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To Protect The Wall is a Shining Time Station (1989-2010) episode.


  • When The Hitmon Trio need fighting spares. Mr. Conductor 1 tells them Thomas stories about manners.


  • Mr. Conductor 1
  • Hitmonlee
  • Hitmonchan
  • Hitmontop


Part 1[]

  • (We see Mr. Conductor 1 with The Hitmon Trio)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Rebecca is a redhead from the P1 Grand Prix.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Mitchie was formerly Ash's girlfriend.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Bailey and Marina have Sally and Matthew.
  • Hitmontop: Hitmontop.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Skarloey had a deal with coaches. I'll tell you.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Four Little Engines starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: If you should visit the place that has a lake in the woods and a beautiful waterfall, then you may also find two little engines called Skarloey and Rheneas. The engines know everybody and everybody knows that. There are two more engines: Sir Handel and Peter Sam. They used to be called Stuart and Falcon, but they like they're new names better. One day, Sir Topham Hatt send Edward to the works to be mended. A big surprise awaited Edward.
  • Edward: It's Skarloey. What's he doing here?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Skarloey was pleased to see Edward.
  • Skarloey: I've been sent here for a rest.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He sighed.
  • Skarloey: I was put in the shed so I can see everything and not be lonely. But I do miss Rheneas. He's going to be mended. I wish I can be mended too, and pull coaches again.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Just then, some workmen arrived.
  • Workman: We're going to take you to the works now, Edward. Come along.
  • Edward: Goodbye, Skarloey. Your railway's a lovely line.
  • Skarloey: Oh, it is, it is! You cheered me up, Edward. Goodbye.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Meanwhile, Sir Handel was having trouble with some coaches. He tried to be kind, but the coaches didn't trust him. They were awkward and rude. There was worst to come. Some careless sheep stray on to the line.
  • Coaches: He's bumped us!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Screamed the coaches.
  • Coaches: Let's get back at him!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They serged into Sir Handel and pushed him off the rails. No one was hurt, but Sir Handel limped sadly to the shed.
  • Driver: No more work for you, today.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said his driver.
  • Driver: How are we going to pull the visitors' train without an engine?
  • Skarloey: What about me, sir?
  • Driver: Skarloey, can you do it?
  • Skarloey: I'll try.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said the old engine. The coaches stood at the platform.
  • Skarloey: I'm ashamed of you.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Scolded Skarloey.
  • Skarloey: You might have hurt your passengers.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The coaches quivered.
  • Coaches: We're sorry, Skarloey.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The conductor blew the whistle, and they're journey began. Skarloey remembered all the gates and styles where he had to stop. The sun shone and the rails were dry.
  • Skarloey: This is lovely.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sanged Skarloey. Presently, the line grew steep. Skarloey felt short of steam.
  • Driver: Take your time.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Soothed his driver.
  • Skarloey: It'll be better down hill.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Skarloey said to himself. But it wasn't. His springs were weak, and the rail joints jarred his wheels. At last, a spring gave weigh.
  • Skarloey: I feel all crooked!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Cried Skarloey.
  • Driver: We'll need a bus now for our passengers.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sighed his driver.
  • Skarloey: No!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Pleaded Skarloey.
  • Skarloey: I'll get them to the station or burst.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: James was waiting on the platform. Clanging and clanking, Skarloey steamed in.
  • Skarloey: I'll do it, I'll do it. I've done it.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: James collected his passengers and respectfully puffed away. Everyone was pleased with Skarloey, but he was still worried.
  • Skarloey: Old engines can't pull trains like the young ones can.
  • Driver: They can if they're mended, old faithful.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Smiled his driver.
  • Driver: And that's what gonna happen to you. You deserved it.
  • (Four Little Engines ends)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Skarloey is an old faithful engine.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Daphne and Josie are like Bailey and Marina.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Ralph had a rivalry with Emily.
  • Hitmontop: Hitmontop.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas got car trouble here. I'll tell you.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Trouble For Thomas starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas the Tank Engine wouldn't stop being a nuisances. Night after night, he kept the other engines awake.
  • Thomas: I'm tired of pushing coaches. I wanna see the world.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The other engines didn't take much notice, for Thomas was a little engine with a long tongue. But one night, Edward came to the shed. He was a kind little engine and felt sorry for Thomas.
  • Edward: I've got some freight cars to take home tomorrow. If you take them instead of me, i'll push coaches in the yard.
  • Thomas: Thank you.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: That would be nice.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Next morning, Edward and Thomas asked their drivers, and when they said "yes", Thomas ran off happily to find freight cars. Now the freight cars were silly and noisy. They talked a lot and don't attend to what they are doing. And i'm sorry to say they play tricks on an engine who is not used to them. Edward knew all about the freight cars. He warned Thomas to be careful but Thomas was too excited to listen. The shunter fastened the coupling and when the signal dropped, Thomas was ready. The conductor blew his whistle.
  • Thomas: Peep Peep.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Answered Thomas and started off. But the freight cars weren't ready.
  • Freight Cars: Oh! Oh!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They screamed.
  • Freight Cars: Wait, Thomas, wait!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: But Thomas would't wait.
  • Thomas: Come on come on.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He puffed.
  • Freight Cars: All right, don't fuss! All right, don't fuss!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Grumbled the cars. Thomas began going faster and faster.
  • Thomas: Wheesh!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He whistled, as he rush through Henry's tunnel.
  • Thomas: Hurry, hurry.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Called Thomas. He was feeling very proud of himself. But the cars grew crosser and crosser. At last Thomas slowed down as he came to Gordon's Hill.
  • Thomas' Driver: Steady, now, steady.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Warned the driver, as he reach the top. He began to put on the brakes.
  • Thomas: We're stopping, we're stopping!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Called Thomas.
  • Freight Cars: No, no, no!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Answered the cars bumping them to each other.
  • Freight Cars: Go on! Go on!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Before the driver could stop them they had pushed Thomas down the hill and were rattling and laughing behind them. Poor Thomas tried hard to stop them from making him go too fast.
  • Thomas: Stop pushing, stop pushing!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He hissed. But the cars took no notice.
  • Freight Cars: Go on! Go on!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They giggled in their silly way.
  • Thomas: There's the station! Oh dear, what shall I do?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Cried Thomas. They rattled straight through and swerved into the goods yard. Thomas shut his eyes.
  • Thomas: I must stop!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: When he opened his eyes, he saw he had stopped just in front of the buffers. There watching him was...Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: What are you doing here, Thomas
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He asked.
  • Thomas: I brought Edward's freight cars.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas answered.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Why did you come so fast?
  • Thomas: I didn't mean to. I was pushed.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Thomas.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You've got a lot to learn about freight cars, Thomas. After pushing them about here for a few weeks you'll know almost as much about them as Edward. Then you'll be a Really Useful Engine.
  • (Trouble For Thomas ends)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: You See, Thomas had a foolish day.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Engines can feel bad sometimes.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • (End of Part 1)

Part 2[]

  • (We see Mr. Conductor 1 with the Hitmon trio)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Giselle and Tyra are born the same year as Joe and Chopper.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Their older sisters are Melanie and Jessibelle.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And their rivals are Tyson and Lawrence.
  • Hitmontop: Hitmontop.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The same thing happened to Oliver. I'll tell you.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Toad Stands By starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Oliver had been to the works to be mended. Some troublesome cars tricked him, and the great western engine fell into the turntable well. Now Oliver was as good as new, be he was still worried about cars.
  • Oliver: I rather not used them.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He puffed to himself. But the cars sang songs rude and loud. Scruffey, their leader, led the chorus.
  • Cars and Scruffey: Oliver's no use at all, thinks he's very clever, says that he can manage us, that's the best joke ever, when he orders us about, with the greatest folly, we just pushed him down the well, Pop Goes Old Ollie!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas, Duck and Percy were shocked.
  • Thomas: Be quiet!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They ordered, but they couldn't be anywhere, and everywhere they went, the cars began again.
  • Cars: Oliver's no use at all, thinks he's very clever, says that he can manage us, that's the best joke ever!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: At last the engines gave up.
  • Thomas: We're sorry, Oliver.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They said.
  • Oliver: It's really my fault.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Oliver sadly.
  • Oliver: I shouldn't fallen into the turntable well.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Toad the break van felt sorry for Oliver too. Next morning, he spoke to Douglas.
  • Toad: I'm worried, Mr. Douglas. This disrespect for engines. Where's it going to end?
  • Douglas: Who knows?
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sighed Douglas.
  • Toad: I've got a plan, Mr. Douglas. May I stay here tonight and help Mr. Oliver? We're both Great Western, and must stand together.
  • Douglas: Certainly, Toad.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied Douglas and puffed away. Soon, Toad was explaining his plan.
  • Duck: Goodness gracious, Toad. I don't think you suggest such a thing to Oliver.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: But Oliver interrupted.
  • Oliver: No, Duck, Toad's right. It's really my fault. I must put this trouble right.
  • Toad: I meant no disrespect you understand.
  • Oliver: Of course not, Toad. Anywhere, driver says the same and he's arranged with the stationmaster.
  • Duck: Very well, Oliver.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Concided Duck.
  • Duck: But I must hurry. My passengers will be waiting. Good luck.
  • Oliver: So long.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Smiled Oliver bravely, but he felt dreadfully nervous inside. Oliver marshalled with the worst cars two by two.
  • Toad: That's the way, Mr. Oliver.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Whispered Toad.
  • Toad: And if you hadn't leave Scruffey till last, then you'll have him behind you. You can bump him if he starts his nonsense.
  • Scruffey: Hold back, hold back!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Whispered Scruffey.
  • Scruffey: And pass the word to the others.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: The silly cars giggled, but Oliver knew what to do. There was plenty of sand on the rails and his wheels gripped splendidly. He gave a great heave.
  • Scruffey: Ooh!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Groaned Scruffey.
  • Scruffey: I don't like this!
  • Duck: Go on!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Yelled Duck.
  • Duck: Well done, boy, well done!
  • Scruffey: Oh!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Wailed Scruffey.
  • Scruffey: I'm coming apart!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And he did. Then there was trouble.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well, Oliver, so you don't know your own strength, is that it?
  • Oliver: No, sir.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Oliver nervously. Sir Topham Hatt inspected Scruffey.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: As I thought. Rotten wood rusty frames. Maybe if we put you back together, you'll learn yourself a better name.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Nowadays, Oliver only takes freight cars when the other engines were busy. But they always quick to warn each other.
  • Cars: Take care with Mr. Oliver. If you play tricks on him, you'll never be the same car again!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Scruffey has learned his lesson and says nothing at all.
  • (Toad Stands By ends)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Oliver had beated Scruffey.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Ethan and Poncho are western trainers.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Bailey and Marina like to wear pantyhose.
  • Hitmontop: Hitmontop.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas is a hero by saving James. I'll tell you.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Thomas Saves The Day starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Every day, Sir Topham Hatt came to the station to catch his train.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Hello.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He said to Thomas.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Don't let the silly freight cars tease you. Remember, you have an important job as a special helper in the train yard.
  • (Thomas' whistle toots)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: There were lots of freight cars and Thomas worked very hard pushing and pulling them into place. There was also a small coach and two strange things his driver called cranes.
  • Thomas' Driver: That's the breakdown train.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He told Thomas.
  • Thomas' Driver: The cranes are for lifting heavy things like engines and coaches and freight cars.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: One day, Thomas was in the yard. Suddenly he heard an engine whistling.
  • James: Help! Help!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: A frieght train came rushing through much too fast. The engine was James and he was frightened. His brake blocks were on fire.
  • James: They're pushing me, they're pushing me.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He panted.
  • Freight Cars: On! On!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Laughed the freight cars. Still whistling...
  • James: Help! Help!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Poor James disappeared.
  • Thomas: I like to teach those freight cars a lesson.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Thomas the Tank Engine.
  • (We hear an alarm ringing)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Soon came the alarm.
  • Signalman: James is off the line. The breakdown train quickly.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas was coupled on and off they went. Thomas worked his hardest.
  • Thomas: Hurry, hurry, hurry!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He puffed. He wasn't predenting to be like Gordon. He really meant it.
  • Thomas: Bother those freight cars and their tricks. I hope poor James isn't hurt.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: James' driver and fireman were feeling him all over to see if he was hurt.
  • (Cows mooing)
  • James' Driver and Fireman: Never mind James.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They said.
  • James' Driver and Fireman: It was those silly freight cars and your old wooden brakes that caused the accident.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas pushed the breakdown train alongside. Then he pulled away the unhurt freight cars.
  • Freight Cars: Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They groaned.
  • Thomas: Serves you right, serves you right.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Puffed Thomas. He was hard at work puffing backwards and forwards all afternoon.
  • Thomas: This'll teach you a lesson, this'll teach you a lesson.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He told the freight cars. And they answered...
  • Freight Cars: Yes it will, yes it will.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They left the broken cars. Then with two cranes they put James back on the rails.
  • (The cranes lift James away from the field. A surprised Thomas watches as James is put back to the rails)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He tried to move, but he couldn't so Thomas helped him back to the shed. Sir Topham Hatt was waiting anxiously for them.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Well, Thomas.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He said.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: I heard all about it and i'm very pleased with you. You're a really useful engine. James shall have some proper brakes and a new coat of paint and you shall have a branch line all to yourself.
  • Thomas: Oh thank you sir.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Thomas. Now Thomas is as happy as can be. He has a branch line and two coaches called Annie and Clarabel. He puffs proudly backwards and forwards with them all day. He is never lonely. Edward and Henry stop quite often and tell him the news. Gordon is always in a hurry but never forgets to say...
  • Gordon: Poop Poop.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And Thomas always whistles...
  • Thomas: Peep Peep.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: In return.
  • (Thomas' whistle toots)
  • (Thomas Saves The Day ends)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Thomas is truly the hero.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: All the engines are heroes too.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • (End of Part 2)

Part 3[]

  • (We see Mr. Conductor 1 with The Hitmon Trio)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Mikey had three older brothers.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He is friends with Timmy.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And he has Luka and Jack Pollockson.
  • Hitmontop: Hitmontop.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Peter Sam had to work with Rusty. I'll tell you.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Rusty Helps Peter Sam starts)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Every day when the little engines worked, the crisp air was suddenly filled with familiar noise. The lakes and mountains have many visitors, and Harold the Helicopter flies the sky, making sure that no one's in trouble.
  • Harold: All present and correct. Time to return to base.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Then Harold noticed something. A sturdy diesel was coming round the mountain. Harold flew lower for a closer inspection.
  • Harold: I'm Harold. Who are you?
  • Rusty: I'm Rusty.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied the diesel.
  • Harold: Don't recall seeing you before. What brings you this way?
  • Rusty: Sir Topham Hatt sent me to help the other engines.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Huffed Rusty. This was no time to chat with a helicopter.
  • Harold: Well done, cheers, and keep up the good work!
  • Rusty: Cheeky chopper.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Muttered Rusty.
  • Driver: Not long now.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Encouraged his driver.
  • Driver: We'll soon be at the top station.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Peter Sam and Sir Handel were glad to see Rusty. Even so, Sir Handel wouldn't stop grumbling. The cars didn't like Sir Handel and wanted to play tricks on him.
  • Gordon: No one understands our feelings.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sympathized Gordon.
  • Gordon: Now if you were ill, you couldn't shunt cars, could you?
  • Sir Handel: Good idea.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Replied Sir Handel.
  • Sir Handel: I'll try it.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He did so next morning.
  • Sir Handel: I don't feel well.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He groaned. There wasn't time for examine him, so some of his cars were coupled behind Peter Sam's coaches. Rusty promised to followed with the rest. Peter Sam didn't mind the extra work. He left his coaches at the station and trundled cheerfully on. Soon they reached the quarry where the cars were needed. Empty cars at the bottom of a slope are hitched to a cable. Loaded ones at the top are hitched to another. By their weight, loaded cars were down the steep slope, pulling the empty ones up. Peter Sam doing waited at the bottom of a slope for the loaded cars. He never bumped cars unless they misbehave. But the loaded cars couldn't see him properly. They thought he was Sir Handel. They're chance for trickery had come.
  • Loaded Cars: Faster! Faster!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: They yelled.
  • Empty Cars: No, no!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Wailed the empty cars.
  • Empty Cars: It's Peter Sam!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: But it was no use.
  • Loaded Cars: Hurrah, hurrah!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Roared the cars. Peter Sam shut his eyes.
  • (Crash!)
  • Peter Sam: Peep! Peep!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Wailed Peter Sam. Rusty was working nearby and came to help clear out the mess.
  • Rusty: Bust my buffers!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Exclaimed Rusty.
  • Rusty: Never mind, Peter Sam. We'll get you out.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Peter Sam felt battered. His funnel was cracked and his boiler dented.
  • Peter Sam: Thank you, Rusty.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: He sighed and limped slowly home.
  • Sir Handel: I'm sorry about your accident.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Said Sir Handel.
  • Sir Handel: I always stand well back. Cars don't like me.
  • Peter Sam: Why didn't you warn me?
  • Sir Handel: I didn't think.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You never do. You can start thinking now while you're doing Peter Sam's work as well as your own. That'll teach you to pretend you were ill.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Sir Handel did start thinking about Gordon. When the wreckage was cleared away, Rusty set off along the line.
  • Harold: Splendid to see you again.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Whizzed Harold.
  • Harold: I've completing my evenings look about.
  • Rusty: Well done, cheers, and keep up the good work!
  • Mr. Conductor 1: And the little diesel purred back home.
  • (Rusty Helps Peter Sam ends)
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Peter Sam got his funnel wrecked.
  • Hitmonlee: Hitmonlee.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Bailey, Marina, Krystal, Chigusa and Rebecca are Poke Scouts.
  • Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Serena, Mina, Raye, Lita and Amy dress up as them.
  • Hitmontop: Hitmontop.
  • Mr. Conductor 1: Toby is old fashioned in this musical finale.
  • (Mr. Conductor 1 blows his whistle and Toby starts)
  • Children: (singing) North of the island, there lives a dear old train, a little tram engine, Toby is his name. He's quaint and old fashioned, but careful and wise. His coach is Henrietta and she's seen better days. His mind keeps returning to the good old days. When they were busy working everyday. But nobody rides with them nowadays. They can't understand why things have changed. Their line is closing down today, forever. Toby, oh Toby. What will become of you? The world's much nicer whenever we see you. Toby, dear Toby. There's still lots that you can do. Oldies but goldies, we still care about you. All of the children came to say goodbye. They clapped and cheered as Toby rang his bell, "Bye-bye." Everyone was sad to see them go. Whatever will they do, and where will they go? Suddenly news came to brighten up their day. How Toby and Henrietta were needed right away. The Fat Controller had written to say, could they please come and help right away. Now they're part of his family forever. Toby, oh Toby. Show them what you can do. The world's much nicer whenever we see you. Toby, dear Toby. There's so much to learn from you. Oldies but goldies, we still care about you. Oldies but goldies, we still care for you.
  • (Toby ends)
  • (End of Part 3)