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Raiden and Temari's True Love is a The Spirit of Shining Time Station (Pokemon Puzzle League version) episode.


  • There's an anime party and Raiden and Temari are in love with each other. So Ash, Bailey, Kevin, Mariah, Falkner, Yamanaka, Scooby, Amber, Shaggy, Velma and The Conductors set up a true love for them. Note: Bailey is in a Shirley Fenette outfit, Mariah is in an Asuka Langley outfit, Yamanaka is in a Mizuho Kazami outfit, Amber is in a Naru Narusegawa outfit, Velma is in a Mikuru Asahina outfit and Temari is in a Kagura Sohma outfit and are all in tights also the music that Raiden and Temari are dancing to is H Is For Harold from Thomas and Friends.


  • Mr. Conductor 1
  • Mr. Conductor 2
  • Mr. Conductor 3
  • Ash Ketchum
  • Bailey
  • Kevin Whitney
  • Mariah
  • Falkner
  • Yamanaka
  • Scooby-Doo
  • Amber
  • Shaggy
  • Velma
  • Raiden
  • Temari


Part 1[]

  • (We see Ash and the others in anime outfits)
  • Ash: This Lamperogue outfit rocks.
  • Bailey: Such sweet memories.
  • Kevin: You were born on February 10, 2001.
  • Mariah: I am.
  • Falkner: I was the 5th new character.
  • Yamanaka: Sure.
  • Scooby You had rack rights.
  • Amber: Dogs wear them.
  • Shaggy: Like i'm the 9th new opponent.
  • Velma: You are.
  • Raiden: Of course i'm the perfect sumo master.
  • Temari: That's certain.
  • Ash: We're at the gym.
  • (The Conductors appear, wearing anime outfits)
  • Mr. Conductor 3: This Kusanagi outfit rocks.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: An Ikari too.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: A Lamperogue has Diesel's lies on duck.
  • Mariah: Lies on who?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: I can tell.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Diesel's Devious Deed starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Diesel the new engine was sulking. The freight cars were not stop singing rudely at him.
  • Freight Cars: Show the world what I can do, gaily boasts the Diesel. In and out he creeps about...
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck was horrified.
  • Duck: Shut up!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He ordered, and bumped them hard.
  • Duck: I'm sorry our cars were rude to you, Diesel.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Diesel was still furious.
  • Diesel: It's all your fault. You made them laugh at me.
  • Henry: Nonsense.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Henry.
  • Henry: Duck would never do that. We engines have our differences, but we never talked about them to the cars. That would be dis...dis...
  • Gordon: Disgraceful.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Gordon.
  • James: Disgusting.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Put in James.
  • Henry: Despicable.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Finished Henry. Diesel hated Duck. He wanted him to be sent away, so he made a plan. He was going to tell lies about Duck. Next day, he spoke to the cars.
  • Diesel: I see you like jokes. You made a good joke about me yesterday. I laughed and laughed. Duck told me one about Gordon. I'll whisper it. Don't tell Gordon I told you.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And he sniggered away.
  • Freight Cars: Ha, ha, ha!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Guffawed the cars.
  • Freight Cars: Gordon will be cross with Duck when he knows. Let's tell him and get back at Duck for bumping us.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They laughed rudely at the engines as they went by. Soon Gordon, Henry, and James found out why.
  • Gordon: Disgraceful.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Gordon.
  • James: Disgusting.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Put in James.
  • Henry: Despicable.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Finished Henry.
  • Henry: We cannot allow it.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They consulted together.
  • Henry: Yes.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They said.
  • Henry: He did it to us, we'll do it to him and see how he likes it.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck was tired out. The cars had been cheeky and troublesome. He wanted a rest in the shed. The three engines barred his way.
  • Gordon, James and Henry: Hooosh!
  • James: Keep out!
  • Duck: Stop fooling.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Duck.
  • Duck: I'm tired.
  • Gordon, James and Henry: So are we.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Hissed the engines.
  • Gordon, James and Henry: We're tired of you. We like Diesel. We don't like you. You tell tales about us to the cars.
  • Duck: I don't!
  • Gordon, James and Henry: You do!
  • Duck: I don't!
  • Gordon, James and Henry: You do!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sir Topham Hatt came to stop the noise.
  • Gordon: Duck called me a galloping sausage!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Spluttered Gordon.
  • James: Rusty red scrap-irons!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Hissed James.
  • Henry: I'm old square wheels!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Fumed Henry.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well, Duck?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck considered.
  • Duck: I only wish sir.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He said gravely.
  • Duck: That I thought of those names myself. If the dome fits...
  • Sir Topham Hatt: (clearing throat)
  • Gordon, James and Henry: He made cars laugh at us.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Accused the engines. Sir Topham Hatt recovered. He been trying not to laugh himself.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Did you, Duck?
  • Duck: Certainly not, Sir. No steam engine will be as mean as that.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Diesel lurked up.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Now, Diesel, you heard what Duck said.
  • Diesel: I can't understand it, Sir, to think that Duck of all engines. I'm dreadfully grieved, Sir, but no nothing.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I see.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Sir Topham Hatt. Diesel squirmed and hope he didn't.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I'm sorry, Duck, but you must go to Edward's station for a while. I know he'll be glad to see him.
  • Duck: As you wish, Sir.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck trundled sadly away, while Diesel smirked with triumph.
  • (Diesel's Devious Deed ends)
  • Mariah: Duck got into a lot of trouble.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: You got it.
  • (The Conductors disappear)
  • Raiden: I'll dance with you.
  • Temari: Good.
  • Ash: Raiden is born on March 16, 2002.
  • Bailey: He is.
  • (End of Part 1)

Part 2[]

  • (We see Ash and the others watch Raiden asking Temari to dance)
  • Raiden: (kissing Temari's hand) Your cute outfit. Shall we dance?
  • Temari: Certainly.
  • (Raiden and Temari start dancing)
  • Ash: Dance with me, Bailey.
  • Bailey: Certainly, Ash.
  • (Ash and Bailey do the same)
  • Kevin: I like to be an all star.
  • Mariah: You're the 1st new opponent.
  • Falkner: I came to The New Adventures of Shining Time Station.
  • Yamanaka: I remember.
  • Scooby: My rasses fit me.
  • Amber: Animals ralways wear tights.
  • Shaggy: Like i'm full of energy.
  • (The Conductors reappear)
  • Mr. Conductor 3: You got it.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Bailey and Marina are sisters from 2000.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck got a really close shave.
  • Velma: Close shave?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: I can tell.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and A Close Shave For Duck starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck the Great Western Engine puffed sadly to Edward's station.
  • Duck: It's not fair.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He complained.
  • Duck: Diesel has been telling lies about me and made Sir Topham Hatt and all the engines think I'm horrid.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Edward smiled.
  • Edward: I know you weren't, and so does Sir Topham Hatt. You wait and see. Why don't you help me with these cars?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck felt happier with Edward, and set to work at once. The cars were silly, heavy and noisy. The two engines have to work hard pushing and pulling all afternoon. At last, they reached the top of the hill.
  • Duck: Goodbye!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Whistled Duck, and rolled gently over the crossing to the other line. Duck love coasting down the hill, running easily with the wind whistling past. Suddenly...
  • Duck: It was the conductor's warning whistle.
  • Freight Cars: Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Roared the cars.
  • Freight Cars: We've broken away, we've broken away! Chase him, bump him, throw him off the rails!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They yelled.
  • Duck's Driver: Hurry, Duck, hurry!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said the driver. They raced through Edward's station, but the cars were catching up.
  • Duck's Driver: As fast as we can, then they'll catch us gradually.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The driver was gaining control.
  • Duck's Driver: Another clear mile and we'll do it. Oh, glory, look at that!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: James was just pulling out on they're line through the station ahead. Any minute, there could be a crash.
  • Duck's Driver: It's up to you now, Duck.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Cried the driver. Duck put every ounce of wait and steam against the cars.
  • Duck: It's too late!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Duck groaned. He veered into a siding where a barber had sent off shop. He was shaving a customer.
  • (Crash!)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The silly cars were knocked their conductor off his van, and left him far behind after he had whistled a warning. But the cars didn't care. They were feeling very pleased with themselves.
  • Duck: Beg pardon, Sir.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Gasped Duck.
  • Duck: Excuse my intrusion.
  • Barber: No I won't.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said the barber.
  • Barber: You frightened my customers! I'll teach you!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And he lathered Duck's face all other. Poor Duck! Thomas was helping to pull the cars away when Sir Topham Hatt arrived.
  • Barber: I do not like engines popping through my walls.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Fumed the barber.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I appreciate your feelings.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: But you must know that this engine and his crew had prevented a serious accident. It was a very close shave.
  • Barber: Oh.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said the barber.
  • Barber: Oh! Excuse me.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He filled the basin of water to wash Duck's face.
  • Barber: I'm sorry. I didn't know you were been a brave engine.
  • Duck: That's all right, sir. I didn't know that either.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You were very brave indeed.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I'm proud of you.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sir Topham Hatt watched the rescue operation, then he had more news to Duck.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: And when you are properly washed and mended, you are coming home.
  • Duck: Home, sir? Do you mean the yard?
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Of course.
  • Duck: But, sir, they don't like me. They like Diesel.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Not now. I never believed Diesel, so I sent him packing. The engines were sorry and want you back.
  • (Engines whistling)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: A few days later when he came home, there was a really rousing welcome for Duck the Great Western Engine.
  • (A Close Shave For Duck ends)
  • Velma: I think Duck had solved the mystery.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: You got it.
  • (The Conductors disappear)
  • Ash: Shonosuke is going to be proud of you.
  • Raiden: Cool.
  • Bailey: Why don't you and i remove our high heeled pumps?
  • Mariah: Good idea.
  • (End of Part 2)

Part 3[]

  • (We see Bailey and Mariah with their high heeled pumps off)
  • Bailey: Ah, those forgotten memories.
  • Mariah: You were sisters with Marina.
  • Bailey: Of course.
  • Mariah: You and She wear shorts and stockings.
  • Bailey: Even Serena and Mina.
  • Mariah: What decision.
  • (The Conductors reappear)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Good old times.
  • Mr. Conductor 2: Bailey and Marina are from 2000.
  • Mr. Conductor 3: You said it.
  • (The Conductors high 5 each other as the episode ends)
  • (End of Part 3)