is James!
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Twin Trouble)
  • Alec Baldwin: Donald and Douglas are Scottish twin engines. They are practical peppery and proud. They nearly always work together. One day, Donald and Douglas were chuffing through the countryside hauling a heavy load. Down the line, Trevor the Traction Engine had been struggling with a big cartload of hay. Crossing the tracks, the cart's wheels have broken off. Then Trevor heard a whistle.
  • Trevor: Oh no!
  • Alec Baldwin: Trevor cried. Donald could see the cart.
  • Donald: Stop!
  • Alec Baldwin: He cried. Donald's driver applied the brakes, but it was too late.
  • (Donald crashes into the cart)
  • Alec Baldwin: Luckily, no one was hurt.
  • Donald: Stop being pushy.
  • Alec Baldwin: Donald snapped.
  • Douglas: Don't call me pushy.
  • Alec Baldwin: Douglas snapped back.
  • Donald: You shouldn't have pushed me into the cart.
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed Donald.
  • Douglas: You pulled me you mean.
  • Alec Baldwin: Argued Douglas.
  • Donald: Didn't!
  • Douglas: Did!
  • Donald: Did not!
  • Douglas: Did too!
  • Alec Baldwin: Before long the track was cleared and Donald and Douglas were on their way. The twins were so cross they refuse to speak to each other for the rest of the day. The next day, Sir Topham Hatt needed an engine to help Duck at the smelter's yards.
  • Donald: May I go, sir?
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Donald eagerly.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I only need one engine.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Not two.
  • Donald: I am only one engine, sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Donald.
  • Donald: And I would like to help with Duck.
  • Alec Baldwin: Sir Topham Hatt was surprised but agreed. Thomas was worried.
  • Thomas: Won't you miss one another?
  • Alec Baldwin: He asked.
  • Thomas: I know I missed Annie and Clarabel.
  • Douglas: I'll work better on my own.
  • Alec Baldwin: Sniffed Douglas.
  • Donald: I have work to do.
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed Donald. At first, Donald enjoyed working with Duck. Then, things started to go wrong.
  • Donald: Did you shunt those freight cars on the other line?
  • Alec Baldwin: Donald asked.
  • Duck: You said you wanted them on the other line.
  • Alec Baldwin: Duck replied.
  • Donald: Not that other line, the other other line.
  • Alec Baldwin: Donald was cross.
  • Donald: Douglas would have known what I've meant.
  • Alec Baldwin: He huffed. Douglas was working on his own. He chuffed dutifully through the beautiful countryside. But Douglas had no one to share it with. Although he tried not to he was beginning to miss his twin. That night, Douglas' Driver took him to see Donald.
  • Douglas: I was just passing.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Douglas.
  • Donald: Have you come to say you're sorry?
  • Alec Baldwin: Donald sniffed. This made Douglas very cross.
  • Douglas: I've nothing to be sorry for.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said and steamed away in a huff. The next day, Donald was in a bad mood. Duck could see he was getting too close for the buffers.
  • Duck: Look out!
  • Alec Baldwin: Duck shouted, but it was too late.
  • (Donald falls into a pit)
  • Alec Baldwin: Donald's driver was very cross.
  • Donald's Driver: This would've happened if you were working with Douglas.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said. Donald knew he was right and Duck knew he couldn't pull Donald back onto the rails. So he went for help. Douglas was sadly finishing his work as Duck steamed into the depot.
  • Duck: Donald is in trouble.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Duck.
  • Douglas: Donald in trouble?
  • Alec Baldwin: Douglas cried.
  • Douglas: I'm on my way!
  • Alec Baldwin: And he steamed off as fast as he could. Douglas struggled and struggled, he finally pulled his twin gently back on to the tracks. He was relief Donald wasn't hurt.
  • Donald: Thank you.
  • Alec Baldwin: Donald said.
  • Donald: And I'm sorry.
  • Douglas: No, I'm sorry.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Douglas.
  • Donald: I'm sorry.
  • Alec Baldwin: Insisted Donald.
  • Duck: Don't argue about who's sorry.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuckled Duck.
  • Duck: Just be glad you're back together.
  • Alec Baldwin: And they were.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin A Better View For Gordon)
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon was feeling grumpy. This was making James cross.
  • James: Why are you complaining all the time?
  • Gordon: Because I'm a big blue engine and I know everything. I shall complain whatever I like. You're just a small red engine with ideas above your station.
  • Percy: I can't see any.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Percy.
  • Percy: Where are they?
  • Gordon: Any what?
  • Percy: Ideas above the station. The sky's empty.
  • James: Like your smokebox, Percy.
  • Alec Baldwin: Laughed James, but Gordon was still grumpy.
  • Gordon: One day I'll show you just a big engine can really do.
  • Percy: So what can a big engine really do?
  • Gordon: Not speak to silly little green engines for a start.
  • Alec Baldwin: Replied Gordon, then he puffed away. Later that day, Sir Topham Hatt came to see him.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Gordon, you'll be making one stop today with an empty express to test our new station. You can make up time afterwards.
  • Gordon: Why can't Henry do it? He likes idling at stations.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You will do as you are told.
  • Alec Baldwin: So Gordon did. But he was still unhappy and he grew sick too.
  • Gordon: I just can't get up to speed.
  • Alec Baldwin: He groaned.
  • Gordon's Fireman: It's time for your visit to the works. Your pipes are clogged.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said the fireman. At last, they approached the new station. Gordon was impressed but his mood soon changed. In front of him was a blank wall and huge buffers.
  • Gordon: What a boring view! Important engines like me should have a panoramic view where I can see people and people could see me.
  • Alec Baldwin: And he wheeshed angrily. Gordon was happy when it was time to leave.
  • Gordon's Driver: Now you can really enjoy your run as long as your pipes will let you.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said his driver.
  • Gordon: Come on, come on! I can go faster that this!
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed Gordon.
  • Gordon: Sick? Me? Never!
  • (Gordon suddenly breaks down)
  • Alec Baldwin: But Gordon began to feel more and more feeble, and soon, he came to a complete stop.
  • Gordon: What happened?
  • Alec Baldwin: His driver and fireman inspected him.
  • Gordon's Fireman: Something's broken inside you, Gordon.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said his fireman.
  • Gordon's Fireman: Now you're really will have to go to the works.
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon was still fuming when James arrived to collect his coaches.
  • James: Well, well, well! So much about anything. You got too puffed up in your boiler so it's serves you right.
  • Alec Baldwin: When Gordon returned to the works a few days later, he was still boasting.
  • Gordon: I am the finest engine on the Island of Sodor, properly the finest in the world.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Come on, Gordon. We're going to the official opening at the new station.
  • Alec Baldwin: Then, there was trouble. As Gordon approached the new station, neither the driver nor fireman could apply his brakes. Something had jammed. The driver reduced steam, but Gordon was still going too fast.
  • (Gordon crashed into the wall)
  • Gordon: Help me, please!
  • (We see Sir Topham Hatt surviving as he rises up to Gordon)
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well, Gordon.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I knew you wanted a panoramic view, but this is not a way to achieve it.
  • Gordon: Yes, Sir, sorry, Sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: When Gordon was repaired again, he took Sir Topham Hatt to the new station, for a second official opening. This time he arrived safely, and everyone clapped and cheered as he pulled in. Sir Topham Hatt spoke to him.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Your panoramic view is here to stay. I trusted you are always see through it, from the safety of your own rails.
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon hardly agreed.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Better Late Than Never)
  • George Carlin: The engines were finding life difficult. Workmen were mending the viaduct on the main line. The arches needed strenghtany. Sir Topham Hatt did not want to close the railway while the work was done and so repairs took a long time. The engines have to take great care when crossing the viaduct and the delay often made them late on their journey to the junction where they knew Thomas would be ready to collect his passengers. Thomas grew crosser and crosser.
  • Thomas: Time's time.
  • George Carlin: He grumbled.
  • Thomas: Why should I keep my passengers waiting while Henry and James dawdle about all day on viaducts?
  • Henry: Don't blame me.
  • George Carlin: Snorted Henry.
  • Henry: If we hurried to cross the viaduct, it might collapsed, and then you have no passengers at all. What would you do then?
  • Thomas: Run my train on time for one thing.
  • George Carlin: Retorted Thomas. He hurried away before Henry could answer. Bertie was impatient too. He was time to arrived just after Thomas. His passengers found that, instead of going straight from the bus till their train, they were kept waiting till Thomas arrived. Soon Bertie grew cross with Thomas.
  • Bertie: Late again!
  • George Carlin: He remarked as Thomas panted wearily in.
  • Bertie: We may be friends, but I thought you could go fast, Thomas. It's time we had another race. I reckon I can beat you now.
  • George Carlin: Thomas let off steam loudly.
  • Thomas: Rubbish!
  • George Carlin: He hissed fiercely.
  • Thomas: It's those main line engines. They differ about on the viaduct, and they blamed Sir Topham Hatt's workmen. It's just an excuse for laziness if you ask me.
  • George Carlin: One day, James was later than ever at the junction.
  • James: I'm sorry, Thomas.
  • George Carlin: He puffed.
  • James: I was held up at the station, and the viaduct made it worse.
  • Thomas: It's lucky for you I'm a guaranteed connection.
  • George Carlin: Grumbled Thomas. Before James could answer, he puffed importantly away.
  • Thomas: Come along, come along!
  • George Carlin: He panted to the coaches. Annie and Clarabel did their best but Thomas still found that he couldn't save much time. Suddenly, Thomas saw Bertie ahead. His radiator was steaming.
  • Thomas: What's the matter?
  • George Carlin: Asked Thomas.
  • Thomas: You should be at the station by now. You're late.
  • Bertie: I feel dreadful.
  • George Carlin: Moaned Bertie.
  • Bertie: All upset inside and driver says he can't make me better. Thank goodness you're late too. Can you take my passengers please? They'll never get home otherwise.
  • Thomas: Of course.
  • George Carlin: Agreed Thomas. He now felt sorry for Bertie, and promised to get help at the next station. Thomas set off again already he felt much more cheerful and Bertie's passengers, travelling in Annie and Clarabel all reached home safely. When Bertie was better he came to thank Thomas.
  • Bertie: I'm sorry I teased you about being late.
  • Thomas: That's all right.
  • George Carlin: Replied Thomas.
  • Thomas: I'm glad I can help. There are times when being late isn't such a bad thing after all.
  • George Carlin: With the last cheerful greeting, the two friends went back to work.
  • (Bertie's horn honks and Thomas' whistle toots)
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Fish)
  • George Carlin: On starry night when the moon is full and the air still, you can hear the sounds of faraway ships and distant laughter. They echoed over the hills and through the valleys, down calm canals and sleepy inlets. Every engine knows that these are the sounds that say the harbour is hard at work at the big station by the sea. One night, a special load of fish was ordered. Sir Topham Hatt decided that extra vans must be added to the train that the men called The Flying Kipper. The only vans available were old ones. They had not been used for a long time. Henry waited impatiently by the keyside as Duck shunted them into position. Thomas puffed by with the mail train.
  • Thomas: Hello, Duck. Going fishing? I'd take care if I were you.
  • Duck: Why?
  • George Carlin: Huffed Duck.
  • Thomas: Well for one thing...
  • George Carlin: Puffed Thomas remembering his own experience.
  • Thomas: ...if fish get into an engine's boiler they always cause trouble. And for another, fish can be awfully smelly. And I know what I'm talking about. Good night.
  • George Carlin: Henry grunted dreadfully.
  • Henry's Driver: You'll just have to put up with it, Henry.
  • George Carlin: Said his driver.
  • Henry's Driver: At least the extra load will mean you can have another engine help us up Gordon's Hill.
  • (Henry puffs away)
  • George Carlin: Meanwhile, Duck was waiting at Edward's station so that he could help the heavy train by pushing from behind. Henry made good progress. When he reached the platform his driver stopped the train beyond the platform. Then Henry gave a special signal.
  • Henry: Peep, peep, peep, peep! I need help please?
  • Duck: Peep, peep!
  • George Carlin: Replied Duck.
  • Duck: I won't be long.
  • George Carlin: Duck buffered gently up to Henry's train. He was not coupled on. Henry would then be able to run on without stopping when they reached the top of the hill.
  • Duck: Ready!
  • George Carlin: Whistled Duck and off they went. Soon they reached Gordon's Hill.
  • Henry: Push hard, push hard.
  • George Carlin: Puffed Henry.
  • Duck: We're doing it, we're doing it.
  • George Carlin: Replied Duck. Henry was pulling his train harder than he realized.
  • (The lamp from the fourth van comes off all of a sudden)
  • George Carlin: Duck felt the weight on his buffers slacking. Then Duck noticed something else.
  • Duck: There's no sign of a tail lamp.
  • George Carlin: He thought. He whistled, but there was no reply. Meanwhile Henry had noticed something too.
  • Henry: My train's getting heavier.
  • George Carlin: He thought to himself.
  • Henry: I'm slowing down.
  • George Carlin: Then there was trouble.
  • (Duck smashes into the vans, causing Henry to come to a stop)
  • George Carlin: No one was hurt. But a strong smell of fish hung in the air. Next day, workmen found a broken tail lamp at the bottom of the hill. Sir Topham Hatt spoke kindly to Duck.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: The accident wasn't your fault. We should've checked that this tail lamp was fixed on properly. We'll soon have you in working order again.
  • Duck: Thank you, sir.
  • George Carlin: Said Duck sadly.
  • Duck: Thomas told me to be careful with fish. They got me in a right pickle, didn't they?
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Baa!)
  • Alec Baldwin: In summer, the Island of Sodor gleams in the sun, and every station is filled with flowers. Percy had been working at the docks all day and was tired of the smell of fish.
  • Driver: Phew. Come on, Percy.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said his driver.
  • Driver: Time to go home.
  • Percy: Please sir, can I have a washdown first?
  • Driver: Sorry, Percy, there isn't time. Sir Topham Hatt was waiting for us at the sheds.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: There is to be a festival of flowers.
  • Alec Baldwin: Announced Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: This sign saying "Best Dressed Station" will be awarded to the winner. Please help with the arrangements.
  • Alec Baldwin: The engines were excited.
  • Thomas: My favorite station is Ffarquahar.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Thomas.
  • Toby: Mine is Maithwaite.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Toby.
  • Toby: Percy, what's yours?
  • Alec Baldwin: Percy was too tired to think properly.
  • Percy: The docks.
  • Alec Baldwin: He murmured.
  • Thomas: Ha!
  • Alec Baldwin: Sniffed Thomas.
  • Thomas: We can tell.
  • Alec Baldwin: Toby laughed.
  • Toby: The docks are filled with fish, not flowers.
  • Percy: All right then. Alresdale's End.
  • Toby: That's my home.
  • Alec Baldwin: Replied Toby.
  • Percy: That's why I like it, especially when you're there not here saying I'm silly. Good night.
  • Alec Baldwin: Next morning, Percy was proud to be sparkling again. His train of freight cars were being loaded with vegetables and flowers.
  • Driver: These are for Maithwaite.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said his driver.
  • Driver: They'll display them on the platform.
  • Alec Baldwin: On the way, Percy saw Harold.
  • Percy: Why is Harold buzzing about?
  • Alec Baldwin: He thought.
  • Percy: I haven't time for a race today.
  • Driver: What's that?
  • Alec Baldwin: Said his driver.
  • Driver: Why bless me, it's a ram.
  • Percy: Now we're being late! I've shouldn't know that Harold is trying to tell us something.
  • Ram: Baa!
  • Fireman: I've got just a ticket to get him off the track.
  • Alec Baldwin: Cried the fireman.
  • Fireman: Food.
  • Alec Baldwin: He found some cabbage leaves. The ram chomped happily away.
  • Percy: Please can we go now?
  • Ram: Baa!
  • Alec Baldwin: When Percy arrived at the station, his driver told the stationmaster what had happened.
  • Stationmaster: I've heard about this ram. He's always hungry.
  • Alec Baldwin: A little while later, the station was decked with flowers.
  • Percy: Maithwaite will defintely win first prize.
  • Alec Baldwin: Decided Percy. He left his coaches and went to a siding where no one could see him.
  • Percy: (yawns) Time for a snooze.
  • Alec Baldwin: He thought. But it wasn't.
  • Driver: We better see what all that noise is about.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said his driver. Percy was shocked. Flowers were scattered everywhere.
  • Driver: It's that ram. He's made of meal out of the station too.
  • Alec Baldwin: Then there was trouble.
  • Passengers: We can't get in to the waiting room!
  • Alec Baldwin: The passengers cried.
  • Stationmaster: Why not?
  • Alec Baldwin: Asked the stationmaster.
  • Passengers: The ram won't let us.
  • Alec Baldwin: Everyone looked at the ram and the ram looked at them.
  • Driver: He's not alone.
  • Alec Baldwin: Explained Percy's driver.
  • Boys: Let us out!
  • Alec Baldwin: Begged the boys.
  • Boys: We're sorry.
  • Stationmaster: Well, look at that!
  • Alec Baldwin: Said the stationmaster.
  • Stationmaster: The boys are the culprits not the ram. He was just making sure they did know more damage.
  • Boys: We thought it would be fun but it wasn't. We'll put everything back.
  • Alec Baldwin: A few days later, Sir Topham Hatt invited some of the engines at Maithwaite, winner of the Best Dressed Station award.
  • Percy: I'm sorry, Toby.
  • Alec Baldwin: Whispered Percy.
  • Toby: You made the right choice.
  • Alec Baldwin: Then Sir Topham Hatt made an annoucement.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: There is one more prize for our good friend the ram. Here it is. And I'll eat my hat if you don't like it.
  • Alec Baldwin: Then Harold landed. The wind from his blades blew Sir Topham Hatt's hat off.
  • Ram: Baa! Baa!
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well, seems I wouldn't be able to eat my hat even if I had to.
  • Alec Baldwin: Everyone laughed and the only sound from the ram was a condented hiccup.
  • Ram: Hic.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin James and The Red Balloon)
  • Alec Baldwin: It is summer holiday time on the Island of Sodor. Vacationers come far and wide to enjoy the beauty of the island. It is the busiest time of the year for Sir Topham Hatt's engines. Thomas was excited. Sir Topham Hatt had sent him to pick up a special to deliver to Dryaw arfield.
  • Percy: What have you got there?
  • Alec Baldwin: Tooted Percy.
  • Thomas: A balloon.
  • Alec Baldwin: Replied Thomas.
  • Percy: A party balloon?
  • Alec Baldwin: Asked Percy excitedly.
  • Thomas: No.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: This is a very special balloon.
  • Alec Baldwin: And he chuffed away. Soon, Thomas arrived at the airfield and hot air was puffed into the balloon.
  • James: What is that?
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed James.
  • Thomas: A hot air balloon.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: It would take vacationers on rides around the island.
  • James: Taking vacationers on rides around the island is our job.
  • Alec Baldwin: Wheeshed James jealously. Then, as if by magic, the hot air balloon rose silently up into the sky.
  • James: What if the hot air balloon takes our passengers away.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed James.
  • James: What would happen to us then.
  • Alec Baldwin: This made Thomas worried. Suddenly, he wasn't so excited about the balloon. The balloon can be seen by everyone on the Island of Sodor. Duck gazed at it for so long, he ran into the back of Stepney.
  • Donald: Why, it's a floating basket with folks in it...
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Donald.
  • Douglas: Whatever would they dream up next?
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Douglas. James and Thomas were waiting at the level crossing. They were still worried about the hot air balloon.
  • Thomas: If it takes our passengers away...
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed Thomas.
  • Thomas: They'll be no use for us engines.
  • James: Passengers should travel on trains.
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed James.
  • James: Not in silly balloons.
  • Alec Baldwin: Then something big and round and red drifted straight towards them.
  • Voice: We're out of hot air!
  • Alec Baldwin: Shouted a voice.
  • James: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
  • Alec Baldwin: Cried James.
  • James: What's happening!?
  • Alec Baldwin: Crash! Bang! Wallop! Went the balloon and landed right on top of James. He was so scared, he let out a huge burst of steam which blew the balloon up again. The balloon rose into the air once more.
  • James' Driver: Well done, James.
  • Alec Baldwin: Called his driver.
  • James' Driver: Your hot air did the trick.
  • Thomas: Oh no, James.
  • Alec Baldwin: Cried Thomas.
  • Thomas: You saved the hot air balloon.
  • James: I didn't mean to.
  • Alec Baldwin: Groaned James.
  • James: Now we're sure to take our passengers.
  • Alec Baldwin: Wherever James went, he could see the balloon carrying vacationers across the island. He felt he should be taking those passengers.
  • James: Rails are better than hot air any day.
  • Alec Baldwin: James arrived back at the station. There were lots of people on the platform. Sir Topham Hatt was waiting too.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well done, James.
  • James: But now the passengers will ride in the hot air balloon.
  • Alec Baldwin: Sir Topham Hatt laughed.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You're right, James.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: But they will need a ride home in a train.
  • Alec Baldwin: James was delighted. Sir Topham Hatt was right. The engines were busier than ever. Taking vacationers to and from the airfield. Whenever James sees the red balloon, he whistles and toots. And sometimes when he's asleep at night, James dreams he can fly too. Just like the red balloon.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Dunkin' Duncan)
  • Alec Baldwin: Rusty, Rheneas and Skarloey chugged cheerfully through the Sodor countryside. The engines were going to help Duncan with an important job at the incline railway. The engines enjoyed working at the incline railway. They like the way the loaded slate cars rolled down the incline pulling the empty slate cars up. But they are always careful. Duncan doesn't like working at the incline railway. He is always impatient to get back at the junction. This makes him careless and gets him in a lot of trouble. Rusty hoped Duncan would stay out of trouble today, but he was already in too much of a hurry.
  • Duncan: I'm a plain speaking engine.
  • Alec Baldwin: Gruffed Duncan.
  • Duncan: So collect your slate cars and be quick about it.
  • Alec Baldwin: And off he steamed.
  • Rheneas: Bossy boots.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed Rheneas.
  • Skarloey: Pushy puffer.
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed Skarloey. They didn't like Duncan telling them what to do.
  • Rusty: He just wants to get back to the bustle of the junction.
  • Alec Baldwin: Rusty said. Duncan wanted everyone to work faster.
  • Duncan: You're supposed to be helping me.
  • Alec Baldwin: He grumbled.
  • Duncan: But you're as slow as snails.
  • Rusty: We're proper engines.
  • Alec Baldwin: Rusty huffed crossly.
  • Rusty: We followed the rules.
  • Rheneas: We can't send up more than four slate cars at a time.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed Rheneas.
  • Duncan: Then work faster.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Duncan impatiently. Later that day, Duncan was working at the incline.
  • Duncan: I'll show you how fast a really useful engine can work.
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan called as he hastily biffed one slate car into another and then another. Soon, Duncan had his four slate cars.
  • Duncan: Nothing to it!
  • Alec Baldwin: He boasted to Rusty.
  • Rusty: Those slate cars will pay you back.
  • Alec Baldwin: Warned Rusty.
  • Rusty: Slate cars don't like to be biffed.
  • Duncan: I can handle slate cars.
  • Alec Baldwin: He cried. The three little engines could see Duncan was not going to listen. They carefully chuffed away from the incline with their slate cars full of slate. Duncan was so impatient he became even more careless.
  • Duncan: I'll show that smelly diesel and those lazy steamers.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said to his driver.
  • Duncan's Driver: Careful.
  • Alec Baldwin: Cautioned his driver.
  • Duncan's Driver: You're asking for trouble.
  • Alec Baldwin: And he got it. Duncan didn't notice his chain was tangled in the coupling of the slate car in front of him. Suddenly, he was being pulled up the track by the empty slate cars.
  • Duncan: Bouncing bogies!
  • Alec Baldwin: He cried.
  • Duncan: It's got me!
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan's driver jumped clear. Rusty returned to see Duncan being pulled up the incline.
  • Rusty: I tried to warn him.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Rusty.
  • Rusty's Driver: He never listens.
  • Alec Baldwin: The little diesel's driver said. The chain pulling Duncan's slate cars couldn't hold the weight. It suddenly snapped. Duncan plummeted down the incline.
  • Duncan: Help!
  • Alec Baldwin: He yelled.
  • (Duncan falls into a pond)
  • Duncan: Glub, glub, glub.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Duncan: Bluggle my bloiler.
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan felt foolish and very wet. When Sir Topham Hatt arrived, he spoke severly to Duncan.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You have not been a responsible engine.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Your impatience has caused confusion and delay and you owe these engines in apology.
  • Duncan: Sorry.
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan said to Rusty, Rheneas and Skarloey.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Once you have been repaired.
  • Alec Baldwin: Sir Topham Hatt said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You will work at the incline until you learned to be patient and careful.
  • Duncan: Yes, sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Duncan.
  • (Following the last story, we find the end credits with Thomas looking at us)
  • (While they roll, the Thomas end theme plays)
  • (After that, the 2003 HiT Entertainment logo appears)