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Pokemon Stadium 6 Prime Cup Walkthrough is Pikachufreak's idea.


Round 1[]

  1.  Ace Trainer F Astrid - Pokemon: Slurpance, Klinklance, Blastance, Granbance, Rhyperiance, Crawdance
  2.  Aroma Lady Jolene - Pokemon: Leafroma, Tropiroma, Venuroma, Victroma, Gutoroma, Lilliroma
  3.  Black Belt Jin - Pokemon: Pang, Lee, Sawk, Haw, Prime, Cario
  4.  Dragon Tamer Bert - Pokemon: Noivame, Drudame, Kingdrame, Salamame, Garchame, Goodrame
  5.  Scientist Greg - Pokemon: Trevelab, Bislab, Caclab, Wealab, Doomlab, Binklab
  6.  Hex Maniac Sierra - Pokemon: Gourgiex, Gengex, Drifblex, Umbrex, Tyranitex, Absex
  7.  Smasher Katie - Pokemon: Chesmash, Aegismash, Delismash, Ursasmash, Goldsmash, Haxosmash
  8.  Ace Trainer M Carson - Pokemon: Dianstor, Raistor, Mewstor, Florstor, Miestor, Slashstor

Round 2[]

  1. Ace Trainer F Astrid - Pokemon: Gardevance, Camerance, Venance, Omastance, Weavance, Probopance
  2.  Aroma Lady Jolene - Pokemon: Lilliroma, Roseroma, Gutoroma, Sectroma, Megaroma, Belloroma
  3.  Black Belt Jin - Pokemon: Gall, Loom, Chan, Cham, Throh, Cross
  4.  Dragon Tamer Bert - Pokemon: Goodrame, Niteame, Galgame, Tyraname, Kingdrame, Haxorame
  5.  Scientist Greg - Pokemon: Trevelab, Krookolab, Scilab, Mightlab, Zorolab, Forrelab
  6.  Hex Maniac Sierra - Pokemon: Gengex, Mismex, Crawdex, Cofagex, Bisex, Mandibex
  7.  Smasher Katie - Pokemon: Alakamash, Raismash, Heatsmash, Cruelsmash, Charismash, Flaresmash
  8.  Ace Trainer M Carson - Pokemon: Hoopstor, Ursastor, Hydreistor, Magcarstor, Feralistor, Stantstor