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Special Attraction & Other Thomas Adventures (February 2006) - Full Script is Pikachufreak's idea.


  • Here's the full script to Special Attraction & Other Thomas Adventures, which is released on February 7, 2006. Stories and song in order: Special Attraction, Gordon Takes A Tumble, Dunkin' Duncan, Bulldog, You Can't Win, Emily's New Coaches, Not So Hasty Cakes, Edward Helps Out, Edward, Trevor and The Really Useful Party, Better Late Than Never, and Salty.


  • Thomas
  • Edward
  • Henry
  • Gordon
  • James
  • Percy
  • Toby
  • Oliver
  • Emily
  • Salty
  • Skarloey
  • Rheneas
  • Sir Handel
  • Peter Sam
  • Rusty
  • Duncan
  • Duke
  • Bertie
  • Terence
  • Trevor
  • Bulstrode
  • Sir Topham Hatt
  • Annie and Clarabel
  • Duck (cameo)
  • Harold (cameo)
  • Butch (cameo)


  • (We open this video with the Anchor Bay FBI Warning)
  • (We then see the 2004-2007 Anchor Bay Entertainment logo)
  • (The 2001 HiT Entertainment logo appears)
  • (The Britt Allcroft Presents logo is soon followed)
  • (The Thomas Season 5 intro is shown and we begin Special Attraction)
  • George Carlin: Toby the Tram Engine was very excited. He was wearing a brand new bell that shown like gold. He was off to the seaside. His driver was explaining everything as they puff along the line.
  • Driver: There's a seaside village near here, and every year, they have a big parade with a special attraction for all the visitors. This year, Toby, you're the special attraction.
  • Toby: Thank you, sir.
  • George Carlin: Said Toby.
  • Toby: But what does a special attraction do?
  • Driver: Oh, just smiles and blows whistles at everyone.
  • George Carlin: Replied his driver.
  • Driver: We're almost there. Listen, you can hear the seagulls.
  • George Carlin: Soon, they reach the little station by the village. But instead of a big welcome, there was just one man. He whispered to Toby's driver and turned sadly away.
  • Driver: Well, if that doesn't take the biscuit.
  • George Carlin: Said Toby's driver.
  • Driver: They've run out of room and a parade and don't need a special attraction after all. We've got to go home, Toby. I'm sorry, old boy.
  • Toby: (sighs) So am I.
  • George Carlin: Sighed Toby. Percy was shunting in the yard. He didn't expect to see Toby.
  • Percy: What are you doing back so soon?
  • George Carlin: Before Toby could reply, Sir Topham Hatt arrived.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Leave these cars please, Percy. There's an emergency at the harbour.
  • Driver: Come on, Percy.
  • George Carlin: Said his driver.
  • Driver: This'll be trouble with Bulstrode.
  • Percy: Who's Bulstrode?
  • George Carlin: Wondered Percy. He was still surprised about Toby, and now he had two puzzles to sort out. His driver explained.
  • Driver: Bulstrode is disagreeable barge. He never stops complaining.
  • George Carlin: His driver was right about Bulstrode. Today, the barge was more bad temper than ever.
  • Bulstrode: Come on, come on! Hic. Why aren't you cars where you should be?
  • Cars: There's no engine, and we can only go where we put!
  • George Carlin: Shouted the cars.
  • Cars: You're in the wrong place, not us!
  • George Carlin: When Percy arrived, Bulstrode was sulking and the cars were crosser still.
  • Cars: Our stone is for Bulstrode. Please put us in a siding so that we can load him up and be rid of him.
  • George Carlin: But the cars were being careless. As Percy was lining them up, they burst through some buffers.
  • Cars: Help, help!
  • George Carlin: They wailed. But it was too late.
  • Bulstrode: Oh!
  • George Carlin: Cried Bulstrode.
  • Bulstrode: I'm sinking!
  • Cars: Serves you right!
  • George Carlin: Giggled the cars.
  • Cars: You're always barging in and moaning.
  • George Carlin: It took a very long time to clear the mess. Percy watched as Bulstrode was towed to the beach.
  • Workmen: There you are.
  • George Carlin: Said the workmen.
  • Workmen: Now you just stay here. Children can play you all day and at long last you'll be useful.
  • Bulstrode: (groaning)
  • George Carlin: When Percy got home, he and Toby exchange all their news.
  • Toby: Well, we both have seaside surprises today.
  • George Carlin: Laughed Toby.
  • Percy: But driver says that I'm a special attraction anyway, and so are you.
  • Toby: Every time we go on our own line.
  • Percy: What do you mean?
  • George Carlin: Asked Percy.
  • Toby: Well, all we have to do is smile and blow whistles at everyone.
  • (A nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Gordon Takes A Tumble)
  • Alec Baldwin: Sir Topham Hatt's engines are proud of how useful they are. It makes them feel important. But none of them feels more important than Gordon.
  • Gordon: Watch out!
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon wheeshed.
  • Gordon: You'll get my paint all sooty.
  • Salty: Pulling freight cars is a sooty job.
  • Alec Baldwin: Teased Salty.
  • Salty: But then you wouldn't know.
  • Gordon: Of course not.
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon huffed importantly.
  • Gordon: Express engines don't pull freight cars it wouldn't be dignified.
  • Percy: Dingyfried?
  • Alec Baldwin: Puzzled Percy.
  • Percy: What's that?
  • Gordon: Dignified.
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon corrected.
  • Gordon: It means...
  • Salty: It means if someone's too big for his buffers.
  • Alec Baldwin: Teased Salty.
  • Gordon: Pah!
  • Alec Baldwin: Puffed Gordon and he puffed away. That evening, fog covered the Island of Sodor. Everything slowed down and soon the docks were packed with waiting freight cars. This caused confusion and delay. Sir Topham Hatt came to the sheds. He was in a great hurry.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Henry, Thomas and Percy.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You must go to the docks inmediately.
  • Henry, Thomas and Percy: Yes sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: They whistled. Then Sir Topham Hatt turned to the big blue engine.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You too, Gordon.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I need an engine to take the freight cars where they won't be in a way.
  • Gordon: Freight cars!?
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed Gordon. He could not believe what he had heard. Gordon wasn't happy to be pulling freight cars. He waited impatiently while they were shunted into place.
  • Gordon: Hurry up, hurry up.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed Gordon crossly.
  • Thomas: Why the rush, Gordon?
  • Alec Baldwin: Asked Thomas.
  • Gordon: If i must pull freight cars then i'll show Salty how an express engine pulls freight cars.
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon huffed.
  • Salty: Careful, captain.
  • Alec Baldwin: Salty tooted.
  • Salty: You don't wanna get too big for your buffers.
  • Alec Baldwin: But Gordon ignored Salty. The next morning, Gordon raced along with his heavy load.
  • Gordon: Now this is how you pull freight cars.
  • Alec Baldwin: He puffed. The signalman had accidentally left the points switched to the branch line. Gordon rattled through the junction.
  • Gordon: That's strange, i'm on the branch line.
  • Signalman: Oh no!
  • Alec Baldwin: The signalman cried.
  • Signalman: Express trains aren't supposed to go that way.
  • Alec Baldwin: But it was too late. Gordon had already raced into the distance. The old branch line was weak and rusty. There were signs warning all the trains to go slow. But Gordon ignored the sign.
  • Gordon: I'm an express engine i don't go slow.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said and he went even faster. The branch line couldn't take his weight and the rails buckled.
  • Gordon: Oh help!
  • Alec Baldwin: Gordon cried as he slid off the tracks and into a field.
  • (Gordon runs over a pile of hay, towards some tires making him lose his tender and into a barn)
  • Alec Baldwin: No one was hurt, but poor Gordon felt very undignified.
  • Gordon: What will Sir Topham Hatt say.
  • Alec Baldwin: He groaned. He found out soon enough.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well, Gordon.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You wanted to show Salty a thing or two and you certainly done that. You showed him how silly it is to ignore go slow signs.
  • Gordon: Sorry, sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Gordon and he let out a sad wheesh of steam. Gordon was soon repaired and back at the docks for work. He was very unhappy with himself.
  • Thomas: Everyone makes mistakes.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: Even you.
  • James: Salty's sorry he teased you.
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed James.
  • Gordon: And i'm sorry i'm too big for my buffers.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed Gordon. And all the engines gave a jolly toot even Gordon.
  • (Another nameplate sequence happens and we begin Dunkin' Duncan)
  • Alec Baldwin: Rusty, Rheneas and Skarloey chugged cheerfully through the Sodor countryside. The engines were going to help Duncan with an important job at the incline railway. The engines enjoyed working at the incline railway. They like the way the loaded slate cars rolled down the incline pulling the empty slate cars up. But they are always careful. Duncan doesn't like working at the incline railway. He is always impatient to get back at the junction. This makes him careless and gets him in a lot of trouble. Rusty hoped Duncan would stay out of trouble today, but he was already in too much of a hurry.
  • Duncan: I'm a plain speaking engine.
  • Alec Baldwin: Gruffed Duncan.
  • Duncan: So collect your slate cars and be quick about it.
  • Alec Baldwin: And off he steamed.
  • Rheneas: Bossy boots.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed Rheneas.
  • Skarloey: Pushy puffer.
  • Alec Baldwin: Huffed Skarloey. They didn't like Duncan telling them what to do.
  • Rusty: He just wants to get back to the bustle of the junction.
  • Alec Baldwin: Rusty said. Duncan wanted everyone to work faster.
  • Duncan: You're supposed to be helping me.
  • Alec Baldwin: He grumbled.
  • Duncan: But you're as slow as snails.
  • Rusty: We're proper engines.
  • Alec Baldwin: Rusty huffed crossly.
  • Rusty: We followed the rules.
  • Rheneas: We can't send up more than four slate cars at a time.
  • Alec Baldwin: Chuffed Rheneas.
  • Duncan: Then work faster.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Duncan impatiently. Later that day, Duncan was working at the incline.
  • Duncan: I'll show you how fast a really useful engine can work.
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan called as he hastily biffed one slate car into another and then another. Soon, Duncan had his four slate cars.
  • Duncan: Nothing to it!
  • Alec Baldwin: He boasted to Rusty.
  • Rusty: Those slate cars will pay you back.
  • Alec Baldwin: Warned Rusty.
  • Rusty: Slate cars don't like to be biffed.
  • Duncan: I can handle slate cars.
  • Alec Baldwin: He cried. The three little engines could see Duncan was not going to listen. They carefully chuffed away from the incline with their slate cars full of slate. Duncan was so impatient he became even more careless.
  • Duncan: I'll show that smelly diesel and those lazy steamers.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said to his driver.
  • Duncan's Driver: Careful.
  • Alec Baldwin: Cautioned his driver.
  • Duncan's Driver: You're asking for trouble.
  • Alec Baldwin: And he got it. Duncan didn't notice his chain was tangled in the coupling of the slate car in front of him. Suddenly, he was being pulled up the track by the empty slate cars.
  • Duncan: Bouncing bogies!
  • Alec Baldwin: He cried.
  • Duncan: It's got me!
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan's driver jumped clear. Rusty returned to see Duncan being pulled up the incline.
  • Rusty: I tried to warn him.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Rusty.
  • Rusty's Driver: He never listens.
  • Alec Baldwin: The little diesel's driver said. The chain pulling Duncan's slate cars couldn't hold the weight. It suddenly snapped. Duncan plummeted down the incline.
  • Duncan: Help!
  • Alec Baldwin: He yelled.
  • (Splash!)
  • Duncan: Glub, glub, glub.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Duncan: Bluggle my bloiler.
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan felt foolish and very wet. When Sir Topham Hatt arrived, he spoke severly to Duncan.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You have not been a responsible engine.
  • Alec Baldwin: He said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Your impatience has caused confusion and delay and you owe these engines in apology.
  • Duncan: Sorry.
  • Alec Baldwin: Duncan said to Rusty, Rheneas and Skarloey.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Once you have been repaired.
  • Alec Baldwin: Sir Topham Hatt said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You will work at the incline until you learned to be patient and careful.
  • Duncan: Yes, sir.
  • Alec Baldwin: Said Duncan.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Bulldog)
  • George Carlin: One morning, Percy was impatience. He was wearing a new coat of paint and long for everyone to see it. The other engines were still dozing, but not Percy.
  • Percy: Driver should be here by now. What's he doing?
  • Gordon: Sleeping.
  • George Carlin: Grunted Gordon.
  • Percy: But that means I'll be late. The coaches will be waiting and the passengers will get cross.
  • Henry: Rubbish!
  • George Carlin: Huffed Henry.
  • James: It's still early.
  • George Carlin: Added James.
  • James: You just wanna showoff.
  • Percy: No I don't.
  • Thomas: Never mind, Percy.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: It'll soon be time for work, but be careful, or you might run into danger and Duke is not here to save you.
  • Toby: D-D-Duke?
  • George Carlin: Stuttered Toby.
  • Toby: You mean our hero?
  • George Carlin: A large painting of Duke hung on the engine shed.
  • Thomas: The very same.
  • George Carlin: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: Driver told me the story. Listen.
  • George Carlin: And this is the story Thomas told them.
  • Thomas: Long ago, when Peter Sam was still called Stuart and Sir Handel Falcon, they worked with Duke on his own railway, but Falcon still had a lot to learn. The manager came to see him.
  • Manager: Falcon, I'm pleased with your work so far. Now you must learn the difficult part of the line. We call it "The Mountain Road".
  • Thomas: Falcon was excited.
  • Falcon: Yes please, sir.
  • Manager: So tomorrow, when you have a new coat of paint, you will go on it. Duke will explain everything.
  • Falcon: Huh!
  • Thomas: Thought Falcon.
  • Falcon: Duke's an old fusspot.
  • Thomas: Next day came.
  • Duke: Listen.
  • Thomas: Warned Duke.
  • Duke: The mountain road is difficult. I'll lead.
  • Falcon: No.
  • Thomas: Replied Falcon.
  • Falcon: I'll lead. How can I learn the road with you lumbering ahead and blocking the view?
  • Duke: Suit yourself.
  • Thomas: Said Duke.
  • Duke: But never mind the view. Look at the track.
  • Thomas: The engines set off.
  • Duke: Look at the track.
  • Thomas: Puffed Duke.
  • Duke: Never mind the view.
  • Falcon: Fusspot, fusspot.
  • Thomas: Replied Falcon.
  • Falcon: Fuddy-duddy, fuddy-duddy, fuddy-duddy.
  • Thomas: The engines' speed grew slower and slower.
  • Falcon: Don't dawdle, don't dawdle!
  • Thomas: Urged Falcon.
  • Duke: No hurry, no hurry.
  • Thomas: Puffed Duke. Soon they approach the tunnel. Falcon didn't like the tunnel. It was curved and he couldn't see.
  • Falcon: I wanna get out! I wanna get out!
  • Thomas: He sighed. One moment, everything seemed safe. But then suddenly... Falcon was derailed and hung dangerously over the edge. Duke bravely held on with all of his strength.
  • Falcon: Stop shaking!
  • Thomas: He called.
  • Falcon: I can't hold you if you shake!
  • Thomas: Duke's driver and fireman work quickly to make the two engines safe again. Then came more trouble.
  • Fireman: Water!
  • Thomas: Cried Duke's fireman.
  • Fireman: Duke needs water quickly!
  • Thomas: Luckily there was the workers' cottage nearby. Soon everyone was passing jugs, buckets, kettles and saucepans filled with water until Duke's first was quinched. All the while, Duke was building more strength. At last, when everyone's help, he was able to pull Falcon back on to the rails. Then they started off once more. The manager was waiting at the top station. He apologized with the accident.
  • Passengers: Your Duke...
  • Thomas: Said the passengers.
  • Passengers: Is a hero! He stirm firmed like a bulldog and wouldn't let go.
  • Thomas: Falcon was greatful too.
  • Falcon: Thank you for saving me, Duke. I didn't know you bothered after I've been so rude.
  • Duke: Oh well.
  • Thomas: Replied Duke.
  • Duke: You just had a new coat of paint. It wouldn't been a pity if you rolled down the mountain and spoiled it.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin You Can't Win)
  • George Carlin: Duke is the hero of all the engines. This is a story about him. It happened long ago when Peter Sam was called Stuart and Sir Handel Falcon. Many people came year after year to see the mountains and the lakes and most of all, Duke. He always pulled his train, even on days when he didn't feel well.
  • Duke: I mustn't disappoint my friends.
  • George Carlin: He would say. Every morning he took his passengers up the line and stops everywhere they want him.
  • Duke: Peep peep!
  • George Carlin: He whistled.
  • Duke: Please be ready when I come back to you. Otherwise we might miss your boat to the mainland and that would never do.
  • George Carlin: One day, Duke didn't feel well. He was short of steam and needed to rest. His driver and fireman had just finish clearing his tubes when Stuart bustled in.
  • Stuart: Hello, Granpuff!
  • George Carlin: He teased.
  • Stuart: Are you short of puff?
  • Duke: Nothing of the sort. This is routine maintenance.
  • Stuart: Tell you what.
  • George Carlin: Went on Stuart.
  • Stuart: You're getting old. We must take care of you in case you breakdown.
  • Duke: Hmmph!
  • George Carlin: Hooshed Duke.
  • Duke: That'll be the day.
  • George Carlin: Duke couldn't stay cross for long. It was a lovely evening.
  • Duke: Couldn't be better! Couldn't be better!
  • George Carlin: He trundled happily. They began to climb, but Duke didn't mind.
  • Duke: I've plenty of steam.
  • George Carlin: He puffed.
  • Duke: We'll be up in the couple of puffs.
  • George Carlin: But soon, Duke's puffs changed to wheezes. He vows were leaking steam.
  • Duke: It's not so easy, it's not so easy.
  • George Carlin: He croaked.
  • Duke: But I'll manage.
  • George Carlin: At last they reached the station. Duke's driver was examine him carefully. Anxious passengers waited for news.
  • Conductor: Duke is going to take you to the harbour, but he might be late.
  • George Carlin: Said the conductor.
  • Conductor: So two engines are coming to help. You'll still catch your boat.
  • George Carlin: Falcon buffered up in front.
  • Falcon: Poor old Granpuff. What a shame you broken down.
  • Stuart: Peep peep peep!
  • George Carlin: Teased Stuart.
  • Stuart: This is the day!
  • George Carlin: He was coupled on behind.
  • Falcon: Are you ready?
  • George Carlin: Whistled Falcon.
  • Stuart: Yes I am!
  • George Carlin: Replied Stuart and away they went. When the reach the next station, the cavalcade split up. Falcon took Duke's passengers to the boat. Stuart headed Falcon's train with Duke coupled behind.
  • Stuart: Fancy me rescuing Granpuff! This is the day! This is the day!
  • George Carlin: He boasted.
  • Stuart: Poor old engine! Poor old engine!
  • George Carlin: But Duke still have plenty of steam left at him. His vows sounded worse when they were. He and his driver had their own little joke ready. They waited until they reached the hill.
  • Driver: Now!
  • George Carlin: Said his driver. Duke puffed and roared though he was pushing a whole trains' weight before him. The noise echoed everywhere. When they reach the last station, everyone cheered.
  • Boy: What happened?
  • George Carlin: Asked the boy.
  • Boy: They don't usually need two engines.
  • Father: Well.
  • George Carlin: Replied his father.
  • Father: Stuart broke down. Duke had to help him. It sounds as if he had a hard job too.
  • George Carlin: Duke and his drivers' joke had worked.
  • Stuart: Fiddlesticks!
  • George Carlin: Explained Stuart and he vanished in a cloud of steam. Duke wheezed alongside.
  • Duke: Poor old engine!
  • George Carlin: He teased.
  • Duke: It's no good, Stuart. You can't win.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Emily's New Coaches)
  • Michael Brandon: It was a splendid day on the Island of Sodor. Thomas was taking Annie and Clarabel back to the yards. A new engine had arrived and he wanted to say hello. The engine was beautiful with shiny paintwork and a gleaming brass dome.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Thomas, meet Emily.
  • Thomas: Hello, Emily.
  • Emily: Hello, Thomas.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Emily, collect your coaches. You and your driver must learn the line.
  • Emily: Yes, sir.
  • Michael Brandon: She answered. Thomas was impressed. Later, the only coaches Emily's driver could find were Annie and Clarabel.
  • Emily's Driver: These aren't your sort of coaches.
  • Michael Brandon: He said.
  • Emily's Driver: But I suppose they'll do.
  • Michael Brandon: Annie and Clarabel felt insulted.
  • Clarabel: How dare he say we'll do.
  • Michael Brandon: Clarabel whispered. Emily puffed carefully along the track.
  • Annie and Clarabel: How dare he say we'll do, how dare he say we'll do.
  • Michael Brandon: Grumbled the coaches. Thomas saw Emily coming down the line, pulling Annie and Clarabel.
  • Emily: Hello, Thomas.
  • Michael Brandon: Emily called. But Thomas was cross.
  • Thomas: Those are my coaches. Give them back!
  • Michael Brandon: But Emily didn't hear Thomas and she went on her way. Then, Edward passed and Percy. When Emily whistled hello, the engines didn't whistle back. Emily couldn't understand why they were so unfriendly. She was upset. Later, Sir Topham Hatt spoke to Thomas.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I want you to go to the docks to pick up new coaches.
  • Thomas: New coaches? But sir.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Really useful engines don't argue.
  • Michael Brandon: Said Sir Topham Hatt. Thomas didn't want new coaches, he wanted Annie and Clarabel back. When Oliver saw Emily return to the yards, he was surprised.
  • Oliver: Those are Thomas' coaches.
  • Emily: So that's why he looked cross.
  • Michael Brandon: Exclaimed Emily.
  • Emily: I'll go and apologize.
  • Thomas: Don't want new coaches, don't want new coaches.
  • Michael Brandon: Chuffed Thomas. Later, Emily was still looking for Thomas when a signalman flagged her down.
  • Signalman: Oliver hasn't cleared his signalbox.
  • Michael Brandon: He told Emily's driver.
  • Signalman: Please, go and see what's wrong.
  • Michael Brandon: Emily could see that Oliver had broken down on the crossing. Then, Emily heard Thomas' whistle.
  • (Thomas' whistle tooting)
  • Emily: Oh dear!
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas could see Oliver. He knew he could never stop in time.
  • Oliver: Help!
  • Michael Brandon: Emily charged towards Oliver and with a huge effort, pushed him across the tracks, just in time.
  • Oliver: Thanks.
  • Emily: I did it.
  • Michael Brandon: Later, Sir Topham Hatt praised Emily.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well done, you were a very brave engine.
  • Oliver: The bravest.
  • Michael Brandon: Chuffed Oliver.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: It gives me great pleasure to present you with two new coaches.
  • Emily: Thank you, sir.
  • Michael Brandon: Replied Emily.
  • Emily: Thomas, I'm sorry I took Annie and Clarabel.
  • Thomas: And I'm sorry I was so cross.
  • Michael Brandon: Replied Thomas.
  • Emily: Friends?
  • Thomas: Friends.
  • Michael Brandon: Emily loves her coaches and being part of Sir Topham Hatt's railway.
  • (Another nameplate sequence happens and we begin Not So Hasty Cakes)
  • Michael Brandon: It was Christmas time on the Island of Sodor and Sir Topham Hatt's engines were busy. The snow made their journeys difficult. They had to work hard to deliver passengers and goods to their destinations of time. This made the engines feel very reliable. Elizabeth pulled into the fitters yard with Thomas' snowplough.
  • Thomas: I don't need that silly old thing.
  • Michael Brandon: Huffed Thomas.
  • Elizabeth: Stuff and nonsense.
  • Michael Brandon: Steamed Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth: You can't be a reliable engine if you can't get through the snow.
  • Michael Brandon: That made Thomas cross.
  • Thomas: You know i'm reliable. I just don't like my snowplough. Elizabeth is rude.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas chuffed.
  • Thomas: And this snowplough makes my buffers ache.
  • Michael Brandon: Later, Thomas saw Sir Topham Hatt talking to Elizabeth.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: The Sodor Cake Factory is snowed in. Their Christmas cakes must get to the docks before the ship sails for the mainland.
  • Thomas: Let me do the job.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I need you on your line, Thomas. Besides, Elizabeth knows those roads well. She's very reliable.
  • Thomas: I'm reliable too.
  • Michael Brandon: Huffed Thomas.
  • Elizabeth: Apparently not reliable enough.
  • Michael Brandon: Elizabeth chuffed. Now Thomas was crosser still. The snow was heavy, but Thomas arrived at every station right on time. Elizabeth was struggling to stay on the road. Her wheels did not like the slippery ice at all. When Thomas arrived at the docks to pick up Terence, he was surprised that Elizabeth had not returned.
  • Dock Manager: The ship will miss the tide.
  • Michael Brandon: Said the dock manager.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: And the children won't have their Christmas cakes. Thomas, go and look for Elizabeth at once.
  • Thomas: Yes sir.
  • Michael Brandon: Answered Thomas.
  • Thomas: Perhaps Elizabeth isn't so reliable after all.
  • Michael Brandon: He whispered. At the cake factory, Elizabeth was piled high with crates of Christmas cakes.
  • Elizabeth: Sir Topham Hatt's counting on me. I mustn't be late.
  • Michael Brandon: She chuffed onto the icy road. Suddenly, she was on a steep hill. Her drive applied the brakes. Elizabeth slid out of control into a deep snowdrift. Poor Elizabeth. Thomas and Terence puffed through the swirling snow. They couldn't see Elizabeth anywhere. Soon, they spotted her driver. He was standing by the level crossing.
  • Elizabeth's Driver: Elizabeth is stuck under the snow.
  • Michael Brandon: Her driver explained.
  • Elizabeth's Driver: I need help to dig her out.
  • Michael Brandon: Terence rescued her in no time.
  • Thomas: We will have to hurry.
  • Michael Brandon: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: It wasn't you fault, Elizabeth, it's the slippery roads.
  • Michael Brandon: Elizabeth felt much better. Thomas chuffed and puffed as fast as he could. They reached the docks just in time. Sir Topham Hatt was delighted to see the bakery crates and that Elizabeth was safe and well.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: We'll get you unloaded immediately.
  • Thomas: Now the children will have their Christmas cakes.
  • Michael Brandon: Said Thomas.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well done.
  • Michael Brandon: Said Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Elizabeth: Oh, thank you, Thomas.
  • Michael Brandon: Said Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth: You and I are both reliable.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas agreed.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Edward Helps Out)
  • George Carlin: One day, Edward was in the shed where he live with the other engines. They were all bigger than Edward and boasted about it.
  • Gordon: The driver won't choose you again.
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon.
  • Gordon: He wants strong engines like us.
  • George Carlin: But the driver and fireman felt sorry for Edward.
  • Driver: Would you like to come out today?
  • Edward: Oh yes, please.
  • George Carlin: Said Edward. So they lit his fire, made lots of steam and Edward puff away. The other engines were very cross of being left behind. Edward worked hard all day. The coaches thought he was very kind and the driver was very pleased.
  • Edward: I'm going out again tomorrow.
  • George Carlin: Edward told the other engines that night.
  • Edward: What do you think at that?
  • George Carlin: But he didn't hear what they thought, for he was so tired and happy that he fell asleep at once. Next morning, Edward woke up to find nothing had change. Gordon was still boasting.
  • Gordon: You watch me, little Edward, as I rush through with the express. That will be a splendid sight for you. Goodbye, little Edward. Look out for me this afternoon.
  • George Carlin: Edward went off to do some shunting. He like shunting. It was fun playing with freight cars. He would come out quietly and gave them a push. Then he would stop, and the silly freight cars will go bump into the each other.
  • Cars: Oh!
  • George Carlin: They cried.
  • Cars: Whatever is happening?
  • George Carlin: Edward played till there were no more freight cars. Then he stopped to rest. Presently, he heard a whistle. Gordon was very cross. Instead of pulling shiny new coaches, he was pulling a very dirty freight train.
  • Gordon: A freight train, a freight train, a freight train!
  • George Carlin: He grumbled.
  • Gordon: The shame of it, the shame of it, oh, the shame of it!
  • George Carlin: Edward laughed and went to find some more freight cars. Then, there was trouble.
  • Porter: Gordon can't get up the hill.
  • George Carlin: The porter called to Edward's Driver.
  • Porter: Will you take Edward and push him please?
  • George Carlin: They found Gordon halfway up, and very cross. His driver and fireman were talking to him severly.
  • Driver: You're not trying.
  • Gordon: I can't do it!
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon.
  • Gordon: The noisy freight cars hold an engine back so!
  • George Carlin: Edward's driver came up.
  • Driver: We've come to push.
  • Gordon: No use at all!
  • George Carlin: Said Gordon.
  • Driver: You wait and see.
  • George Carlin: Replied Edward's driver. So they brought the train back to the bottom of the hill.
  • Edward: I'm ready.
  • George Carlin: Said Edward.
  • Gordon: No good.
  • George Carlin: Grumbled Gordon. They pulled and pushed as hard as they could.
  • Gordon: I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it!
  • George Carlin: Puffed Gordon.
  • Edward: I will do it, I will do it, I will do it!
  • George Carlin: Puffed Edward. Edward pushed and puffed and puffed and pushed as hard as ever he could. And almost before he realized it, Gordon found himself at the top of the hill.
  • Gordon: I've done it, I've done it, I've done it!
  • George Carlin: He said proudly. He forgot all about kind Edward and didn't say thank you. Edward was left out of breath and far behind, but he was happy because he had been so helpful. At the next station, he found that the driver and fireman were very pleased with him. The fireman gave him a nice long drink and the driver said.
  • Driver: I'll get out my paint tomorrow, and give you your beautiful coat of blue with red stripes, then you'll be the smartest engine in the shed.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Edward, Trevor and The Really Useful Party)
  • George Carlin: Trevor the Traction Engine was old-fashioned but he doesn't care. He knows that he is really useful, like his friend Edward the Blue Engine. Early one morning, Trevor was chuffing about the Vicarage Orchard. He had important news for Edward.
  • Trevor: The Vicar says that not all children are able to have holidays by the sea, so he's having a garden party to raise money for his seaside trip. I'm going to be the star attraction.
  • George Carlin: Chattered Trevor.
  • Trevor: Giving rides to all the visitors. The Vicar is putting up posters all about it.
  • Edward: I'd like to help too.
  • George Carlin: Sighed Edward.
  • Edward: But without my rails, I wouldn't be much good at the garden party.
  • George Carlin: It was a beautiful day but Edward was worried.
  • Edward: I wish there was something I can do for a party.
  • George Carlin: He said.
  • Edward: I'd like to be helpful like Trevor.
  • George Carlin: Edward's driver laughed.
  • Driver: You're helpful in your own way, and that's on the railway.
  • George Carlin: Next day, it was Trevor's turn to look disappointed. He had bad news.
  • Trevor: The Vicar's been so busy that he forgot to put up the posters. Now no one will know about the party.
  • George Carlin: But Edward had an idea.
  • Edward: Don't worry.
  • George Carlin: He said.
  • Edward: Everything is going to be all right.
  • George Carlin: Then he explained to his driver.
  • Edward: The Vicar can paste his posters on my cab and coaches, so wherever I go, they'll go too.
  • Driver: Well done, Edward.
  • George Carlin: Said his driver.
  • Driver: I'm sure Sir Topham Hatt would agree.
  • George Carlin: As indeed he did. Edward steamed happily to the stations collecting his passengers.
  • Passengers: Look!
  • George Carlin: They said.
  • Passengers: The Vicar is holding a party. We must go do that.
  • George Carlin: Later Trevor was resting in the orchard shed when Bertie rolled by.
  • Bertie: Hello, Trevor. Why are you dozing there like an old stick-in-the-mud?
  • Trevor: I'm not dozing, I'm resting.
  • George Carlin: Replied Trevor. Then he told Bertie about the Vicar's party.
  • Bertie: I'll be there too.
  • George Carlin: Boasted Bertie.
  • Bertie: I'm not sure people would wanna ride on an old traction engine after traveling in the smart red bus like me.
  • George Carlin: The party day arrived. It had rained heavenly during the night and the orchard grove was soaked.
  • Trevor: Rain and mud won't spoil my day.
  • George Carlin: Said Trevor.
  • Driver: No indeed.
  • George Carlin: Agreed his driver.
  • Driver: We'll stay on the road then we won't get bogged down.
  • George Carlin: Trevor was soon busy trending up and down the quiet country lane, carrying lots of laughing children. He was just turning the corner when he heard Bertie.
  • Bertie: Hello, old timer. I'm taking everyone to the party. Edward's idea is really working.
  • George Carlin: Trevor gave Bertie a cheerful whistle, and turned backed toward the orchard. Then there was trouble.
  • Bertie: Help, I'm stuck!
  • George Carlin: Shouted Bertie. His wheels had sunk deep in the orchard mud. Terence the Tractor arrived just in time.
  • Terence: I'm the one who has to plough fields.
  • George Carlin: Laughed Terence.
  • Terence: We better get you out of here.
  • George Carlin: Using strong ropes, Terence and Trevor pulled Bertie cleared the mud.
  • Trevor: This will teach Bertie a thing or two.
  • George Carlin: Trevor chuffered to himself. At last, Bertie was on the road again.
  • Bertie: Thank you, Trevor. You're not a stick-in-the-mud at all.
  • Trevor: No.
  • George Carlin: Smiled Trevor.
  • Trevor: But you were. Just for a little while.
  • George Carlin: That evening, the Vicar arrived to see Edward and his driver.
  • Vicar: Thanks to your good idea about the posters. Hundreds of people payed to come to the party. We've raised lots of money for the children.
  • George Carlin: Edward was very pleased and Trevor fell happily asleep thinking of all the children who would now get to the seaside at last.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Better Late Than Never)
  • George Carlin: The engines were finding life difficult. Workmen were mending the viaduct on the main line. The arches needed strenghtany. Sir Topham Hatt did not want to close the railway while the work was done and so repairs took a long time. The engines have to take great care when crossing the viaduct and the delay often made them late on their journey to the junction where they knew Thomas would be ready to collect his passengers. Thomas grew crosser and crosser.
  • Thomas: Time's time.
  • George Carlin: He grumbled.
  • Thomas: Why should I keep my passengers waiting while Henry and James dawdle about all day on viaducts?
  • Henry: Don't blame me.
  • George Carlin: Snorted Henry.
  • Henry: If we hurried to cross the viaduct, it might collapsed, and then you have no passengers at all. What would you do then?
  • Thomas: Run my train on time for one thing.
  • George Carlin: Retorted Thomas. He hurried away before Henry could answer. Bertie was impatient too. He was time to arrived just after Thomas. His passengers found that, instead of going stright from the bus till their train, they were kept waiting till Thomas arrived. Soon Bertie grew cross with Thomas.
  • Bertie: Late again!
  • George Carlin: He remarked as Thomas panted wearly in.
  • Bertie: We may be friends, but I thought you could go fast, Thomas. It's time we had another race. I reckon I can beat you now.
  • George Carlin: Thomas let off steam loudly.
  • Thomas: Rubbish!
  • George Carlin: He hissed fiercly.
  • Thomas: It's those main line engines. They differ about on the viaduct, and they blamed Sir Topham Hatt's workmen. It's just an excuse for laziness if you ask me.
  • George Carlin: One day, James was later than ever at the junction.
  • James: I'm sorry, Thomas.
  • George Carlin: He puffed.
  • James: I was held up at the station, and the viaduct made it worse.
  • Thomas: It's lucky for you I'm a guaratee connection.
  • George Carlin: Grumbled Thomas. Before James could answer, he puffed importantly away.
  • Thomas: Come along, come along!
  • George Carlin: He panted to the coaches. Annie and Clarabel did their best but Thomas still found that he couldn't save much time. Suddenly, Thomas saw Bertie ahead. His radiator was steaming.
  • Thomas: What's the matter?
  • George Carlin: Asked Thomas.
  • Thomas: You should be at the station by now. You're late.
  • Bertie: I feel dreadful.
  • George Carlin: Moaned Bertie.
  • Bertie: All upset inside and driver says he can't make me better. Thank goodness you're late too. Can you take my passengers please? They'll never get home overwise.
  • Thomas: Of course.
  • George Carlin: Agreed Thomas. He now felt sorry for Bertie, and promised to get help at the next station. Thomas set off again already he felt much more cheerful and Bertie's passengers, travelling in Annie and Clarabel all reached home safely. When Bertie was better he came to thank Thomas.
  • Bertie: I'm sorry I teased you about being late.
  • Thomas: That's all right.
  • George Carlin: Replied Thomas.
  • Thomas: I'm glad I can help. There are times when being late isn't such a bad thing after all.
  • George Carlin: With the last cheerful greeting, the two friends went back to work.
  • (Bertie's horn honks and Thomas' whistle toots)
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Salty)
  • Men: (singing) There's a dockside Diesel we know well, who can spin a yarn, who can tell a tale, he loves the sea and the ships that sail, Salty is his name. He works so hard, he's very very proud, his friends all love him being around, when the sun goes down they'll gather round, for a tale or a song of the sea.
  • Children: (singing) On with the sailor's song, follow on, Salty's song, follow the leader home, follow the leader home. Salty, tell us another one, Salty, spin us another one, Salty, one more story will do, Salty, oh Salty, we'll always follow you.
  • Men: (singing) Everyone knows the troublesome trucks, push their luck, get the engines stuck. But someone knows just what to do, Salty is his name. When he rolls along, he hums his song, a pretty little song, let me tag along. And his rhythm makes them follow on, homeward bound we go.
  • Children: (singing) On with the sailor's song, follow on, Salty's song, follow the leader home, follow the leader home. Salty, sing us another one, Salty, spin us another one, Salty, one more story will do, Salty, oh Salty, We'll always follow you, Salty, tell us another one, Salty, spin us another one, Salty, tell us another one do, Salty, oh Salty, we'll always follow you, we'll always follow you, we'll always follow you.
  • (Following the last song, we find the end credits with Thomas looking at us)
  • (While they roll, the Thomas end theme plays)
  • (After that, the 2001 HiT Entertainment logo appear)