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This presents some example usages of the Shell Object.

Launching Applications[]

This little snipped will launch notepad when the button has clicked the object

' ///
' Note that for these types of actions it's good practice
' to put them in the mouse up even instead of the 
' mouse down event so the user can cancel the action
' by moving the cursor away from the object before
' releasing the mouse button. Also, if the object
' is movable you want to make sure that the user didn't
' intend to move the object.
' ///

Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x, y, Dragged)
   If Not Dragged Then 'Make sure the object wasn't moved
      Dim objShell
      Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      objShell.Run "notepad.exe"
   End If
End Function

Batch commands[]

Similarly, you can use this method to create a batch execution of applications or commands

Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x, y, Dragged)
   If Not Dragged Then 'Make sure the object wasn't moved
      Dim objShell
      Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      objShell.Run "notepad.exe"
      objShell.Run "calc.exe"
      objShell.Run "charmap.exe"
   End If
End Function


Instead of wrapping the important code in an If Not Dragged Then ... End If you can use this statement at the top of the function: If Dragged Then Exit Function -rr
