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Topped Off Thomas Transcript is Pikachufreak's fan-fiction thing to make.


  • Here's the full transcript to Topped Off Thomas.


  • Michael Brandon: Topped Off Thomas. It was a windy autumn day on the Island of Sodor. Thomas liked windy days. Sometimes, Thomas liked to race the wind.
  • Thomas: I can go faster than you, Mr. Wind.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas tooted as he steamed along. Thomas had to stop at a junction. Spencer was already there. Thomas was surprised.
  • Thomas: Hello, Spencer. What are you doing on Sodor?
  • Spencer: I...
  • Michael Brandon: Steamed Spencer.
  • Spencer: am to pick up Sir Topham and Lady Hatt and the Duke and Duchess of Boxford. They are waiting at Kellsthorpe Station. I am to take them to a very important tea party at the Scottish castle.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas was disappointed.
  • Thomas: Why can't I take them in Annie and Clarabel?
  • Michael Brandon: He puffed.
  • Spencer: Humph. Because...
  • Michael Brandon: Huffed Spencer loudly.
  • Spencer: you are a small engine and small engines get small jobs. I am a big engine and big engines get big jobs.
  • Thomas: I can go faster than the wind.
  • Michael Brandon: Chuffed Thomas crossly.
  • Spencer: Nonsense.
  • Michael Brandon: Sniffed Spencer. This made Thomas even crosser.
  • Thomas: I'll race you to Kellsthorpe Station.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas huffed.
  • Thomas: Then we'll see.
  • Michael Brandon: The signal changed. Spencer and Thomas wheeshed away. Thomas was determined to win. Sir Topham Hatt, Lady Hatt and the Duke and Duchess of Boxford were waiting on the platform at Kellsthorpe. Suddenly, there was a thundering and a whooshing. Spencer and Thomas were pumping their pistons and bubbling their boilers to arrive at Kellsthorpe first. Spencer screeched to a halt. But Thomas raced straight through the station. There was a rush of wind so big, it blew Sir Topham Hatt's top-hat right off his head. Sir Topham Hatt was very cross. Thomas reversed slowly back into the station. He was very worried.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: Thomas,
  • Michael Brandon: Boomed Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: why were you going so fast? You know engines must go slowly through stations.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas felt terrible.
  • Thomas: I'm sorry, sir.
  • Michael Brandon: He peeped.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: And...
  • Michael Brandon: Sir Topham Hatt added.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: my hat has blown away. I must have my hat.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas felt even worse.
  • Thomas: I'll find your hat, sir.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas chuffed.
  • Thomas: In time for your important tea party at the Scottish castle.
  • Michael Brandon: And he chuffed quickly away. Thomas was sure he find Sir Topham Hatt's hat quickly. He looked down the track to the level crossing. There was Bertie the Bus. Sir Topham Hatt's hat had landed on his roof.
  • Thomas: I found it!
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas hooted happily. Just then, Gordon whooshed through the crossing so fast that the hat blew into the air.
  • Thomas: Cinders and Ashes!
  • Michael Brandon: Cried Thomas.
  • Thomas: Now I'll have to chase after it.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas steamed down the line. Then, he saw it. The hat had landed on top of Farmer McColl's scarecrow.
  • Thomas: I found it!
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas hooted happily. But just then, Harold the Helicopter rose from the other side from the hill. The great whoosh of his blades blew Sir Topham Hatt's hat into the air and far away.
  • Thomas: Cinders and Ashes!
  • Michael Brandon: Cried Thomas.
  • Thomas: I'll have to chase it again!
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas steamed along. He was out of puff and out of places to look. Then, he saw it. Sir Topham Hatt's top-hat landed on one at the windmill sales. Thomas hooted happily. But just then, a great gust of wind blew the sales around. And the top-hat blown into the air and far away.
  • Thomas: Oh, no!
  • Michael Brandon: Tooted Thomas, and he raced after it. It was getting late. Thomas had promised to find Sir Topham Hatt's hat. And he hadn't done that. The wind had taken the hat far away.
  • Thomas: You won, Mr. Wind.
  • Michael Brandon: Peeped Thomas, and he let out a tiny sad wheesh of steam. Thomas puffed sadly back towards Kellsthorpe Station.
  • Thomas: I wonder if I will ever be a really useful engine again.
  • Michael Brandon: He wheeshed sadly. Then, he saw it. Sir Topham Hatt's hat was just in front of him floating on the wind.
  • Thomas: I was still to think I was fast as you, Mr. Wind.
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas chuffed quietly.
  • Thomas: Please can you help me?
  • Michael Brandon: The wind heard Thomas. Sir Topham Hatt's hat floated gently on to Thomas' funnel. Thomas couldn't believe his puff. He chuffed slowly and carefully toward Kellsthorpe Station. When Thomas arrived, everyone was waiting. Then Sir Topham Hatt gasped. He saw his hat on top of Thomas' funnel.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You found my hat, Thomas!
  • Michael Brandon: He boomed happily.
  • Sir Topham Hatt: You are a really useful engine!
  • Michael Brandon: Thomas blew a happy wheesh of steam. And the top-hat blew gently from his funnel onto the platform in front of Sir Topham Hatt.
  • Thomas: Sometimes going slowly is as good as going fast.
  • Michael Brandon: Tooted Thomas.
  • Thomas: Or maybe even better.