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Underwater Engine Adventure (UK version) - Full is Pikachufreak's fan-fiction thing to make.


  • Here's the full UK version of Underwater Engine Adventure, a DVD released on March 20, 2007. Stories narrated by Ringo Starr and Michael Angelis included, as well as a song: Thomas, Percy and Old Slowcoach, Happy Ever After, Dirty Objects, Percy's Predicament, Gordon Takes A Tumble, Dunkin' Duncan, Thomas, Terence and The Snow, The Trouble With Mud and It's Great To Be An Engine.

Opening Previews[]

  1. Warning Screen
  2. HiT Entertainment logo (2007)
  3. Britt Allcroft Presents logo
  4. Thomas and Friends Season 5 intro (2004 version)
  5. First few seconds of Thomas, Percy and Old Slowcoach

Opening Credits[]

  • Based on The Railway Series by The REV.W.AWDRY
  • Adaptation by BRITT ALLCROFT
  • Directed by DAVID MITTON


  • (We open this DVD with the warning screen)
  • (We then go to the 2007 HiT Entertainment logo)
  • (The Britt Allcroft Presents logo soon appears)
  • (The 2004 version of Thomas Season 5 intro then follows and we begin Thomas, Percy and Old Slowcoach)
  • Michael Angelis: Thomas, Percy and James were looking at the early morning sky.
  • Thomas: Everyone's so much happier when springtime comes.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Thomas.
  • James: Everyone except the Fat Controller.
  • Michael Angelis: Grumbled James.
  • James: He seems to be working us harder that ever. I'm tired of these coastal runs.
  • Percy: He just wants everything to be ready for the holidays.
  • Michael Angelis: Replied Percy.
  • Percy: Anyway, salty air makes me all cheerful in my smokebox.
  • James: Pah!
  • Michael Angelis: Snorted James.
  • James: It's the countryside that really gets me fired up, it's the only place to be!
  • Michael Angelis: And he puffed away to collect his fuel trucks from the docks. Thomas and Percy have to take some empty freight cars to the scrap yards. In a siding, they saw an old slowcoach. She looked very sad.
  • Percy: What are you doing here?
  • Old Slowcoach: They called me Old Slowcoach, and told me I wasn't useful anymore. Now I only have mice ride in me.
  • Thomas: Well, you may be dusty, but you look in perfect shape.
  • Michael Angelis: The Yard manager appeared.
  • Yard Manager: Come along, I have trucks for you to take away.
  • Percy's Driver: Excuse me.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Percy's Driver.
  • Percy's Driver: Can you tell us about this coach?
  • Yard Manager: Old Slowcoach; she's been here for years. She'll be broken up when we find the time.
  • Michael Angelis: He replied. The engines were dismayed.
  • Thomas: We'll try and help you.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Thomas. But he didn't know how. Meanwhile, James was enjoying himself.
  • James: This is the life!
  • Michael Angelis: He chortled, but he was heading for trouble. One of the fuel trucks was leaking, and suddenly, it caught fire.
  • James: Oh, help!
  • Michael Angelis: Cried James. They reached a siding, and his driver gave the alarm.
  • James' Driver: It's fuel, and it's dangerous.
  • Michael Angelis: As Thomas and Percy approached the junction, they saw the smoke, and a guard waving a red flag.
  • Guard: Sparks from James' driver have set the cars a blaze.
  • Michael Angelis: He called.
  • Guard: The fire's under control, but it's quite a mess.
  • Percy: You said the countryside run got you all 'fired up', James.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Percy.
  • Percy: But I didn't think you meant it in this way.
  • James: Pah!
  • Michael Angelis: Snorted James.
  • James: It was the stupid trucks' fault, not mine.
  • Fireman: It's safe to proceed now.
  • Michael Angelis: Called a fireman. Thomas and Percy now felt sorry for James. It wasn't long before they reached the station. Later, as they were having a long drink at the water towers, they suddenly heard a commotion.
  • Thomas: What's the matter?
  • Michael Angelis: Thomas asked.
  • Thomas' Driver: It's another fire at the workman's hut.
  • Michael Angelis: Replied Thomas' Driver.
  • Thomas' Driver: We better see what we can do.
  • (Thomas and Percy race into the scene only to see the hut on fire)
  • Michael Angelis: The fire engines arrived but they had a big problem.
  • Fireman: We are completely out of water!
  • Michael Angelis: Cried a fireman.
  • Fireman: We can't use sea water cause' it clogs our works. We'll just have to let that building burn.
  • Michael Angelis: Then Thomas had an idea.
  • Thomas: Why don't you use the water in our tanks? We've just refilled them.
  • Michael Angelis: The firemen wasted no time.
  • Drivers: You're very clever engines.
  • Michael Angelis: Chuckled their drivers. Soon, the fire was out, but the hut where the workmen lived was destroyed.
  • Foreman: We'll need to find something to house the men, they can't sleep on the beach.
  • Michael Angelis: Said the Foreman.
  • Percy: What about Old Slowcoach? She would be perfect for the workmen.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Percy.
  • Thomas: Comfy, too.
  • Michael Angelis: Added Thomas.
  • Percy's Driver: What a good idea, Percy.
  • Michael Angelis: Said his driver. They phoned the Fat Controller, who agreed.
  • The Fat Controller: She'll be spic and span by the time you collect her.
  • Michael Angelis: And she was, and very happy, too.
  • Old Slowcoach: I can't thank you enough. I feel splendid.
  • Michael Angelis: The engines buffered up to her, and she set off happily for her new home. Everyone agreed there was nothing old or slow about coach, and she will always be really useful indeed.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Happy Ever After)
  • Michael Angelis: The engines on the Island of Sodor loved holiday time. Percy was taking some trucks to the docks. Terence the Tractor was working at a field close to the line.
  • Terence: Hello, Percy. Nice day for it, isn't it?
  • Michael Angelis: Percy was confused.
  • Percy: Nice day for what?
  • Terence: Mrs. Kyndley's daughter is getting married today.
  • Percy: Oh yes. Of course.
  • Michael Angelis: But when Percy saw Mrs. Kyndley, she was standing by her gate, waving a red flag.
  • Percy's Driver: What's the matter?
  • Michael Angelis: Asked the driver.
  • Mrs. Kyndley: I've forgotten about the good luck package for the bride.
  • Michael Angelis: Percy was puzzled.
  • Percy: What's a good luck package?
  • Mrs. Kyndley: It must contain something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Can you help please?
  • Michael Angelis: Percy didn't know how but his driver was determined.
  • Percy's Driver: We'll certainly try.
  • Michael Angelis: Percy had to stop at Edward's station to take on water.
  • Percy: We've got to find a good luck package. Do you know what that is?
  • Edward: Oh, yes indeed. Something old, something new...
  • Percy: Something borrowed and something blue.
  • Michael Angelis: Percy cut in.
  • Percy: But where do we find them?
  • Michael Angelis: Edward smiled.
  • Edward: They're probably staring you in your smokebox. Now I had to take a special train. I'm taking guests to the wedding.
  • Michael Angelis: When Percy arrived at the docks, he looked all around him. Suddenly he saw a truck. It was loaded with a new set of shiny buffers.
  • Percy: Look! Look! There's something new.
  • Percy's Driver: They're quite right, Percy.
  • Michael Angelis: Said his driver.
  • Percy's Driver: Those buffers are just the ticket. I'll speak to the foreman.
  • Michael Angelis: He returned shortly.
  • Percy's Driver: Foreman says we can use them and borrow the truck as well. So that's two things we found. Something borrowed and something new.
  • Percy: But what about the other things?
  • Percy's Driver: I'm sure we'll find them too and we best be on our way.
  • Michael Angelis: As Percy was shunting some freight cars into a siding, he heard a voice.
  • Old Slowcoach: Hello, Percy.
  • Michael Angelis: There was Old Slowcoach who he and Thomas had rescued from scrap.
  • Percy: You're it!
  • Alec Baldwin: Squeaked Percy.
  • Old Slowcoach: I'm what it?
  • Michael Angelis: Said the coach.
  • Percy: The something old for the wedding.
  • Michael Angelis: And then Percy explained.
  • Percy: Now we only had to find something blue. But what and where?
  • Percy's Driver: You'll see.
  • Michael Angelis: Said his driver. At last, they reached the village where the wedding was to take place. Ahead was an old engine shed.
  • Percy's Driver: What did you think of this, Percy?
  • Michael Angelis: Laughed his driver.
  • Percy: Well bust my boiler, Thomas. What are you doing here?
  • Thomas: I've to something blue.
  • Michael Angelis: Replied Thomas.
  • Percy's Driver: Now, Percy.
  • Michael Angelis: Said his driver.
  • Percy's Driver: Mrs. Kyndley's chosen you to be her special guest.
  • Michael Angelis: When the bride and groom left the church for the party, the Fat Controller adressed everybody.
  • The Fat Controller: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the good luck package. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. All found by Percy and his crew.
  • Michael Angelis: The engines whistled and everyone cheered.
  • Bride: Thank you, Thomas and thank you, Percy.
  • Michael Angelis: Said the bride.
  • Bride: It's the best good luck package ever.
  • Michael Angelis: And she kissed Percy. Thomas laughed as Percy blushed bright red.
  • Percy: I love weddings.
  • Michael Angelis: Sighed Percy that night.
  • Thomas: Did you enjoy your kiss?
  • Michael Angelis: But Percy was embarrassed and pretended to be asleep.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Dirty Objects)
  • Ringo Starr: Toby and Henrietta are enjoying their new job on the Island of Sodor, but they do look old fashioned and need new paint. James was very rude whenever he saw them.
  • James: Ugh! What dirty objects!
  • Ringo Starr: He would say. At last, Toby lost patience.
  • Toby: James?
  • Ringo Starr: He asked.
  • Toby: Why are you red?
  • James: I am a splendid engine.
  • Ringo Starr: Answered James.
  • James: Ready for anything. You never see my paint dirty.
  • Toby: Oh.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Toby earnestly.
  • Toby: That's why you once needed bootlaces to be ready I suppose.
  • Ringo Starr: James went redder than ever and snorted off. It was such an insult to be remind how the time the bootlace have been use to mend a hole in his coaches. At the end of the line, James left his coaches and got out to his next train. It was a slow goods, stopping at every station to pick up and set down trucks. James hated slow goods trains.
  • James: Dirty trucks from dirty sidings! Blech!
  • Ringo Starr: Starting an only a few, he picked up more and more trucks at each station till he had a long train. At first, the trucks behaved well, but James bumped them so crossly that they were determined to get back at him. Presently, they approached the top of Gordon's Hill. Heavy goods trains halt here to set the brakes. James had had an accident with trucks before and should have remembered this.
  • Driver: Wait, James, wait!
  • Ringo Starr: Said the driver, but James wouldn't wait. He was too busy thinking what he would say to Toby when they next met. The trucks' chance had come.
  • Trucks: Hurrah! Hurrah!
  • Ringo Starr: They laughed, and banging their buffers they pushed him down the hill.
  • Trucks: On, on, on!
  • Ringo Starr: Yelled the trucks.
  • James: I've got to stop, I've got to stop!
  • Ringo Starr: Groaned James. Through the station they thundered, disaster lay ahead. (Crash!) Something sticky splashed all over James. He had run into two tar wagons, and was black from smokebox to cab. He was more dirty than hurt, but the tar wagons and some trucks were all to pieces. Toby and Percy were sent to help and came as quickly as they could.
  • Toby: Look here, Percy!
  • Ringo Starr: Explained Toby.
  • Toby: Whatever is that dirty object?
  • Percy: That's James, didn't you know?
  • Toby: It's James' shape.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Toby.
  • Toby: But James is a splendid red engine and you'll never see his paint dirty.
  • Ringo Starr: James pretended he hadn't heard. Toby and Percy cleared away the unhurt trucks and help James home. The Fat Controller met them.
  • The Fat Controller: Well done, Percy and Toby.
  • Ringo Starr: He turned to James.
  • The Fat Controller: Fancy letting your trucks run away. I am surprised. You're not fit to be seen. You must be cleaned at once. Toby shall have a new coat of paint.
  • Toby: Please sir, can Henrietta have one too?
  • Ringo Starr: Said Toby.
  • The Fat Controller: Certainly, Toby.
  • Toby: Oh thank you, sir. She will pleased.
  • Ringo Starr: All James could do as watch Toby as he ran off happily with the news.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Percy's Predicament)
  • Ringo Starr: Daisy the Diesel Rail-car's work in the countryside was full of surprises. But she was frightened to bulls and cows, and she remain very lazy and scuttled. One day, Toby brought Henrietta to the station where Percy was grumbling shunting.
  • Toby: Hello, Percy. I see Daisy's left the milk behind again.
  • Percy: I had to make a special journey within i suppose. Anyone would think i've nothing to do.
  • Ringo Starr: Grumbled Percy.
  • Toby: Tell you what?
  • Ringo Starr: Replied Toby.
  • Toby: I'll take the milk, you fetch my trucks.
  • Ringo Starr: Their drivers and stationmaster agreed. Percy had never been to the quarry before. He began ordering the trucks about.
  • Percy: Hurry along.
  • Ringo Starr: He said. The freight cars grumbled to each other.
  • Trucks: This is Toby's place! Percy's got no right to poke his funnel in here and push us around.
  • Ringo Starr: They whispered and pass the word.
  • Trucks: Pay Percy out! Pay Percy out!
  • Percy: Come along.
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Percy.
  • Percy: No nonsense.
  • Trucks: We'll give him nonsense.
  • Ringo Starr: Giggled the trucks. But they followed so quietly that Percy thought they were under control. Suddenly, they saw a notice ahead: All Trains Stop To Pin Down Brakes.
  • Percy: Peep peep! Brakes, Guard, please!
  • Ringo Starr: But before he could check them the trucks surged ahead.
  • Trucks: On! On!
  • Ringo Starr: They cried.
  • Percy: Help! Help!
  • Ringo Starr: Whistled Percy. The man on duty at the crossing rushed to warn traffic with his red flag but was too late to switch Percy to the runaway sidings. Frantically trying to grip the rails Percy slid into the yard.
  • Percy: Peep! Peep! Look out!
  • (Crash!)
  • Ringo Starr: The break van was in smithereens. Percy's driver and fireman had jumped clear but Percy was stranded. Next day, Sir Topham Hatt arrived. Toby and Daisy had helped to clear the wreckage but Percy remained on his perch of trucks.
  • The Fat Controller: We must now try.
  • Ringo Starr: Said the Fat Controller.
  • The Fat Controller: To run a branch line with Toby and a diesel. You have put us in an awkward predicament.
  • Percy: I am sorry, sir.
  • Ringo Starr: Replied Percy.
  • The Fat Controller: You can stay here till we are ready. Perhaps it will teach you a lesson to be careful with trucks.
  • Ringo Starr: Percy sighed. The trucks groaned beneath his wheels. He quite understood about awkward predicaments. The Fat Controller spoke severly to Daisy too.
  • The Fat Controller: My engines work hard. I send lazy engines away.
  • Ringo Starr: Daisy was ashamed.
  • The Fat Controller: However, Toby says you worked hard after Percy's accident. So you shall have another chance.
  • Daisy: Thank you, sir.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Daisy.
  • Daisy: I will work hard, sir. Toby says he'll help me.
  • The Fat Controller: Excellent. What Toby doesn't know about branch line problems isn't worth knowing. But our Toby's an experienced engine.
  • Ringo Starr: Next day, Thomas came back, and Percy was sent to be mended. Annie and Clarabel were delighted to see Thomas again and he took them to a run at once. All were now friends, and Toby has taunt Daisy a great deal. She shooed a cow all by herself the other day. That show's you, doesn't it?
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Gordon Takes A Tumble)
  • Michael Angelis: The Fat Controller's engines are proud of how useful they are. It makes them feel important. But none of them feels more important than Gordon.
  • Gordon: Watch out!
  • Michael Angelis: Gordon wheeshed.
  • Gordon: You'll get my paint all sooty.
  • Salty: Pulling trucks is a sooty job.
  • Michael Angelis: Teased Salty.
  • Salty: But then you wouldn't know.
  • Gordon: Of course not.
  • Michael Angelis: Gordon huffed importantly.
  • Gordon: Express engines don't pull trucks it wouldn't be dignified.
  • Percy: Dingyfried?
  • Michael Angelis: Puzzled Percy.
  • Percy: What's that?
  • Gordon: Dignified.
  • Michael Angelis: Gordon corrected.
  • Gordon: It means...
  • Salty: It means if someone's too big for his buffers.
  • Michael Angelis: Teased Salty.
  • Gordon: Pah!
  • Michael Angelis: Puffed Gordon and he puffed away. That evening, fog covered the Island of Sodor. Everything slowed down and soon the docks were packed with waiting trucks. This caused confusion and delay. The Fat Controller came to the sheds. He was in a great hurry.
  • The Fat Controller: Henry, Thomas and Percy.
  • Michael Angelis: He said.
  • The Fat Controller: You must go to the docks inmediately.
  • Henry, Thomas and Percy: Yes sir.
  • Michael Angelis: They whistled. Then the Fat Controller turned to the big blue engine.
  • The Fat Controller: You too, Gordon.
  • Michael Angelis: He said.
  • The Fat Controller: I need an engine to take the trucks where they won't be in a way.
  • Gordon: Trucks!?
  • Michael Angelis: Huffed Gordon. He could not believe what he had heard. Gordon wasn't happy to be pulling trucks. He waited impatiently while they were shunted into place.
  • Gordon: Hurry up, hurry up.
  • Michael Angelis: Chuffed Gordon crossly.
  • Thomas: Why the rush, Gordon?
  • Michael Angelis: Asked Thomas.
  • Gordon: If i must pull trucks then i'll show Salty how an express engine pulls trucks.
  • Michael Angelis: Gordon huffed.
  • Salty: Careful, captain.
  • Michael Angelis: Salty tooted.
  • Salty: You don't wanna get too big for your buffers.
  • Michael Angelis: But Gordon ignored Salty. The next morning, Gordon raced along with his heavy load.
  • Gordon: Now this is how you pull trucks.
  • Michael Angelis: He puffed. The signalman had accidentally left the points switched to the branch line. Gordon rattled through the junction.
  • Gordon: That's strange, i'm on the branch line.
  • Signalman: Oh no!
  • Michael Angelis: The signalman cried.
  • Signalman: Express trains aren't supposed to go that way.
  • Michael Angelis: But it was too late. Gordon had already raced into the distance. The old branch line was weak and rusty. There were signs warning all the trains to go slow. But Gordon ignored the sign.
  • Gordon: I'm an express engine i don't go slow.
  • Michael Angelis: He said and he went even faster. The branch line couldn't take his weight and the rails buckled.
  • Gordon: Oh help!
  • Michael Angelis: Gordon cried as he slid off the tracks and into a field.
  • (Gordon runs over a pile of hay, towards some tires making him lose his tender and into a barn)
  • Michael Angelis: No one was hurt, but poor Gordon felt very undignified.
  • Gordon: What will the Fat Controller say?
  • Michael Angelis: He groaned. He found out soon enough.
  • The Fat Controller: Well, Gordon.
  • Michael Angelis: Said the Fat Controller.
  • The Fat Controller: You wanted to show Salty a thing or two and you certainly done that. You showed him how silly it is to ignore go slow signs.
  • Gordon: Sorry, sir.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Gordon and he let out a sad wheesh of steam. Gordon was soon repaired and back at the docks for work. He was very unhappy with himself.
  • Thomas: Everyone makes mistakes.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: Even you.
  • James: Salty's sorry he teased you.
  • Michael Angelis: Huffed James.
  • Gordon: And i'm sorry i'm too big for my buffers.
  • Michael Angelis: Chuffed Gordon. And all the engines gave a jolly toot even Gordon.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Dunkin' Duncan)
  • Michael Angelis: Rusty, Rheneas and Skarloey chugged cheerfully through the Sodor countryside. The engines were going to help Duncan with an important job at the incline railway. The engines enjoyed working at the incline railway. They like the way the loaded slate cars rolled down the incline pulling the empty slate trucks up. But they are always careful. Duncan doesn't like working at the incline railway. He is always impatient to get back at the junction. This makes him careless and gets him in a lot of trouble. Rusty hoped Duncan would stay out of trouble today, but he was already in too much of a hurry.
  • Duncan: I'm a plain speaking engine.
  • Michael Angelis: Gruffed Duncan.
  • Duncan: So collect your slate trucks and be quick about it.
  • Michael Angelis: And off he steamed.
  • Rheneas: Bossy boots.
  • Michael Angelis: Chuffed Rheneas.
  • Skarloey: Pushy puffer.
  • Michael Angelis: Huffed Skarloey. They didn't like Duncan telling them what to do.
  • Rusty: He just wants to get back to the bustle of the junction.
  • Michael Angelis: Rusty said. Duncan wanted everyone to work faster.
  • Duncan: You're supposed to be helping me.
  • Michael Angelis: He grumbled.
  • Duncan: But you're as slow as snails.
  • Rusty: We're proper engines.
  • Michael Angelis: Rusty huffed crossly.
  • Rusty: We followed the rules.
  • Rheneas: We can't send up more than four slate trucks at a time.
  • Michael Angelis: Chuffed Rheneas.
  • Duncan: Then work faster.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Duncan impatiently. Later that day, Duncan was working at the incline.
  • Duncan: I'll show you how fast a really useful engine can work.
  • Michael Angelis: Duncan called as he hastily biffed one slate truck into another and then another. Soon, Duncan had his four slate trucks.
  • Duncan: Nothing to it!
  • Michael Angelis: He boasted to Rusty.
  • Rusty: Those slate trucks will pay you back.
  • Michael Angelis: Warned Rusty.
  • Rusty: Slate trucks don't like to be biffed.
  • Duncan: I can handle slate trucks.
  • Michael Angelis: He cried. The three little engines could see Duncan was not going to listen. They carefully chuffed away from the incline with their slate trucks full of slate. Duncan was so impatient he became even more careless.
  • Duncan: I'll show that smelly diesel and those lazy steamers.
  • Michael Angelis: He said to his driver.
  • Duncan's Driver: Careful.
  • Michael Angelis: Cautioned his driver.
  • Duncan's Driver: You're asking for trouble.
  • Michael Angelis: And he got it. Duncan didn't notice his chain was tangled in the coupling of the slate truck in front of him. Suddenly, he was being pulled up the track by the empty slate trucks.
  • Duncan: Bouncing bogies!
  • Michael Angelis: He cried.
  • Duncan: It's got me!
  • Michael Angelis: Duncan's driver jumped clear. Rusty returned to see Duncan being pulled up the incline.
  • Rusty: I tried to warn him.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Rusty.
  • Rusty's Driver: He never listens.
  • Michael Angelis: The little diesel's driver said. The chain pulling Duncan's slate trucks couldn't hold the weight. It suddenly snapped. Duncan plummeted down the incline.
  • Duncan: Help!
  • Michael Angelis: He yelled.
  • (Splash!)
  • Duncan: Glub, glub, glub.
  • Michael Angelis: He said.
  • Duncan: Bluggle my bloiler.
  • Michael Angelis: Duncan felt foolish and very wet. When the Fat Controller arrived, he spoke severly to Duncan.
  • The Fat Controller: You have not been a responsible engine.
  • Michael Angelis: He said.
  • The Fat Controller: Your impatience has caused confusion and delay and you owe these engines in apology.
  • Duncan: Sorry.
  • Michael Angelis: Duncan said to Rusty, Rheneas and Skarloey.
  • The Fat Controller: Once you have been repaired.
  • Michael Angelis: The Fat Controller said.
  • The Fat Controller: You will work at the incline until you learned to be patient and careful.
  • Duncan: Yes, sir.
  • Michael Angelis: Said Duncan.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin Thomas, Terence and The Snow)
  • Ringo Starr: Autumn had come to the Island of Sodor. The fields were changing from yellow stubble to brown earth and an tractor was hard at work as Thomas puff along. Later Thomas saw the tractor close by.
  • Terence: Hello.
  • Ringo Starr: Said the tractor.
  • Terence: I'm Terence, I'm plowing.
  • Thomas: I'm Thomas, I'm pulling a train. What ugly wheels you got.
  • Terence: They're not ugly, they're caterpillars.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Terence.
  • Terence: I can go anywhere. I don't need rails.
  • Thomas: I don't want to go anywhere.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: I like my rails, thank you.
  • Ringo Starr: Winter came with dark clouds full of snow.
  • Driver: I don't like it.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Thomas' driver.
  • Driver: A heavy fall is coming. I hope it doesn't stop us.
  • Thomas: Huh!
  • Ringo Starr: Puffed Thomas.
  • Thomas: Soft stuff, nothing to it.
  • Ringo Starr: And he puffed on feeling cold but confident. They finished their journey safely but by now the country was covered.
  • Driver: You need your snowplough for the next journey, Thomas.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Thomas: Huh! Snow is silly soft stuff it won't stop me.
  • Ringo Starr: The snowplough was heavy and uncomfortable and made Thomas cross. He shook it and he banged it and when they got back it was so damaged that the driver had to take it off.
  • Driver: You're a very naughty engine.
  • Ringo Starr: He said to Thomas. Next morning, Thomas' driver and fireman came early and worked hard to mend the snowplough, but they couldn't make it fit. Thomas was pleased.
  • Thomas: I shan't have to wear it, i shan't have to wear it.
  • Ringo Starr: He puffed to Annie and Clarabel. But they were rather worried.
  • Annie and Clarabel: I hope it's all right, i hope it's all right.
  • Ringo Starr: They whispered to each other. The driver was worried too.
  • Driver: It's not bad here.
  • Ringo Starr: He said to the fireman.
  • Driver: But it's sure to be deep in the valley.
  • Thomas: Silly soft stuff.
  • Ringo Starr: Huffed Thomas.
  • Thomas: I didn't need that stupid old thing yesterday and i shan't today. Snow can't stop me.
  • Ringo Starr: He rushed into a tunnel thinking how clever he was. But there was trouble ahead.
  • (Crash)
  • Thomas: Cinders and ashes!
  • Ringo Starr: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: I'm stuck.
  • Ringo Starr: And he was.
  • Driver: Back, Thomas, back.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver. Thomas tried but his wheels spun and he couldn't move. The guard went back for help while everyone else tried to dig the snow away. But as fast as they dug, more snow slipped down until Thomas was nearly buried.
  • Thomas: Oh, my wheels and coupling rods. I shall have to stop here till i'm frozen. What a silly engine i am.
  • Ringo Starr: And Thomas began to cry. At last the bus came to rescue the passengers. And then who should come to Thomas's rescue but Terence. Snow never worries him.
  • (Terence hooks up to Clarabel and pulls her and Annie out of the snow)
  • Ringo Starr: He pulled the empty coaches away, then came back for Thomas. Thomas' wheels were clear but still spun when he tried to move. Terence tugged and slipped and slipped and tugged and at last dragged Thomas clear of the snow ready for the journey home.
  • (Terence goes away into the tunnel with Thomas following him)
  • Thomas: Oh, thank you, Terence. Your caterpillars are splendid.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Thomas.
  • Driver: I hope you'll be sensible now, Thomas.
  • Ringo Starr: Said his driver.
  • Thomas: I'll try.
  • Ringo Starr: Said Thomas and he puffed hummily away.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin The Trouble With Mud)
  • Michael Angelis: One morning, Thomas was being cleaned when Gordon arrived. Mud had blown all over his smart blue paint.
  • Thomas: Hello, Gordon.
  • Michael Angelis: Called Thomas.
  • Thomas: You look as you had a mud bath. Be a sensible engine and have a shower instead.
  • Michael Angelis: Gordon snorted.
  • Gordon: I haven't time to dawdle over my appearance like fussy tank engines do.
  • Michael Angelis: The wind blew stronger.
  • Driver: Gordon, slow down!
  • Michael Angelis: Called his driver. This made Gordon crosser still.
  • Gordon: Now I'll be dirty and late, dirty and late!
  • Michael Angelis: He hissed. At the next station was a sign: All Trains Must Wash Down Daily. James had just finished being cleaned.
  • Driver: Come on, Gordon.
  • Michael Angelis: Said his driver.
  • Driver: You feel better too after a good hosedown.
  • Gordon: Bah!
  • Michael Angelis: Said Gordon and angrily let off steam.
  • Driver: You're a very naughty engine!
  • Michael Angelis: Said Gordon's driver.
  • Driver: Now James will need another shower. You'll have to wait your turn till later.
  • Gordon: Good riddance.
  • Michael Angelis: Huffed Gordon.
  • Gordon: I'm far too busy to waste time with water.
  • Michael Angelis: He finished his journey safely and steamed into the big station. The Fat Controller was waiting. So are Gordon's coaches and the passengers.
  • The Fat Controller: Goodness gracious!
  • Michael Angelis: Said the Fat Controller.
  • The Fat Controller: You can't pull the train, Henry will have to do it. Gordon you better get cleaned straight away.
  • Michael Angelis: Gordon was soon being washed.
  • Gordon: Mind my eyes!
  • Michael Angelis: He grumbled. Then he pulled trucks for the rest of the day.
  • Gordon: Goods trains, goods trains!
  • Micahel Angelis: He spluttered. He felt his position deeply.
  • Gordon: That's for you, and you, and you!
  • James: Trucks will be trucks.
  • Michael Angelis: Laughed James.
  • Gordon: They won't with me.
  • Michael Angelis: Snorted Gordon.
  • Gordon: I'll teach them.
  • Michael Angelis: James got ready to take the express when Gordon returned.
  • Gordon: Be careful.
  • Michael Angelis: Warned Gordon.
  • Gordon: The hills are slippery. You may need help.
  • James: I don't need help on hills.
  • Michael Angelis: Replied James huffily.
  • James: Gordon thinks he knows everything.
  • Michael Angelis: Earlier the storm had slipped Gordon's Hill blowing leaves on the tracks which made them slippery. Even know the storm had passed, the hill was still difficult to climb. James knew this. The signal shown cleared, and James began to go faster.
  • James: I'll do it, I'll do it.
  • Michael Angelis: He puffed. Halfway up, he was not so sure.
  • James: I must do it, I must do it.
  • Alec Baldwin: But his wheels slipped on the leaves. He couldn't pull the train at all.
  • James: Help, help!
  • Michael Angelis: Whistled James. His wheels were turning forward, but the heavy coaches pulled him backwards. The haul train started slipping down the hill. His driver shut off steam and put on the brakes, then carefully he stopped the train. Gordon saw everything.
  • Gordon: Ah well, we live and learn. Never mind, little James. I'm going to push behind.
  • Michael Angelis: Clouds of smoke and steam billowed from the snorting engines.
  • James: We can do it!
  • Michael Angelis: Puffed James.
  • Gordon: We will do it!
  • Michael Angelis: Puffed Gordon. At last they reached the top.
  • James: Peep peep! Thank you, goodbye!
  • Michael Angelis: Whistled James.
  • Gordon: Poop poop!
  • Michael Angelis: Answered Gordon.
  • Gordon: Goodbye!
  • Michael Angelis: That night, the Fat Controller came to see the engines. Gordon was miserable.
  • Thomas: Please, sir?
  • Michael Angelis: Said Thomas.
  • Thomas: Can Gordon pull coaches again now?
  • The Fat Controller: If you understand that having a washdown as a sensle to every engine, then yes, Gordon, you may.
  • Gordon: Thank you.
  • Michael Angelis: Grunted Gordon. The other engines settled happily to sleep.
  • Gordon: Dirty or clean, I'm a famous machine!
  • Michael Angelis: Mumured Gordon. But no one heard but him.
  • (Another nameplate sequence occurs and we begin It's Great To Be An Engine)
  • Children: (singing) Oh yes, it's great To be an engine And go steaming along, Puff puff puffing along, Peep peep peeping along. All the people waving As you speed along. Puff puff puffing along All day.We're all so proud to be Famous engines And travel through the countryside. We're always brave when There are hills to climb. No mountain is too high! Oh yes it's great To be an engine As you're steaming along. Puff puff puffing along, Peep peep peeping along. Fly along the rails as Your wheels go round Whiz whiz whizzing around All day. It doesn't matter Come rain or shine. There are always things For us to do. And in the cold cold Wintertime, We're ready. When you light the fire And stoke the boiler And we'll be there for you! Oh yes it's great To be an engine As you're steaming along. Puff puff puffing along, Peep peep peeping along. Feel the wind around you As you push along. Puff puff puffing along All day.
  • Girl: Just think - how wonderful it would be. To live on the magical Island of Sodor, Helping Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends All day long, It would be like a dream come true. If only I could be an engine too...
  • Children: (singing) Oh yes it's great To be an engine As you're steaming along. Puff puff puffing along, Peep peep peeping along. Fly along the rails as your Wheels go round. Whiz whiz whizzing around All day. Oh yes it's great To be an engine And go steaming along. Puff puff puffing along, Peep peep peeping along. All the people waving As you speed along. Puff puff puffing along, Peep peep peeping and Puff puff puffing Steam around all day!
  • (Thomas' whistle toots)