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In this context ortho- is intended more in the sense of -dox than of -normal. This is because in this context -norm is more as contrasted with -pos rather than with tang-. In other words, ortho norm is short for orthodox norm. Thank you again for your patience.

Norms that are less orthonormic are more autonormic, and likely known as auto norm's.

Orthonorms are norms institutions impose on individuals. A statute is a form of orthonorm. Autonorms are wishes, which is to say, imaginings about which norms would be most highly prioritized were an individual, to whom a given autonorm is characteristic; to have the luxury of being able to negotiate successfully the autonomist end of the normic spectrum. Are you with me so far?

Hopefully, the pub wan infrastructure will include a method to accumulate auto-norm set's and store them in a way that "knows" which autonormset comes from which pubwan participant. Ideally it will accomplish this in a way which allows participants privacy, or better yet, control over the position of their autonormic contributions on the copy leftism<-<-<-<-personal privacy spectrum. It should be noted that pubwan architecture has been initially laid out with the assumption that the personal privacy endpole ("endpoint") is not synonymous with "confidentiality." We are taking privacy as analogous to individuals as confidentiality is to entities in general; with "entities" falling into two categories, being "individuals" and "institutions." Again, "orthonorm" is to "institution" as "autonorm" is to "individual." The term "group entity" appears synonymous with "institution," and not just roughly.

A fully functional infrastructure would also excel in the cataloguing of orthonormsets. Like their autonomist counterparts, these normsets should be encodable and storable in maxhi schema, swar schema, and hopefully schemata yet to be devised. They would differ in that they would be assumed useful for designs by any pubwan participant, as we would assume that orthonorms, like the weather, falls on the eunormic and the dysnormic alike. Constraints that are neither nature-imposed nor individual-imposed (that is, self-imposed) are institution-imposed constraints, which is to say, orthonorms.

5 January 2006

Perhaps pubwan participants would form orthonormic fac tions around statistical clusters of (signum,priority) pairings (see maxhi schema).
